BackLinking Success With EZArticleLink

As an internet marketer, I’m always looking for easier and better ways to get quality backlinks to my websites, so as to boost my search engine ranking.

In particular, I’m looking for a service that:

1) gets me hundreds of backlinks for EACH article I post, regardless of how small my niche is;

2) automatically builds backlinks to the articles that I post, which is the key in article marketing;

3) allows me to post unlimited articles and build unlimited backlinks to unlimited number of domains;

4) builds unique backlinks to my website automatically and infinitely, so that I can forget link-building!

So far, it seems that there is only one system that provides such a service. It’s called EzArticleLink.

Don’t just listen to me. Head to the website now at and check out its huge collection of testimonials (more than 150 of them on its homepage).

If you are still skeptical, there’s even a free membership that you can enroll in. The free membership can easily get you thousands of high-quality backlinks, not to mention its Gold membership!

Good link building system is hard to come by. If you are serious in SEO, you must add this service to your arsenal.

Get your instant access at


[tags]ezarticlelink, backlink, backlinking,seo, seo backlink, seo backlining, search engine optimization[/tags]

Making Money on Amazon: Jim Cockrum’s Proven Amazon Course

If you got anything out of the Ryan Deiss videos I was promoting here a week or so ago, or are at all aware of how Amazon has soared from wall street joke to Goliath you should appreciate this.  Amazon is one of the partners you want to line up with for the long haul.

I just started a new relationship by moving my newest eBook to the Kindle platform, but there is a lot more to Amazon of course beyond books, CD’s etc.  They sell everything. They do it well, and better yet, they ship for you.

As you may know, I started out as an eBayer. One of the best of the best trainers in that arena was Jim Cockrum. As you will see, he is the guiding light behind this new course, I think you should consider taking.  I promise you, he is solid, knows his stuff and a great mentor.

This could be just the game plan you have been looking for and its a lot simpler than most of this internet stuff.

[tags]Amazon, Making money with Amazon, Jim Cockrum, Proven Amazon Course, Amazon Training, How to Sell On Amazon[/tags]

WP Social Pipes – Powerful New Plug In Gains Top Google Rankings

This new plug in is selling like crazy as a WSO Special and for good reason. It simplifies the effective use of significant social media sites to drive powerful backlinks to your web posts automatically, once you have it installed and set up on your wordpress blog.

WP Social Pipes

Listen to the developer’s description below and then get your copy today.

I think this one is a winner. The developer has several more videos showing how this whole thing works on the WSO sales page. Take a few minutes to watch them all and I am pretty sure you will be impressed. I was.

WP Social Pipes

[tags]Social Pipes, WP Social Pipes, SEO Plug in, SEO Plugin, SEO [/tags]

Google Plus One – Viral Plus One Plugin

Google +1 is already blowing its way to the top of the heap and it’s not even officially launched yet. I am convinced it will eventually eclipse Facebook and is some respect already has.

For one thing the circles that are central to +1 will give those of us with many faceted lives the opportunity to control our output and direct it to only those people we wish to communicate with, rather than the entire free world who we have happened to friend along the way.

As a marketer, I have multiple niches, not to mention family, friends and associations via my political and other social interactions. In the facebook world, all would get the same messages. In the Google +1 world, I can send messages to my body building niche to just my body building niche and not also to my home staging niche or any of my other associations.

Now the new +1 system is not fully released and changes are continuing to be made. What is clear is that one new aspect that will be related to this new system is the idea of +1 ing posts, web sites etc. These votes will be similar to “likes” on facebook, but may have more significance as time goes on and have a material bearing on rankings in the Google search engine.

The exact impact of this all is not clear at this point, but it is pretty sure bet that the more +1’s a site can get the better.

As a result I bought a new WordPress Plugin that will help me generate more of these soon to be valuable +1 ‘s by putting a +1 logo at the top and/or bottom of each blog post automatically.

