Google Plus Capsizes Google Places Pages?

For the time being, I am not happy with this past weeks change in Google Land.

Google is transitioning all Google Places Pages into Google Plus Business Pages. If you have a Google Places Page, and you should, it’s probably already happened to you.

This is apparently the first step in a series of steps Google will be rolling out in coming months. It may well turn out all right, but in the interim at least I have some issues.

For one, under Google Pages you had up to five categories you could appear in. The Google Plus Business Pages list two.

The videos we created for clients or provided by clients are not showing up on the Google Plus Business Pages either.

I am told, but cannot confirm, that the presence of Videos, Pictures and Citations will still matter, but I have some doubts.

One thing that will matter in the future will be backlinks just like normal web pages, as Google Plus Business Pages will be indexed. But what will really matter is the extent to which a business is able to get there customers to Plus 1 them.

In the new bold social media world Google envisions, the results you will get when you do a search for a toaster or restaurant will be determined by what your circle of friends has Google Plus’d in the past.

In their way of seeing things, this is what would happen if you were at a party or function and asked your friends for a recommendation.  Makes some sense, but I harbor some doubts about the long term results of this.

In the near term there is a certain amount of consternation as we all come to grips with the changes and then work to figure out how to make the changes work to our advantage.

One thing is clear. Google Plus will matter. You want to have a Google Plus page, even if you did not have a Google Places Page.  There are a lot of features to Google Plus that will become more valuable and useful as more and more people discover that they need to be on Google Plus. The Hangouts for example have a lot of potential. But frankly, I have ignored them so far.

They are working there way to the top of my to do list.

I expect to be writing multiple posts on Google Plus in the coming weeks. I will share the information I discover as I get it and make sense of it.

The speed of change continues to rock the internet marketing world. I will do my best to stay on top of these changes and help make sense of them for you and your business.




Using Squidoo as a First Tier Backlink

Squidoo is one of those secret weapons that at one time was a huge SEO favorite. A backlink from Squidoo used to carry a lot of weight by itself due to the high page rank of the site.

This is less true today, as is the case with many SEO favorites. The value of the Squidoo link faded as people abused the process and Google has changed its algorithm multiple times since Squidoo’s heyday.

It still has a role to play though, together with Hub Pages, blogger and similar sites. It is a great place to establish a link to your “money site” and then build backlinks to the Squidoo lens using various bulk linking strategies.

I used to use SE Nuke to build bulk backlinks. but now pretty much rely on fiverr to create them. However, instead of sending these backlinks to my target sites I send them to the Squidoo lens.

By backlinking my backlinks sources, especially higher page rank ones like Squidoo, I get my individual lens the attention from Google I need to transfer that link juice to my money site.

My most recent example is a lens on Unclogging drains.

My linking to the Squidoo page, I hope to transfer Google juice ultimately to my target web site for a Minneapolis drain cleaning service.



Does Your Business Have an Invisible YouTube Video?

Did you spend money on a video for your business?  Has the investment paid off? Probably not if it’s not showing up on the first page of Google Results for your keyword. While YouTube is itself a huge search engine, the real profits occur when you can get that video to show up on a relevant Google search.

If you can get your YouTube Video to Rank on the first page of Google Search results you can get significantly enhanced visibility for your business in at least two ways.

First let’s look at the following two Google Searches. The first is a fairly typical search with ads on top followed by organic results below.

The next is similar, except that in this case a YouTube video is showing up on the page. What do you want to bet that listing gets more clicks than most of the others?

YouTube Videos Stand Out

I can’t prove it, but I have heard that these listings get a LOT more traffic because people like videos and also because it just stands out.

Now if the video does a good job at presenting your message and you have a good description which sends people to your page you are going to get good results.

The second reason this will help you get more business is that this video placement in no way keeps you from ranking your Google Places Page or Organic listing on the page as well. If you can get all three listed, people will virtually be stumbling all over you and as a result you will get a solid chance of doing business with almost everyone who searches for your keywords.

Do you have a YouTube Video That No One Sees?

Now many businesses have YouTube videos that are not ranking or showing up on the first page of Google. It takes a special effort and know how to get them ranking. And that is precisely the new service I am offering to local businesses.

