While I have been blogging for a while now, I am far from an expert. Luckily, I have run into Mike Paetzold who is as good a blogger as any I have encountered so far online. I have learned a lot from him and monitor a couple of his blogs on a regular basis.
In a new posting today, on his Word Press Made Easy Blog, he offers a list of the plug ins he uses. This is an important topic and I wanted to share it with you. Plug ins are powerful and can seem mysterious as well to those just getting started in blogging.
I will be going through his list of plug ins and comparing it to the ones I am currently using. You may want to do so as well.
However, you need not follow his list blindly. I will be not be changing one for sure. I prefer the audio manager plugin for pod casts to the one he uses. That’s not to take anything away from his list though. Different plugins work differently on different themes. That ads to the Joy/frustration of Plug ins, but it is the real world. So you will need to experiment.
You can find his list at: http://wptutorial.com/blog/information/plugins-i-am-using-right-now While you are there you may want to do yourself a favor and sign up to his list. He will reward you with a good ebook, called Blog Tracker thats worht $37. More importantly, you will find that Mike is a valuable resource if you are blogging on a regular basis. And you should be.