I can also configure it to post within posts, and even have flyovers at scheduled times to encourage people to give me +1s.

Now many people will wait till it’s obvious that such a thing is needed. I think I am ahead of the game on this one, and that I will benefit by being an early adapter.

Google’s struck out in the past in its social networking efforts, but I think it’s finally got its act together on this one. This was a cheap purchase, and represents my first step to really getting a handle on +1. But I feel strong enough about it to recommend you consider adding the plug in to your blogs.

It’s Called Viral Plus One

Word Press Sniper Review Theme Is Live…

If you do any review blogging at all you probably know how difficult it can be to find a blog theme to match your niche.

In fact, it’s almost impossible to find one theme that suits all niches, cuts down your workload,and increases your conversion rates as well.

But not anymore!

In A Hurry? Click Here:

Now you can grab this ONE brand new blog theme and use it on ALL your review blogs, regardless of what niche you’re in…

This custom-coded, ready-to-go, plug ‘n play, fully customizable review theme is exactly what you’ve been looking for:

The Sniper Review Theme:

* Includes the ability to add your own header image or simply use tags to create a title.
* Has a built-in custom WordPress menu
* Includes 5 different color schemes
* Is iPhone compatible!
* And More…

Just go see for yourself and grab your copy now:


[tags]sniper theme, sniper review theme, wordpress blog theme,niche blog theme, wordpress, wordpress themes[/tags]

Now ON Kindle: How To Get ON Google Maps

I am pleased to announce that my newest eBook, How to Get On Google Maps has been accepted for sale as a Kindle eBook by Amazon.

I am thrilled to have Amazon as a marketing partner. In addition to my work being available there for use by Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, Android devices, PC, and Mac users.

In addition you can buy and download a pdf copy directly from How to Get On Google Maps.

Product Description
Every Business Needs New Customers.

This Kindle book describes the easiest and most effective way to get new customers for main street businesses serving a local area or region. The tools and insights provided are applicable to single establishments and chains with multiple locations.

In this book you will learn how to get your business “Found” by prospective customers by ranking high on the Google Places Pages, which are today’s answer to the now obsolete yellow pages of the last century.

Not only will you learn how to claim and set up your Google Places pages properly, you will gain insights into some of the best online marketing tactics of the day.

You will learn how to do effective keyword search using free tools. Tools that will not only allow you to better understand your own customer demands, but also to spy on your competitors and discover their secrets.

You will understand the three main ways to get of top of the search results on Google.

The specific step by step instructions to make sure your Google Places Information is complete, and what is important and what isn’t so that you show up on the favored 7 pack that Google Displays on its Map.

You will discover why you need to and how to create videos and learn about a free service you can use to create animated videos with special effects that will wow your viewers.

You will discover which other directories in addition to Google Places you want to get listed in, including Bing and Yahoo and nine others.

You will also learn of an inexpensive short cut you can take to minimize the time and effort required to complete these listings and gain valuable “citation” support for your listing.

As importantly, you will learn what not to buy.

You will also learn about a free Google service you can use to monitor your own reputation and to keep an eye on your competitors so you know what they are up to.

And finally, you will get a quick glimpse at the significant change that will render many of your competitors web pages obsolete. This same change will work to your advantage when you apply the lessons of this powerful “how to” book.

The End of the Web (As We Know It) Free Ebook

Based on alarming new data, Ryan Deiss is predicting the World Wide Web as we know it, as independent direct marketers, will be dead in 18 to 24 months.

