Discover How to Harness The Power Of LinkedIn For Your Business
It’s hard to keep up with all the social media sites out there.
Linked In is by far the more powerful vehicle, if you are in business. If on the other hand all you want to do is share photos and chit chat with friends, the winner is clearly Facebook.
Unfortunately, in my travels, I’ve discovered that while a lot of people have set up Linked In profiles, many are pretty confused about how to maximize the power of LinkedIn properly.
There are a lot of Linked In Books For Sale and I encourage you to grab a copy and study one or another. I particularly recommend Neal Schaffer’s work on the topic. But any of the top listings on Amazon are probably well worth reading.
But if your reading list is already too long, I have prepared a concise five part crash course on Linked In you can subscribe to for free.

[tags]Linkedin, Linked In, Linked In Crash Course, How To Use Linked In[/tags]