Creating your own ethical bribes to use on your web site as gifts for people who leave their email seems like a big thing for some people. Others are afraid to create even simple reports for sale to the public. It seems as though many people are frozen in their tracks when it comes to creating reports.
This need not be.
Joel Osborne has just released a three report package on product creation. And while getting over the hump and creating your own internet information product is probably the most valuable thing you can do, he is all but giving these away. All three books for just $17, plus he is giving you resale rights so you can turn around and sell all three reports to others while you are writing your first report.

– If you have ever wanted to create your own product but was unsure of how to do it, the “Product Creation Success Package” has the information that you are looking for!
– The package contains 3 informative reports which cover virtually all areas of product creation.
– At the price that Joel is offering this package for, I don’t think he will keep it live for too long.
Product Creation Success Package
If you haven’t already created a half dozen or more of your own products, you will find these to be well worth your time and a no brainer from the investment side.