Ryan’s outlined his findings in a shocking new report he’s calling: The “End of The Web?” Report

You can get a complimentary copy right now by clicking the link below:

Inside the report Ryan will reveal…

* The 3 giant companies who are KILLING online “mom and pops”
(like YOU!) using an old Walmart strategy…and how you can PARTNER
with them. (Yep, if you can’t beat ’em it’s best just to join ’em…)

* Why cheap, easy traffic (i.e. Google AdWords) has all but dried up, and the “Brute Force” traffic strategy that is more reliable and less expensive than Google…

* The “5 Phases of Technology” and why the transition from Phase 4 to Phase 5 will render most online businesses impotent over the next 12 – 18 months…

* The $200,000 “bet” I make every 30 days, and how you can follow my lead and cash-in on the largest wealth transfer the web has ever known…

* How the most common gadget in the world is killing traditional eCommerce, and why tactics like upsells and continuity may be gone forever. (There is a solution to this mess, but you have to read the report to see what it is…)

and much, much more…

Claim your free copy of his 24 page report NOW before he’s forced to remove it from the web.

Click the link below to claim your free copy now:

Ryan realizes that he’s making some very bold statements that could come back to haunt him, but he’s willing to risk his reputation to make sure that you don’t get blindsided by these massive shifts in the marketplace.

That alone just move this report to the top of my reading list!

Listen, I know this must sound like a very doom and gloom message, but Ryan assures me there is a rainbow, if you know where to look, and pot of gold too.

He believes that he’s figured out a way for few of us to profit from the coming changes. The report outlines the entire process, along with Ryan’s research data and proof points to inside the report.

Go grab your complimentary copy now Click Here =>

I’m sure that some people will say that Ryan’s being over dramatic or that he’s gotten too emotionally attached to his ideas, but I think that you’ll see: the facts back him up 100%.

Grab a copy of the End of the Web report now for FREE:


[tags]End of the Web, Ryan Deiss, internet marketing, internet marketers, internet guru, Free reports, future internet, internet future[/tags]


Easy Way to Do A “Vanity” Email Address

If you have web hosting with a Cpanel control system, (I highly recommend that you do) you can easily set up “Vanity” email addresses and have them redirect to your main email account.

This allows you to create multiple email address without having to log into a lot of different accounts to read your email everyday.

My friend Glen Hopkins created a short video showing how easy it is to set up these vanity accounts.

I typically recommend Host Gator, which is my primary hosting service although I do have others I use for special purposes.

Is Your Web Site or Blog Mobile Ready?

As always things are changing rapidly online. Today over half of Facebook users are accessing the site with their cell phones. Smaller but rapidly growing percentages of people are trying to find your web page or blog the same way.

Imagine what they will see on that tiny cell phone screen, a small portion of your site that they would need to scroll left and right and up and down. No. they wouldn’t bother. They would just go on to your competitor’s mobile ready site instead.

Now if you have set yourself up on Google Places Pages as we have recommended in the past, you will at least have one site where your key information will show. That’s a step forward. But as much as I like Google Places, it’s not the same as your web site or blog.

That’s why I was pleased to discover two new tools recently released that promise to make the job of converting your sites so that they are mobile ready.

One is for web sites, the other is a plug in for blogs. The good news is that they are priced extremely cheaply for a personal license you can use to convert as many of your own sites as you choose. When I consider that I would charge a minimum of $300 to do this for any of my business clients, this do it yourself system is a real steal.

If you are doing main street marketing as I am, you will want to pick up the added license and make a killing helping other businesses get their site set up properly.

Make no mistake about it. Smart Phones and Tablets sales are going through the roof. Mobile is here today. And most main street businesses are still oblivious to the changes that are happening around them. Help yourself out, and if your are up for it share the skill and tool with others.

For Web Sites
Mobi Connects for Web Sites

For Blogs:
Mobi Connect Plug In for Blogs

Music Lovers Make Money With This

The Wacky Gals have a new offer that appeals to me. A nifty way to start generating money from music lovers interested in downloading music.

The commissions on these may not be huge, but the demand is strong and if you can position yourself properly it could be a nice windfall for you.

This brand new turnkey website is monetized with 4 different income streams and it’s incredibly easy to install…

Just edit ONE file with your affiliate ID’s and upload everything to your server!