I admit I am new at this myself, but I am so confident that I can get your existing YouTube video to rank, I am for the time being offer a zero down, no risk deal to the next handful of businesses that contact me.

There are some conditions. I need to be sure it will be worth my while, but here is the deal. Once we agree to work together, I will at no cost to you employ my techniques to get a copy of your existing video to rank on the first page of Google.

Once I do, and only after I do, you will pay me an agreed upon fee which we will negotiate upfront. (Depends on market, competition and difficulty level)

Once it’s up, you should start seeing results. If after 30 days of it’s being up, you decide it’s not working for you, for any reason whatsoever, you can contact me and I will refund your entire initial payment.

How’s that for a risk free offer?

Assuming it is working, you will pay the monthly fee via a paypal subscription. You will be ale to quit that at any time as well. No long term contracts.

Now to do this effectively, I can only work with one customer per niche per city. Otherwise the positive effects would get diluted. So if you have a video that sells your business, but that is not now ranking on the first page of Google, give me a holler.

This is a first come first serve deal. And my free upfront charge will disappear as soon as I get yours and a few other people’s testimonials. (And the monthly fee as well.)

Email me at enetwal @ and put “YouTube Offer” in the subject line so it doesn’t get overlooked when I wade through my email.


[tags]YouTube Maketing, YouTube SEO, SEO, Local Marketing[/tags]




Work From Home Mastermind Formula

Whether you have tried to start your own online business and failed in the past, or you are brand new and want a clear cut, proven strategy that will guide you every step of the way, you will
want to read EVERY word of this post…

In A Hurry? Click Here:

Work From Home Mastermind Formula

You see, not so long ago I struggled to find a way to make money online…

I tried everything you could imagine – from affiliate marketing to freelancing – and I left no stone un-turned.

I was determined to join the ranks of those who had quit their “day” jobs and never looked back again.

I knew I could do it… and in fact, I did!

And right now, YOU can do the exact same thing.

Forget whatever you’ve heard about how costly and difficult starting a successful online business can be…

With a simple set of instructions that teach you everything you need to know, you can:

* Create a profitable online business without
investing a fortune in start up costs, marketing,
design and development.

* Become successful with your online business
regardless of your experience, skill or location
if you follow the basic foundation to building
profitable websites.

So go grab your copy of “Work From Home
Mastermind” now and get started right away:

Work From Home Mastermind Formula

Commission Autopilot is A Huge Success!

Paul Ponna’s newly released Commission Autopilot software suite has blown me away.

I have long been an advocate of article marketing, but the truth is that article marketing while still an effective approach is not what it once was.

What I liked about article marketing was its dual role as a source of both traffic and backlinks. I use these for both my own affiliate marketing efforts and as a way of helping my offline clients get found online.

What Commission Autopilot does is focus on an entirely separate group of highly ranked internet sites that have existed for years but somehow stayed off the typical internet marketers radar. These are the document sites like Scribd.

I actually have had several items on Scribd for several years, but did not realize what potential the site offered until I saw the advance webinar Paul had for people on his list on New Year’s day.

Once I watched his webinar, I jumped on the product buying it for my own use, and made sure I was signed up as an affiliate to promote it. In this case, because it was too good not to share with the good people on my lists and who read my blogs.

Now I am a little disappointed, because Paul is using the traditional sales video with it’s standard sales format to promote the product now that it is available for general purchase. The webinar I watched was far more persuasive, because in it he actually showed more of the power of the software, it action vs. merely extolling it’s promise in the sales video.

The primary offer consists of two separate software products. The first makes it super easy to identify high quality articles based on any keyword you select, and allows you to attach your link to the front or back end of the article or both.

The second software element, distributes that article or articles to the top 18 document sites on the internet. Several of which are in the top ranks of all internet sites and get millions of viewers daily.

The bottom line is that these articles you post benefit from the high Google Page rank of these sites and show better than the traditional article marketing sites I have used in the past. They also pass Google Juice to my sites.

