I’ve been focused on main street marketing lately and will continue to be creating some more videos and pursuing other efforts as well. But I will definately be continuing my blogging.
I have had some recent success promoting the new street fighter program which is opening today. I encourage you to check it out if you haven’t already.
But today I want to share a new free software tool I came across from Matt Callen called Affiliate Camo. It offers Link cloaking and conversion tracking as a plug in for wordpress blogs.
It is simple to set up and is a powerful tool that will protect you from commission thieves and provide you with great intelligence on which of your links are most effective.
There is a one time upgrade that I recommend you give serious thought to. I starts with a $7 day trial and has some significant viral advantages for early adapters.
[tags]affiliate camo, Matt Callen, Plug ins, Plugin, plug-ins, link cloaking, conversion tracking, street fighter, main street marketing, [/tags]