In a few minutes you can have it up and running, and ready to make sales later today.

Scoot over NOW and get your piece of the “music
downloads” industry…

Click on the image above to learn more. Or Click Here: Music Download Website

Auto Cash Funnel – A System for New Internet Marketers

There are tons of ways to make money online, but the process of doing so is often confusing and requires a lot of effort for most. There are some central agreements for most approaches. They include:

1) The money is in the list

As such you need to have a way of getting people on your list and then systematically and effectively staying in contact with them

In internet marketing circle the standard claim is that each list member is worth about a $1 a month. It’s not. Some lists are worth more, others less, but the truth is that each list member has a financial value and using a $1 a month is as good a starting point as any.

2) Everybody needs traffic

All businesses including internet ones require customers or traffic to come to their store or web site.

If you have a web site, store or blog and no one comes to it, you will starve. Thus a critical challenge to all businesses is building traffic. This is hard for new ventures, and needs to be a key objective for all.

If you have no traffic, you have no customers … and you won’t make any money.

3) We all want to make money online … and the sooner the better!

These are the essentials for any business including online marketing.

We all would like to make money online, but doing so is frankly easier said than done.

These are the three things that everybody agrees on, yet for the newbie internet marketer they are usually the biggest headaches.

If you’ve been online for any length of time, you’re bound to have tried blogging, SEO, PPC, article writing … all the usual suspects which CAN work, do SOMETIMES work, but usually take prolonged effort to deliver results.

That’s why Chris Freville and Paul Teague have teamed up to create Auto Cash Funnel … the complete Newbie Terror Terminator!

Auto Cash Funnel goes straight for the heart of the problem, dealing head-on the BIG 3 challenges faced by most internet marketers:

# making money IMMEDIATELY!

# growing a significant list QUICKLY!

# attracting targeted traffic FAST!

As well as solving the 3 BIG headaches, Auto Cash Funnel also solves a 4th!

Most people run a mile when they hear talk of HTML and FTP, but the emphasis throughout Auto Cash Funnel is on giving marketers “Guru skills” without them having to lift a finger to anything more than simple ‘cut and paste’.

Paul and Chris guarantee you won’t have seen the techniques used in this coaching, and the emphasis throughout is on white hat, effective strategies that anybody can use without technical knowledge or having to spend out on expensive software.

So, if you’re still struggling in the web wilderness and you’re in desperate need of a helping hand, check out Auto Cash Funnel.

I recommend Web Traffic Dominator for Free Traffic Generation

If you are on my mailing list you might notice that I am using a new form of email link. Its from a new traffic generator I am using. I don’t use it for everything, but I get free advertising credits when I do. In turn, I run ads on the system for a variety of free reports I use to build my lists and to introduce people to a series of offers.

It’s a great and easy way to gain addition customers with very little work. The best part is that its free, although there are upgrades you can buy to make it even more powerful.

Check out the video below for more information.

{tags]Web Traffic Dominator, Free Traffic,Traffic Generation[/tags]

Gary Vaynerchuk Crushed It!

This is the first of several book reviews I will be offering here over the coming week or so.

Who would have thought that a wise-cracking, smart-mouthed 30-something could turn into an internet sensation – with a daily video show on wine? Well, Gary Vaynerchuk has endeared himself to millions through his Wine Library TV, his keynote speeches, and his best-selling business book, “Crush It!” In it, he shares the secrets of his success, including:

  1. Find your passion. Find the one thing you adore above all else and go for it with all your heart. If you look for the “money” niche, you’ll burn out and give up before you succeed. Or you’ll succeed and hate what you’re doing.
  2. Be willing to hustle. Vaynerchuk credits his willingness to do whatever it took to get ahead – including hosting his show five days a week, without fail, for over a year. Don’t just do something once – do it over and over and over again until people start to notice.
  3. Be who you are. Not everyone warms to Vaynerchuk’s in-your-face style, but those who do adore him. He recommends not even trying to please everyone, and instead doing what you do best.
  4. Build the audience and the money will find you. Vaynerchuk swears that he didn’t try to monetize his rabid and ever-growing audience. Instead, the offers came to him. He thinks anyone can do the same.