Since the articles are closely associated with the long tail keyword I initially seached with, they are highly targeted and the people who find then via Google or direct access through the site are just the people I want to see my affiliate offers or send to my blogs or other internet properties.

All of this is done in minutes once you learn the ropes. Yesterday, I create nearly a dozen projects, each of which resulted in 180 high ranking backlinks and will eventually send hundreds if not thousands of visitors to my targeted sites over time.

Paul is strongly hinting that he will be taking this site down shortly, and is scheduling training classes to help people learn how to utilize the software more effectively.

I am used to people saying things are in short supply, but in this case it may be true. I urge you to take a quick look. I bought in a flash once I saw it’s potential and think you should as well.


For more info go to:


[tags]Commission autopilot, Article marketing, affiliate marketing, paul ponna[/tags]

Mobile Media Books I’d Like For Christmas

The world keeps changing faster than I can keep up. I have recently identified three books, that I think I should read, and would recommend to anyone who is shopping for a internet marketer, or local business owner who likes to stay in front of the major trends.

The biggest of which, we have all seen already but not fully appreciated and that is Mobile. The move has just started, and its multiple profound impacts are yet to be seen, but hey will be.

We may really be at the beginning of something that will be even more radical than television when it first came on the scene and even the pc revolution that took a decade plus to spawn the internet and the many giants that have followed in the aftermath.

I took some time off the afternoon to do some Christmas Shopping at the Mall of America, and checked out Barnes and Noble. They had only one of the titles and no special pricing. So If I don’t get these in my Christmas stocking, I will do what I usually do and order them from Amazon.

The books are:

Social Location Marketing

Mobile Marketing 101

The Third Screen

I have begun to develop mobile websites for myself and will soon be doing them for clients. The next step for me is to develop aps, and I now know what I need to do to get that business running. The how to is critical of course, but understanding the width and breath of the coming revolution is at least as important.  That’s why these particular books are on my list, and why I would recommend them to you.

How can I recommend books, I haven’t yet read? Well that’s just part of the coming revolution. I have a network, I know and trust and they have advised me of the top three I need to read.

And that will happen again and again and again and again in the emerging mobile world. Now is the time to see the future and prepare for its many opportunities.


Linked In – Get This Free Linked In Crash Course

Discover How to Harness The Power Of LinkedIn For Your Business

It’s hard to keep up with all the social media sites out there.

Linked In is by far the more powerful vehicle, if you are in business. If on the other hand all you want to do is share photos and chit chat with friends, the winner is clearly Facebook.

Unfortunately, in my travels, I’ve discovered that while a lot of people have set up Linked In profiles, many are pretty confused about how to maximize the power of LinkedIn properly.

There are a lot of Linked In Books For Sale and I encourage you to grab a copy and study one or another.   I particularly recommend Neal Schaffer’s work on the topic.  But any of the top listings on Amazon are probably well worth reading.

But if your reading list is already too long, I have prepared a concise five part crash course on Linked In you can subscribe to for free.


Linked In Crash Course
Click to Sign Up for Crash Course


[tags]Linkedin, Linked In, Linked In Crash Course, How To Use Linked In[/tags]

Start Your Own Daily Deal Business Model

The success of Groupon and similar Daily Deal Business models has been taking the internet by storm. What most people do not realize is that it is possible for individuals to get into the business.

Marc D. Horne and Hollis Carter of HC Consulting Group have introduced their new Daily Deal Empire software, a hosted daily deal aggregate platform at an affordable price making it well within reach of anyone who is goal oriented and willing to dig in and make their share of this bold new opportunity.

Their technology combined with their superior support make this a near sure fire game plan for anyone seriously interested in the daily deal business. What’s great about their system is that it involves a low one time front end cost that will surprise you at it’s affordability, and a very modest monthly hosting fee of less than $25 a month.

This powerful software makes it easy for people to enter the daily deal business model, and profit from group buying and managing daily deals without any prior technical know how. Daily Deal Empire is backed with comprehensive training from the start with ongoing support from HC Consulting. they will help you build, grow, and evolve a profitable daily deal aggregate business.

