The Micro Business Specialist is like life a journey. A journey whose goal is to share valuable insights, skills and knowledge to those intrepid souls who have taken on the challenge of building their own business. But not just any business person. This blog is dedicated to those business people who are personally responsible for all aspects of their business.
I often refer to it as being where, Me, My and I are responsible for almost everything. That may mean you have no other employees or not. It does mean that even if you have outside help on one or more aspects of your business, you are not only ultimately responsible, it is essential that you understand what needs to be done, and why.
I have been self employed most of my life, and frankly believe that I was self employed even when I worked for others. I choose to see my employment as me hiring a boss rather than the other way around. It was a great mental attitude, but my boss didn’t care for it when I advised him he was screwing up.
The common truth I’ve come to understand over the years is that we each have our strengths and weaknesses. While we may be great at certain core skills that define our business and its mission, we often has weaknesses that can interfere with our long term success. Sometimes we are forced to spend so much time struggling with and trying to overcome our weaknesses, we spend less time doing what we are good at than we meed to for our long term success.
I don’t have the magic wand to correct that stress fault that besets so many of us, but I have over the years encountered many good ideas that I hope to share with the readers of this blog.
As I started this message, this is a journey. I am taking this journey selfishly. I hope to clarify some of my own weaknesses in the process. But as the same time, if I am to be successful, I need to do this selflessly.
And I intend to do so. My goal will be to identify arenas where many of us could use help and then share my best ideas on the topic and ask you to counter with your own. Over the years I have been know to reinvent the wheel. In this exercise, I hope to borrow heavily on other peoples existing work, rather than create my own. But you will probably find me doing both.
I invite you join me on this journey if you too are struggling to develop your own business venture. Together we will face new mountains and overcome them. Together we will slide down the other side to success and prosperity.