In sum, “Crush It!” recommends finding a niche you love, working your rear off, introducing folks to the real you, and working hard until your audience grows to the point where they just can’t get enough of you. This book is a perfect read if you’re looking for inspiration to begin – or continue – your journey.

Click on the image above to order your copy of “Crush It!” today at the best price from Amazon.

[tags]Gary Vaynerchuk, Crush It, book reviews,[/tags]

Bing Is Sneaking up on Google and You Should Care.

I admit that I have been a bit dismissive about Microsoft and its Bing initiative, but the facts are clear. While still a distant second to Google, Bing has been gaining at Google’s expense.  They now have about 30% of the market or 3 of 10 searchers. We can not succeed if we ignore that large a percentage of possible customers. Below is an article I found on ezine articles suggesting some tips for Bing SEO.

SEO Tips For Bing

By Jason Nyback

If you believe that Google is still the sole super power in the online marketing arena, you definitely have been living under a rock for the longest time. While Google still holds the big guns in online advertising and marketing, there are small budding search engines that are starting to join the league of online super powers.

It will only be a matter of time before minor search engines, such as Bing from Microsoft, becomes Google’s biggest nemesis. The works have already begun, and as you read this article more and more people are getting drawn by Bing’s aggressive $80 to $100 million advertising campaign!

Early last year Bing entered the online marketing scene thanks to the Microsoft-Yahoo deal. According to the rumors, just give Bing at least nine months to a year before Bing fully takes over the search market of the entire United States and becomes the first ever solid challenger of Google in decades.

The birth of Bing inspired a lot of questions in a lot of people’s heads – “How different is Bing from Google when running an ad campaign?”, “What happens to those have websites that are optimized for Google?”, “Is there a need to panic?”, “Should we start leaning the online marketing techniques of Bing?”, “What is Google going to do about this?”

If before Google set the standards of the game (a website that is highly optimized for Google need not worry about turning up in other search engines because Google have everything figured out), Bing decided to go against the status quo. Bing is quite different from Google and Yahoo, both in the way it ranks pages and the way it presents its search engine results.

That noticeable difference in Bing and Google could resuscitate to life the trend in the late 90’s where all online marketers running a business online had to create separate pages optimized for different search engines; there should be one each for Google, Yahoo, Lycos, and AltaVista. While that scenario is still uncertain, better prepare for the worst by familiarizing yourself with Bing SEO as early as now.

Below are some of the most effective Bing SEO strategies that you should know in order to impress the upcoming search engine giant that is Bing:

  • Go for older domains.
  • Bing has this certain affinity to older domains, compared to those who were just created in the last six months.
  • Work on your titles; be creative and sharp.
  • Just like other search engines, Bing also gets impressed by websites that have witty and compelling titles and headlines on its content.
  • Elaborate more on your articles.

One unique thing about Bing is that it prefers contents that are much longer, with at least 300 words. So on your website articles, do not hesitate to elaborate more.

What if you can’t get more website traffic? Here’s a “secret snowball traffic system” that has generated over 1,175,000 visitors for my tiny websites. Click Here Now to get this free video that will show you how to make it happen for your sites.

Article Source:


[tags]SEO, Bing, Bing Vs Google,local business marketing, Bing SEO[/tags]



Unlimited “Authority” Backlinks – Article Marketing At Its Best

I blew it… I purchased a gold level membership in  EZarticleLink a while back, started to use it and then after a bit of trial and effort promptly forgot about it.

Recently, I’ve been surprised at the success I was having with one of my blogs was doing, despite pretty much ignoring it.  It was the one blog  I was working on when I joined EZarticleLink

I am now completely resold on it, now that I now am in a better position to see the results.