This is clearly not for everyone. But it is a significant opportunity for anyone looking for a real business that they can start from scratch and build into their own empire. It’s also low risk, for they offer a money back guarantee, and your initial investment is really low. What you will need to do is focus on the project and make it work. This isn’t a pie in the sky business model. And you will get the support you need. You just need to put the time and effort in and within 30 days you will know if its going to work for you or not.

To learn more about the opportunity be sure to watch this video, and then make your decision.

=>   Daily Deal Empire



[tags]daily deal business, daily deals business, daily deal companies, daily deals companies, daily deal business plan, daily deal business model, daily deals business plan, daily deals business model, daily deal empire[/tags]

Traffic Travis Professional Tools for Accomplished Internet Marketers, And Those Who Intend to Become Pros

I’ve switched back to Traffic Travis as my favorite “Big Boy” Tool. I like the wide range of information it can generate, and frankly lately I have been having trouble with Market Samurai hanging up on me.

If you are not familiar with Traffic Travis the video below provides a nice walk through of all its capabilities.  The founder, Mark Ling is from New Zealand and has established himself as one of the world’s top experts.  I have been using his stuff for over four years now and offer my 100% endorsement.

Click here to learn more

[tags]Traffic Travis, Market Samurai, Mark Ling, SEO Software, Market Research, [/tags]

The Evolution of Google Search in 6 Minutes

Google published a short video I found worthwhile, outlining the history of search and showing an insight into its future. Search is what made Google the giant it is, because its focus from the start has been on the needs of the person doing the search.

My goal as a marketer is to put my products on the internet in such a way that they will be found by the people who are looking for them. Google is a key player in this process.  So while some people think of SEO work from a black hat perspective, trying to game the system, I tend to look at it from the white hat perspective of helping Google find the right content, my content, when that is what they are looking for.  Anyway, here is there video.

for more information on my services go to Minneapolis Internet Marketing Consultant . com

Need Help Writing Niche Articles? Article Marketing Just Got Easier With Jiffy Articles.

If you are doing niche marketing online one of the key strategies for success remains article marketing.  There are services out there where you can buy articles, but if you are into doing it yourself there is a new free service you want to check out.  It’s called Jiffy Articles.

Jiffy Articles is the cure for writer’s block.  It’s a MASSIVE database of over 2,000 article templates combined with a web-based interface that walks you step-by-step through creating niche content using any of the templates you choose.

Dozens of categories are covered so far, and more will be added soon once user feedback comes in. I expect the number to grow rapidly as this is a service that makes it a lot easier for do it your selfers to focus and create worthwhile articles.

Here’s the kicker: while we’re beta testing Jiffy Articles, accounts are completely free.  At least for now. Check it out now while it is in Beta testing. If it pans out as I expect it to, you will want to be on board before the price tag gets put on it.


[tags]Jiffy Articles, article marketing, article marketing hints, what to write, article templates, writers block, overcoming writers block[/tags]

Spinning Articles? I Recommend The Best Spinner

There is some debate online about the way Google treats “duplicate content.”  The dominant view is that it matters and matters a great deal. I’m not completely sold, but nonetheless I do use a spinner on many of the articles I post in multiple locations. Just to be safe.

When I first encountered spinners, I was turned off.  The quality of the results was so poor I would have been embarrassed  to have my name associated with the results.  That has changed.  I actually use two different systems to do spinning, one of which is inside a link building machine called EZArticleLinkwhich I have  shared with you to some extent last month and the other is called appropriately, the Best Spinner.

The newest version, the 3.0 version has just been released, and at a reduced price of just $47 a year. A real bargain for such a powerful tool.

There are a lot of other software systems out there that use The Best Spinner as a part of their internal operations. The biggest and baddest of which is SENukeX, which allows me to magnify the reach of my link building by helping automate the process of sending out spun copy to the world with ease.

I mention SENukeX, because it is the top of the line system and could have paired up with any other spinner it wanted to, but choose The Best Spinner, simply because it is the best spinner.

If you understand the power of spinning articles, and are willing to learn how to do it the quickest and easiest way, I encourage you to get your own copy of The Best Spinner.

Your alternative is to go to Fiverr, and get someone to spin your articles for you for five bucks each. Most of them, use the Best Spinner although I can’t claim to know that they all do.

