Make Money Online Fall Training Session Opens Monday

The school year is now in full swing and the kids are back at it, but should you be as well?

Education is a lifelong process, and it is especially important if you are looking for a way to supplement, or replace your current or lost income due to the economic realities of the day.

It’s been many years now since I made the decision to work for myself, and to do so at home in my basement dungeon office.  And while it’s been a struggle now and again, I’ve got to tell you,  I can’t imagine going back to the old routine of the typical JOB. (sorry for using profanity.)

Now I took the slow road to learning internet marketing.  I largely taught myself, and while cheaper, it took a lot longer than it should have.  It wasn’t until I started finding reliable mentors that I was able to make any real progress.  The first of which was Bob the Teacher.  I like Bob and highly recommend his training.  His C-panel course is one of my top affiliate products, because I constantly pitch it because it did so much for me personally.  These days I recommend his IM Success Library to newbies as a great way to learn the different key skills.

Bob’s big strength and in my opinion his biggest weakness is his step by step patient coverage of each and every detail.  This comes from his background as a high school teacher, and is great if you are really new to things and unsure of yourself.  After a while though, when you know a fair amount already it gets a bit too slow and plodding for impatient sorts like myself.

I eventually found Doug Champigny, whose approach is altogether different.

Rather than slow and steady, he is must faster paced.  Earlier this year he started his Power Start 2010 training sessions, and even though I had already mastered a fair amount of this internet stuff, I found myself gasping for air as he plowed through a ton of material in a 4 week course.  Now the great part of this approach is that you have the videos and can always go back to them. And you don’t need to waste a ton of time on the topics you already know.

I found myself reviewing one of the videos earlier this week as I set up a new blog. By now I’ve set up quite a few blog sites, but I found his walking through the set up of plug ins and settings to be valuable way to double check that I didn’t forget anything important.

I need to go back to spend time on the video and podcasting sessions as well, but that’s another story.

I mention all this because next week, Doug is starting up the last session of the course for 2010. He has mercifully stretched the material out to an 8 week course, and has also added a significant additional material on affiliate marketing.

If you have already gotten your feet wet and yet know you have some serious holes in your internet education, I would highly recommend you consider signing on with Doug.  He is my mentor of choice these days and can offer you a significant education in a short period of time.  You need to be prepared to dig in and be prepared for a teaching style that treats you as an adult.

If you are still tentative about your own ability to learn this stuff, skip Doug and check into Bob the Teacher.  His approach is also valid, and will get you where you need to go, but in a much gentler manner.

There is a ton of stuff to learn before you can really stand on your own online, despite all the easy button programs out there.  If you aspire to be an independent home based internet marketer, who can actually do much of this stuff without having to run to others to help you every other second, you will need to learn a lot of stuff.  Once you do, you will be able to write your own ticket.  And if you choose, you can still outsource it to others.

Next Monday starts the final session of his coaching program for this year – the 8 week course will run through October and November, and the students will most certainly be ready for 2011, ready to make major strides online.

During that 8 weeks you’ll learn everything you need to know to go from wherever you are right now to as far as you want to take it online…

You will llearn how to set up blogs, MRR products, PLR products,write articles, create e-books, drive traffic, do audio and video, social media marketing and more.  Not only will you know how to do them, you will actually have already DONE all that by the end of the course.

You’ll see by the video testimonials on the site, including one from me, that the classes benefit anyone from the complete newbie to those already doing OK online who want to do that much better.

There’s even an option to spread the tuition over 3 months, even though the course is just two months.

Doug and his wife Teri have been at this full-time for over a dozen years now. Prior to that they had their own ad agency.  They really ARE professional marketers, not some of the young kids who offer coaching after 6 months online themselves.

If you’re ready to get serious, ready to take your online biz to the next level, tired of struggling and getting nowhere and really want to make 2011 your best year yet, be sure to get enrolled today at: PowerStart Coaching Program

Remember, this is the LAST time this course will be offered this year – don’t miss out!

[tags]powerstart, Doug Champigny, Bob the Teacher, C-panel, Internet marketing coaching, internet marketing training[/tags]

What’s the Easiest Way to Make Money Online?

I recently got asked again about the easiest way to make money online. Now my feeling was the asker was looking for a sure fire, push button way to get rich quick for no investment on their part.