I have long known about the power and value of backlinks.  That’s one reason  I have been so fond of  SE NUKE X,  While not as powerful or flexible as SE Nuke, EZarticleLink is capable of producing a ton of good authority backlinks  for a lot less money than SE Nuke.

I still love SE Nuke and consider it my primary tool to get my chosen sites ranked well in the search engines.  Still, I found myself spending several days last week working with EZArticleLink.  I think the combination will rock.

It may be a good option for those of you into article marketing, but not quite ready to pay for the higher cost SE Nuke.

Now be aware that both programs require a bit of a learning curve.  But once you got it, they are simple to use and very powerful.  The EZArticleLink has a Gold and Silver Version.  The Silver Memberhsip is Free, but I paid up and grabbed the Gold Version and  I am really I did. The perks of the paid version have paid off for me already.

[tags]backlinks, back links, seo, authority backlinks, article marketing, article syndication, link building, SE Nuke, EZArticleLink, [/tags]


You’re about to experience a Mind Shift

Ready or not, this WILL affect you…

Everything you know about email marketing is about to change. And trust me, ignorance is not bliss. If you miss this it WILL affect you.

Do me a favor and watch this short video from Glen Hopkins because it’s a real wake up call.

Watch The Video Now

If you’ve been marketing online for any period of time then you already know how important your email contact list is.

It’s the most important component of your business! It gives you leverage like nothing else can. Allowing you to contact your customers, drive targeted traffic to promotional offers, set up joint ventures, and much more.

But a lot has changed in the world of email marketing in the last few years. And building a quality, responsive list is getting harder and harder. The same old tactics simply do not work as well they once did.

Yes, prospects are still very interested in getting their hands on your freebies and ethical bribes.

But with email spam and unethical marketers running rampant, people are becoming more and more resistant to sharing their REAL information.

So what do they do? Well, sadly as you know, all to often they enter bogus names and email addresses into your opt-in form just to get their hands on your free gift. Or more likely they have a separate email account they use just for freebies and do not check on a regular basis.

So now you’ve given away some of your best content just to add bogus names and email addresses to your mailing list.  Which of course destroys your email conversion rates and increases your monthly auto-responder fees!

I don’t know about you but that’s what I call a complete waste of time and effort!

And frankly it was really starting to tick me off. I knew something had to be done. There needed to be a new and better way to build quality, highly responsive lists.

Ready or not, the impact IS coming.

So you’re about to experience a ‘mind shift’.

I’m not saying it’s for better or for worse, that depends on what you decide to do.

But this WILL affect you.

At least you’ll know what to do. Most people will be blind sided. That’s why I’m posting this today.

We’re at a cross roads and one path leads to something much bigger, the other is a dead end.

So I hope you take the time to watch this right now…

[tags]Facebook Instant Optin Plugin, WP Plugins, Opt-in, Opt-in plugin[/tags]

Costs of Advertising on Facebook

Facebook is claiming a lot of time from its users, so much so that I sometimes advise my clients to forgo using it at all as it can be a major time suck, if you know what I mean.

The average person spends 55 minutes a day on Facebook, and if you assign Facebook duties to one of your employees, you can count on many of them far surpassing that statistic.  If you are like most business owners, you proba bly don’t have that kind of time to spend there either.

That said, Facebook can be a major tool for many businesses, but you need to learn how to use it wisely.  There are a lot of Facebook Guru’s out there these days, some good and some not so.

As I explain in this brief video, one of the guys I trust is a wet behind the ears kid, but in this case one who knows his stuff.


I recommend you check out his newest offerings. It may help you find a way to not only afford the costs of advertising on Facebook, but actually make it pay big time for you.

Go to

[tags]costs of advertising on facebook,how much is advertising on facebook,price of advertising on facebook,Facebook,Social media, Austin Walsh, isocial academy[/tags]