So if you like to do your own thing, or expect to need more than 10 articles spun a year, the best bet is the Best Spinner.

I use it, inside SENukeXand on its own.

I also use the EZ Articles service as well, but it’s coding is different making it harder to use outside EZArticleLink.  That’s why I suggest you get the Best Spinner, unless you already are a member of EZArticleLink, and even then if you are going to upgrade to the power of SENukeX at anytime in the coming year.

Good Tools are essential to long term success online. The Best Spinner is one of the best tools.

[tags]The Best Spinner, EZArticleLink, SENukeX, Article Marketing, article spinning, Spinning, spinner, article spinner[/tags]


How To Fix Your Facebook Fan Page

If your facebook fan page just hit the fan, you are not alone.  Probably in excess of 2 million Facebook Fan pages are expected to get clobbered by Facebooks new policy that goes into effect on October 1, 2011.

All eternal apps and i-frame source pages need to be https:// and not merely  http://   This is a big deal.

If your ear’s to the ground and you follow stuff like this, the news isn’t new news. Facebook announced the policy back in February.  But most people either didn’t hear about it at all, figured it didn’t apply to them, or let in go in one ear and out the other, so to speak.

For the month of October, I expect to be doing a lot of Facebook work helping local businesses in the twin cities area get set up on SSL and then working with them to build better Fan Pages altogether.

You could do the same, or even just do your own thing if you are the hands on type of business by using either or both of the two resources I will be using.

The best guide I’ve seen for setting up the SSL certification process is the

==> SSL Facebook Report

Getting set up is not difficult, but it is a multi-step process that includes several small purchases and several interim waiting periods,  that make it a multi-day effort.  As such it is a perfect project for a small business consultant, like me, to handle for businesses that are otherwise focused on running their business and not their facebook fan page.

Now once set up, the next question is how effective the fan page really is in meeting the businesses’ actual goals.  Just like the web sites I’ve written about in the past, most small business Facebook Fan Pages Suck.  Even those done professionally are often deficient in key aspects.  That is where the second tool is invaluable.

==> Instant Facebook Fan Pages

With the Instant Facebook Fan Pages system, what used to be a tedious process is made simple. Like everything, you get better with practice, so while a business may do well by owning and using it themselves, it’s ideally a tool for those who wish to help local businesses get set up on facebook.

Now I will be charging my local clients a $150 introductory fee to get them fixed up on the SSL issue. Most people I know charge around $500 for setting up a facebook page, which is where I typically am as well, although I tend to package it with other services, including an autoresponder setup, ethical bribe generation, and the essential keyword research that is so critical to determining how many and which fan pages to focus on initially.

[tags]facebook, ssl, fan page, fanpages, facebook fan page, instant facebook fanpages, [/tags]





Halloween Tools for Profit

Halloween is the second most lucrative holiday for online marketers after Christmas.

Time is getting short, but you can still grab a serious opiece of change if you take action soon. The best deal, I’ve found so far this year is one offered by the Wacky gang.

Currently on a dime sale with the starting price that is super low. I grabbed it myself and have put up a Squidoo lens with some of the info on Women’s Halloween Costumes

But that is underselling the info in this package. You get a series of web templates, five individual reports you can sell or giveaway with links to amazon products (I adapted this to my Squidoo lens) and a bunch of articles you can use on your blogs, web sites etc.

There’s barely over a month before Halloween…
got your Halloween websites ready to earn for you?

The Wacky Gals have put together a Halloween
“Treat Bag” for you…

You get everything you need to start cashing in
on all the Halloween sales that are starting:

* Website Templates and WordPress Themes
* 5 Top Halloween Product Reports with MRR
* Minisite To Sell The Reports
* 15 Halloween Articles
* 10 Top Affiliate Programs

And right now you can grab it ALL at a DIMESALE
price, so don’t sit on the fence…

Head over and grab yours now:

[tags]halloween, halloween marketing, wacky gang, wacky gals, dime sale, dime sales, [/tags]

Build Your Websites in Minutes…

Oh my gosh, I just came across a WHOPPER of a deal that you won’t want to miss…

I’m sure you know that it’s a smart idea to have multiple streams of income coming in from a number of websites.