I’ve puzzled over how to advise newbies many times in the past, and despite my feeling that he wasn’t serious I took the time to answer and I am sharing it here. In the process I am introducing a new product by Ken Sar and Leon Klepfish called List Catcher. I think it may be a real shortcut for many starting out, and even established marketers.

Here’s my reply to my wishful thinker.

You need a product to sell, and a list to sell it to. It’s that simple.

To do it online you need to have an auto responder. There is no way around that. This is the tool that captures and allows you to automate emailing to your list.

Once you have an auto responder, you need a product, but more importantly you need to have a squeeze page. That’s the page you send people to. It is a very simple web page, but it must be hosted somewhere. Usually that means you must set up a hosting account with a hosting service. this is your second ongoing cost. Normally, it also means that you need to buy a domain name, which is cheap, but also an expense. These three ongoing expenses are essential. If you’re not willing to invest in these, there is no way you are ever going to be successful on line.

However, with the program I mentioned to you in my last email, you can avoid the second two for a while. You will eventually need to get all three.

The program I mentioned also costs, but it will save you a lot of time in getting started.

You will still need an auto responder.  I recommend you go to aweber and set up an account there.

Then go to the List Catcher Service and join there program.

They provide you with a professionally designed squeeze page that offers people a free product. When they get the free product they are offered a second paid product. Most will not buy it, but some will.

To make this work you will need to set up a free account with Clickbank. Once you join the list catcher program they will take you step by step through the sign up process. It’s easy.

To make this all work, you need to learn how to send people to your free offer on your squeeze page. There are lots of ways to do this, many of which are free. The easiest is using Twitter and Facebook. I also like to do article marketing, blogging and occasionally I will do Pay Per Click advertising. There are also a lot of free traffic exchanges which can be used to send people to your offers. Generating traffic is a key skill that you need to learn.

It’s easier to learn when you actually have someplace to send them. So as I see it, this program that gives you a series of products and squeeze pages makes a lot of sense. You can start promoting these and learn how to do traffic. Once you are successful here, you can spend time learning how to set up your own web sites, create your own products, etc.

Making money online is not easy. It takes time and you need to learn a lot of different skills. The most important part of the equation is the act of starting.

The List Catcher program allows you to short cut part of the learning curve, by not needing to learn how to do your own squeeze pages, and not having to create your own products. It does require you to get an auto responder, and then to learn how to generate traffic. But for now you can skip getting web hosting and learning how to manage your C-panel and create your own squeeze pages.  They also provide you with a series of profitable click bank products you can sell, so you have a constantly expanding inventory you can promote over time.

As the saying goes, there is no free lunch. It will take some monetary investment, a significant amount of time, and a commitment to persevere.

My only question is, do you have the willingness to take action?

[tags]Leon Klepfish, Ken Sar, List Catcher, aweber, make money online, getting started online,[/tags]

Description Meta Tag – Key Considerations

I’ve just completed a new youtube video in my ongoing series teaching main street and other businesses how to more effective set up their web sites for marketing purposes.

For a site to be of value to any business it must of course be found by prospective customers.  Ideally, you want to be number one on the free organic listings.  If you are, you will get more people clicking on your listing than any other on the page, including those who are paying to have ads at the top of the page.

While every site is different, the most recent statistics suggest the top organic listing will get 43% of all the clicks on a search engine generated page compared to about 18% of the clicks that will go to one or another of the paid advertising ads.

The second highest organic site will get on average between 20-25% and the rest will go to those organic listings from positions 3-10.

For some reason, the 10th place listing does better than those ranked 3-9, presumable because some people like to start from the bottom up.

These numbers change from time to time, the most significant change appears to be that fewer people are clicking on the ads.  It used to be that they claimed a full 25% of all the clicks.  Some think that’s just a function of more people being aware of the difference between the paid ads and the organic research as more and more people gain computer literacy.

Now the first struggle is to get to page one. The second struggle is to get to the top of page one. But in the interim, what you have in your Description meta tag can help you wrestle a few more percentage points of clicks on your listing, wherever you are in the rankings from #1 to #10.

I hope you found this video and post useful. Please leave any comments, questions or suggestions in the comment section.

[tags]Meta tags, metatags, description tag, organic listings, seo, search engine rankings, page one ranking[/tags]

Affiliate Camo – A Great New Plug-in

I’ve been focused on main street marketing lately and will continue to be creating some more videos and pursuing other efforts as well. But I will definately be continuing my blogging.

