Some time ago I got interested in Squidoo as an inexpensive way to create a web presence. It was relatively easy and free. It wasn’t until later that I learned how valuable a site it could be for generating backlinks to other web properties.
Now knowing something and doing something with that knowledge don’t always follow. At least in my case. It turns out I know how to do a lot of things that frankly I don’t always do. How about you?
I published a Squidoo eBook called Squidoo Basics and get a few sales every now and again, but haven’t actually promoted it in the past. I had a stray sale the other day that reminded me of its nearly orphan status, and I decided to give it a promotional push.
I’ve also been experimenting with Market Samurai a keyword research tool plus more and selected a series of keywords to focus on. The best in my estimation was the phrase Squidoo eBook.
So I went to my one page sales letter and added my new keywords, title and descriptions as I teach others to get the page itself set up properly for the search engines.
I then started writing. First a I did an article on my Home Staging Business Tips blog on Squidoo, making sure to create a Squidoo eBook anchor text backlink to my sales page.
I then took the guts of that article and posted it on Active Rain, which is a real estate authority blog site that many homestagers also use. I again used the same anchor text.
From there I went on to create a quick Blogger blog who’s one post is on Squidoo and yes with the same anchor text. Then on to Hub Pages, and then Knol, and now back here to Micro Business Specialist. You can fully expect to see a link in the coming paragraphs.
I intend to follow this up with a series of articles that I will post to the article directories. With any luck the combination eventually gain me a first page listing on Google.
Anyone who searches Google for the phrase Squidoo ebook should be a pretty good prospect for an eBook Called Squidoo Basics, don’t you think?
Now, I’ve heard varying theories on how best to do this, so I am open for your comments. But my goal here was to create a circle of backlinks from a variety of high ranking web sites and some less so to start driving my single page sales page higher in the Google Search engines.
In the past, I have advocated linking first from one source to another and then to another to flow the accumulated Google Juice to one spot. In what I did today, I did not link from one to another, but just to the sales page.
While I like to pretend I know everything, I’d be interested in readers comments on this. I can always go back to each of these and create some cross links. I do know that I do not want to have links going from a to b and b to c and c back to a. That creates a circle and apparently negates the value of the back links. Same with a to b and b to a.
The topic of Squidoo is certainly large enough that I could easily go to any of these sites and add more content which will give me ample time to promote my Squidoo eBook. I am also likely to go back to Squidoo and create some additional lens on the topic, rather than add to the existing one. That way I will have another backlink, rather than just a backlink from a longer Squidoo Lens.
If you are new to Squidoo I invite you to click on my link and join Squidoo for FREE!

[tags]Squidoo, squidoo ebook, backlinks, seo, search engine optimization, hub pages, knol, market samurai,[/tags]