Build Your Websites in Minutes…

Oh my gosh, I just came across a WHOPPER of a deal that you won’t want to miss…

I’m sure you know that it’s a smart idea to have multiple streams of income coming in from a number of websites.

Creating websites used to be time-consuming and tedious, but NOT any more!

Now you can create sites in just minutes and have them online, ready to earn for you, in almost nothing flat:

Plus you get some great bonuses to help you get some websites up fast. And it’s running as a DIMESALE, so hurry over now:

How To Decide Which Clickbank Product to Promote.

As affiliate marketers we often rely on Clickbank for inventory to sell.  It offers products to sell in a lot of different niches.  Quite a few in many of the more lucrative fields.  Some pay to promote, others may not perform.

Deciding is a complex mix of knowing your competition, the quality of the site, its products, gravity, and trend lines, etc.  Some pay more,  some have residuals.  We can analyze all the above or rely on pure guess work.

Now in the past, I looked and ultimately kind of grabbed a product and ran with it, if only to get the experience.

But as you get more systematic and start following a plan of consistent action for massive results, you want to focus on the best products, which when coupled with your best efforts yields maximum profit.

But you can’t be wasting your time researching the sales page of junky Clickbank products that won’t sell. Your time is too valuable.  Instead spend your time focused on the best options and use the ones that best fit your particular niche and approach. Your results will be better, for the same amount of effort.

There is an easy way to discover the best performers.

Brad Callen introduced a free plug in for Firefox, that highlights the best performers from among all the products listed on Clickbank.

It’s easy to install.  I have, and it works great.

The plug in color codes each product offering on Clickbank, and reports critical information on its marketability.  Those colored green, met a set of standards for marketability that is proprietary to the product. The red ones didn’t and are to be avoided.

You will succeed faster by focusing on those products with stronger prospects.

The one rub is that it’s kind of a black box.  We don’t really know the full contents of the equation they use to decide who gets green and red and why.  But we can get a pretty good idea by listening to their introductory video. Enough to make a decision on.

Do you think it makes sense to try it for a while? Would it help you find better products to promote?

The basic version is free so you can test drive it for years if you want.

Once it’s working for you, upgrade to the paid version, but no need to do that now. Unless you want to.., of course.

Whether you are working facebook, twitter, blogs, email marketing, moble or more, Clickbank is a huge resource – no matter what your niches.

Your objective is to promote the cream of the crop, not the poor performers.

This free tool will eliminate 80% of the clutter, so you can focus on the 20% of solid offers that will pay you for your efforts.


[tags]clickbank, CBSurge, firefox, plugins, firefox plugins, affiliate marketing, niche marketing, twitter, blogs, email marketing, [/tags]


Free Gift for Clickbank Users

If you are doing affiliate marketing and use clickbank as one of your primary resources for product to sell, you will want to grab this free plug in created by Brad Callen for Firefox users.

One of the most important steps in promoting an affiliate product is in picking just which products you want to promote.  This new FREE tool will let you see a lot more information than you can get from Clickbank itself.

Most people I know, rely on gravity scores to make their decisions. While gravity is a useful aid, it can be very misleading, and most importantly, its an incomplete means of judging.

If you are going to the trouble of setting up a full fledged marketing campaign you want to start off with a quality product with some upside. This new firefox plugin will help you do that.

[tags]clickbank, CBSurge, firefox, plugins, firefox plugins, [/tags]