I have had some recent success promoting the new street fighter program which is opening today.  I encourage you to check it out if you haven’t already.

But today I want to share a new free software tool I came across from Matt Callen called Affiliate Camo.  It offers Link cloaking and conversion tracking as a plug in for wordpress blogs.

It is simple to set up and is a powerful tool that will protect you from commission thieves and provide you with great intelligence on which of your links are most effective.

There is a one time upgrade that I recommend you give serious thought to. I starts with a $7 day trial and has some significant viral advantages for early adapters.

[tags]affiliate camo, Matt Callen, Plug ins, Plugin, plug-ins, link cloaking, conversion tracking, street fighter, main street marketing, [/tags]

Local Business Marketing SEO Tips: Title Tags

The single easiest and quickest thing most local based businesses can do to positively impact the value of their web site is to change their title tags. This is particularly true for small businesses serving a local market.

The title tag is the text that appears in the uppermost left corner of your computer screen when you go to any page on your web site. This is the title of your page which was set up when your web page was first designed. It can be changed at any time.  You should do so as soon as you finish reading this article if any of my suggestions apply to you and your business.

Your title tag is set up in the header code of your website in what are called the Meta Tags.  There are several key things a business needs to know about meta tags, but we will focus in this article on the Title Tag.

Each page of your web site should have a different title tag. Many small business web sites have a home page and a handful of other pages. If you got a simple web site built for your business, your home page may well be called, “HOME.”

If this is the case you definitely want to change it.

Another common title tag many businesses use is their name. Such as “ABC Co.”  This is almost always a poor choice.

A far better idea is to use the dominant term your customers are likely to use when doing a search to find you. Thus if you are primarily involved in installing replacement windows, you want our title tag to be “Replacement Windows.”

That tells the search engines that your web site and your business are about replacement windows.  Then, when someone does a computer search for “replacement windows”, the search engines will consider your site as a possible result to display for them.

Since people from around the entire world wide web might be searching for replacement windows, they will want to narrow their search down a bit.  If they live in Atlanta, Ga  they probably want to find a contractor somewhere near Atlanta, no matter how superior the skills of your installers in Minneapolis may be.  So while they may initially search for the term, once they see the millions of results, they will instinctively add a modifier to narrow their search to their local area.

Thus if your business serves the Atlanta area, you want to put “Replacement Windows Atlanta” as your title tag.  In Minneapolis the same, “Replacement Windows, Minneapolis – St. Paul or something similar.

This geographical add on, is the secret weapon of Search Engine Optimizers the world over.  As simple an idea as it is, there are tens of thousands of small business web sites that still have “Home” as their title tag, and it’s costing them lost business.

Now your business may have more than one main product or service.  In that case you should have a separate page to your web site for each of these functions.  Every page has a title tag, and so your page on “Vinyl Siding” should read “Vinyl Siding Minneapolis St. Paul.”

This change can be accomplished in mere seconds, by your computer person or even yourself if you have access to the c-panel of your web site.  In some smaller markets, this alone may be enough to move you to the first page of results and help you generate new business.  It is a powerful tool, but only one of several steps you need to take as part of your business marketing strategy in more competitive markets.

Far too many businesses have given up hope on their web sites.  Mostly because they never see any real business as a result of them.  Many small business web sites were originally set up people who knew how to do the graphics and such but did not understand how to effectively market the sites.

While title tags are an easy start, you want to find a knowledgeable search engine optimization resource who can help you transform your business’ web site into a marketing tool and not just an internet placeholder.  The surprising news is that local businesses are the easiest to apply these business marketing strategies to. Now go and get your title tags fixed.

There are several other changes you may want to make to your Meta Tags and the actual pages of your web site. To learn more about these you may want to purchase my ebook on the topic, Main Street Rises to the Top of the Search Engines,

[tags]local based business,small business,marketing your business,business marketing strategy,local business marketing,business marketing online,title tags,SEO tips,meta tags,[/tags]

Local Business Marketing With An Article Marketing Strategy

I just created a new YouTube video in which I talk a bit about why local businesses should use article marketing as part of their business marketing strategy.  This is part of my own strategy to promote myself as a Search Engine Consultant for businesses in my home town of Minneapolis, Minnesota and the Twin Cities area.