Creating websites used to be time-consuming and tedious, but NOT any more!

Now you can create sites in just minutes and have them online, ready to earn for you, in almost nothing flat:

Plus you get some great bonuses to help you get some websites up fast. And it’s running as a DIMESALE, so hurry over now:

How I Use ezArticleLink – A Practical Guide

Just a quick heads up on ezArticleLink, the price for Gold Membership will be going up soon, ie on September 16. If you are considering upgrading your free Silver membership to Gold do so now.

The key to success online is to outsource as many tasks as possible and yet retain control over quality.  Article Marketing is an excellent way to build backlinks which in turn is the primary way to raise your various web properties in the search engine results. We want to get top ranking because that gets us free traffic we do not need to pay for and even better, keeps that traffic coming week after week, and year after year – if we mind out p’s & q’s.

But some one has to write those articles, someone should spin those articles and then you need to get them distributed widely to generate those backlinks and not just to no name sites, but sites that have some real link juice to matter to Google.

Now some people say they can write articles in 5-10 minutes. It takes me an hour minimum.  So while I still do write a fair number of articles myself, I have taken to using services like or even fiverr and I’ve been advised that 99centarticles is also a good resource for getting articles written.

My favorite is Needanarticle, but it has a monthly subscription fee that while low, may make the others a better choice for those of you who tend to dabble a bit.

Once you have an article or say 5, (I like to do chunks of five articles) the next step is to spin them. One of the best spinners out there is called TheBestSpinner which I use in conjunction with SEONuke a highpower backlink software tool, that is in the advanced category and relatively expensive.

I can use that tool to quickly generate spun copies of articles and while speedy, it does tend to result in some convoluted articles with a bit of pidgeon English or worse.

If I want a cleaner and more readable spun article, I go to ezArticleLink.  The spinner here requires more hands on effort, but after a bit of experience using it, I’ve been able to spin articles in about 15 minutes.

The results actually read well and I am not embarrassed to put my name to them, which I consider a real plus.

Now while 15 minutes doesn’t seem like too much to devote, I have largely switched to letting ezArticleLinks cadre of spinners do the work for me.  For $3 and article They will spin the article in a day or so. I then post the article, and it starts building backlinks to my chosen site using the three keywords I have designated per article. As a Gold member I am guaranteed 300 such backlinks dripped over time, whcih is nice because it is more natural and less likely to upset the Google gods.

As a Gold member, I also get 100 bonus links for every article I post which I can direct to any site I choose, whether I have it set up on ezArticleLink or not.

So the equation now looks like thsi for me. I buy five articels for about $30 +/- put them on ezArticleLink and get them to do the spinning for another $15 for five articles for a total outlay of about $45. From that I get at least 2000 backlinks that I can direct to sites that I want to rank on the search engines that are dirpped out over time. Better yet as a gold member the articles keep getting added to more and more sites well beyond the 300 minimum for an indefinite period which means that my site will continue to get new backlinks long into the future which will help keep in on the top of the rankings.

If I am in a highly competitive niche that needs more backlinks, I just run another set of five article s every month or two until I dominate the niche.

This is certainly not the only way to do this. But it is an effective way, that is relatively cheap and very effective.

If you are starting out and on a limited budget, you can of course join for free, write you own article and spin them yourself.  I thinks everyone should do this at first actually so you learn what and how the system works. But as you pick up some cashflow, it make sense to focus on building your business and not doing these more mundane tasks. This is a lesson some of us do it ourselvers need to learn. It took me far to long to move to this model of subbing out tasks, and acting as a general contractor, but I promise you it is the way to go. And ezArticleLink is a great tool to have to get your backlinking done.

Check it out.

PS: I will tell you it took me some effort to learn the esArticleLink system when I first started. They have tutorial videos, but I needed to really focus on them to get properly set up at first. If you have trouble – do persist. You will get it and it will pay off for you once you master the system

[tags]ezArticleLink, article marketing, backlinks, linking,senuke,the best article spinner,[/tags]