Mobile Media Books I’d Like For Christmas

The world keeps changing faster than I can keep up. I have recently identified three books, that I think I should read, and would recommend to anyone who is shopping for a internet marketer, or local business owner who likes to stay in front of the major trends.

The biggest of which, we have all seen already but not fully appreciated and that is Mobile. The move has just started, and its multiple profound impacts are yet to be seen, but hey will be.

We may really be at the beginning of something that will be even more radical than television when it first came on the scene and even the pc revolution that took a decade plus to spawn the internet and the many giants that have followed in the aftermath.

I took some time off the afternoon to do some Christmas Shopping at the Mall of America, and checked out Barnes and Noble. They had only one of the titles and no special pricing. So If I don’t get these in my Christmas stocking, I will do what I usually do and order them from Amazon.

The books are:

Social Location Marketing

Mobile Marketing 101

The Third Screen

I have begun to develop mobile websites for myself and will soon be doing them for clients. The next step for me is to develop aps, and I now know what I need to do to get that business running. The how to is critical of course, but understanding the width and breath of the coming revolution is at least as important.  That’s why these particular books are on my list, and why I would recommend them to you.

How can I recommend books, I haven’t yet read? Well that’s just part of the coming revolution. I have a network, I know and trust and they have advised me of the top three I need to read.

And that will happen again and again and again and again in the emerging mobile world. Now is the time to see the future and prepare for its many opportunities.


Is Your Web Site or Blog Mobile Ready?

As always things are changing rapidly online. Today over half of Facebook users are accessing the site with their cell phones. Smaller but rapidly growing percentages of people are trying to find your web page or blog the same way.

Imagine what they will see on that tiny cell phone screen, a small portion of your site that they would need to scroll left and right and up and down. No. they wouldn’t bother. They would just go on to your competitor’s mobile ready site instead.

Now if you have set yourself up on Google Places Pages as we have recommended in the past, you will at least have one site where your key information will show. That’s a step forward. But as much as I like Google Places, it’s not the same as your web site or blog.

That’s why I was pleased to discover two new tools recently released that promise to make the job of converting your sites so that they are mobile ready.

One is for web sites, the other is a plug in for blogs. The good news is that they are priced extremely cheaply for a personal license you can use to convert as many of your own sites as you choose. When I consider that I would charge a minimum of $300 to do this for any of my business clients, this do it yourself system is a real steal.

If you are doing main street marketing as I am, you will want to pick up the added license and make a killing helping other businesses get their site set up properly.

Make no mistake about it. Smart Phones and Tablets sales are going through the roof. Mobile is here today. And most main street businesses are still oblivious to the changes that are happening around them. Help yourself out, and if your are up for it share the skill and tool with others.

For Web Sites
Mobi Connects for Web Sites

For Blogs:
Mobi Connect Plug In for Blogs