Getting traffic and list building are the heart of internet marketing. Traffic equals new faces seeing your offer, a list is the tangible remainder of a lot of traffic.
Traffic is like the drip drip drip of water seeping down from the roof of a cave, the resulting list is the stalactite or stalagmite that remains after time. A visible tangible result of lots of traffic over time.
Not to stretch the metaphor too far, the richer the content the faster the pillars of your list grow. But getting that initial drip going is the key to long term success.
So far in my career online, I have used a number of techniques to get my list to grow. I’ve used pay per click, blogging, giveaways and ad swaps. Each of the approaches have worked, even though I haven’t always optimized my approaches to the tactics.
This past weekend I discovered that I have been missing out on a whole series of other approaches to generating traffic and ultimately list building that I just didn’t know about, or if I did know about them, was not taking seriously enough.
Upon making the discovery, I decided not to kick myself in the pants, but rather to start taking advantage of the new ideas. But first, I felt obliged to share. Now the fact that there is an affiliate commission in it for me is only part of my motivation. I genuinely think most of my readers will discover a lot of new ideas in this package. Frankly, I’ve only made if though the first 3 and a half modules of twenty and I am already blown away.
In fact the very first module called eBook syndication got me so excited, I almost stopped right then and there in and urge to dive right in. It’s so easy, and I already have tons of material I can use to make it work. My guess is that you do as well, if you have been active online for any period of time. What’s even better is that this can be used by rank newbies starting out.
Now I can’t give a full review, cause as I said, I’ve only started to scratch the surface, but there was so much gold lying on the ground, I didn’t need to do an extensive dig to discover enough value to justify my recommending this to you.
Click on the offer below. Get the freebie, but do more than that. Watch her video and imagine what you would do if you were able to grow your list at the rate of 3000 a month.
Frankly, despite my best efforts, I haven’t been able to come close to that. With what I have learned so far, that no longer seems like an unreasonable goal. Not without effort, mind you, but not unrealistic either.
The program is called the Traffic Dashboard by Kim Roach. At first glance those of you familiar with my friend Marlon Sanders will see a distinct similarity in look. These tactics may be as old as Marlon as well, but they are new to me, and I think they will be new to most of you as well.
If you end up discovering that you knew them all already, you can ask for a refund, but I don’t think you will. If you are like me, you will be too busy building new traffic resources for your business.

Click on the link above and watch the video. Then do yourself a favor and grab your copy. Don’t worry, the price is extremely reasonable.
[tags]traffic, traffic generation, list building, Kim Roach,traffic dashboard,[/tags]