Getting backlinks remains critical for most competitive niches, even after a good job with on page optimization.
In the post panda world, the rules have changed, but the imperative to build backlinks remains. They just need to be diverse, relevant, with a wide variety of anchor texts, a mix of no follow as well as do follow and several more clearly identified, must dos.
I just came across a great one page summary from Brad Callen as part of the launch of his new automated tool called Backlink Beast.
I predict it will be the SEO tool of the year, but the purpose of this post is to get you a copy of his backlinking cheat sheet. He has authorized me to share this with you.
I printed it out as a permanent reference.
On the sheet he deals with Anchor text and offers general guidelines as to what percentages of exact match, URL, Random and Brand backlinks to use.
He also touches on backlink relevancy as well as the much discussed need for backlink diversity.
He explodes the persistent myth about do follow and no follow links, I hope once and for all and suggests an optimal range of no follow links you want to have and why.
Then on the more technical side he covers referring C blocks quickly, before discussing the ratio of links to your home page versus inner pages on your site.
And finishes by covering dead links (not what you may think) and total links and warns about a mistake too many people make that kills their chances for success.
All in one page! and for free! Get the cheat sheet now.
And then be sure to check out the tool he has created to help you win in today’s post panda world.

[tags]back link, backlinking, Backlinks[/tags]