In addition to advocating the use of article marketing, I am promoting the use of Youtube and other videos. Youtube is the biggest and strongest resource for getting video backlinks to your page. You will note that the description I use on YouTube for this video points to the page on this blog promoting my Minneapolis St Paul SEO services.

This link, and the tags I used on the video help build this page’s ranking. Now SEO is a hard niche to break into. After all all my competitors have a head start on me and they know SEO. But I’m not about to let that deter me.

Can You Avoid the Social Media “Time Suck” & Still Prosper!

If you spend more than 20 minutes a day on Facebook, Twitter and or linked In check this out.   (free)   social media blueprint

It’s part of a new social media promotion that’s currently underway.  I have been promoting this to my list.  The key point I want to get across today is that social media sites like Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin, FAcebook, etc are all powerful tools. Each and all of them probably belong in your daily routine.

The problem comes from spending too much time on them.  I refer to it as the TIME Suck, and for a while I pretty much just didn’t go there. But that was a mistake.

I need to be there, and in all likelihood you do as well. The key is to develop a discipline that gets you there and then gets you away.

The best tool I had going for me in the past was Mike Paetzolds Twitter Time Saver which is still a great strategy to establish yourself as an expert in your niche. Well worth the small investment.

The social media blueprint teaches an approach designed for marketers who want to use the major social sites without wasting a ton of time. They say you can get it done in less that 17 minutes a day.  I take longer, but then I have 9 twitter accounts which is why I like Mike’s product.  But I now get it all done in about 1/2 hour a day.

Since the average person in the US spends 55 minutes a day, you can see that it is a real time saver.  I recommend you check it out. And then adapt it to your own circumstances. For me, I still spend a little more time, but I’m pleased to say I am getting a lot more done in a lot less time these days.

[tags]social media, twitter time saver, Mike Paetzold, isocial, isocial media, linkedin, twitter, facebook, youtube, social media bluebprint[/tags]

Plumbing Minneapolis – an SEO Study

I just completed the first in a series of studies I intend to do on local businesses in Minneapolis area.

In the study I look at the top 30 web sites on Google when searching for the term, “Plumbers Minneapolis.”

The objective for me is to develop clients for my SEO consulting services in the “real world” of day to day businesses.  Each of the participants will get an email informing them that their web site was mentioned in the study and provided with a link to the study.

While the report focuses on their specific results, a lot of it is boiler plate that applies to the topic in general. Thus I expect to re-use the bulk of the report for additional industries.

It turns out that there are several pretty good web sites in the area, but most are shall we say “less than optimal.”  Any experienced internet marketer should be able to assist any of those of page two or three of Google to win a first place showing.

Now of course that will vary keyword by keyword, but as the plumbing example seemed to show, the major term”plumbing” was better accounted for that was a second term I selected which had to do with one possible reason a person would call a plumber, ie Hot Water Heater Replacement Mineapolis.

For this term, the competition was very limited.  This points out a basic error of many main street web pages. To the extent they are set up to rank for  a term, at least in this case they were ranked for the term they may have wanted to appear under in the Yellow pages: ie Plumbing and Plumber.

This old way of thinking reflects the Yellow page tradition and not today’s likely web search that is more likely to be based on the issue on the mind of the searcher, in this case hot water heater problems.

The report I prepared can be viewed at

I expect to refine the report, and hopefully find a way of condensing it as I do repeats of the effort in the coming weeks and months.  If you happen to see any errors in the report or have other suggestions, particularly on making it clearer and more readable, please let me know.

I note that a new training program aimed at reaching out to Main Street Businesses is in the offing Called Street Fighter.  It will go into pre-launch next week, and are actively looking for affiliates to join them in the launch.  I’ve signed up and you may want to as well.

As this little study shows, there is a lot of room for improvement in main street business web sites.  If you aren’t making as much money as you would like online now, or better yet, if the people on your list aren’t you may want to steer them into this course and opportunity.  There are many wide open opportunities in your community. Street Fighter

[tags]industry report, Street Fighter, off line marketing, main street marketing, affiliate programs,SEO, search engine optimization,[/tags]

Effective Email Marketing Tips

Writing Effective Emails

Writing effective emails can make a significant difference in the results you get.  A well written email can easily outperform an “average” email by 500% or more.  If you want to maximize sales, you really want to spend a few extra minutes to create an effective email.

There are several key steps you need to take into account when you sit down to create an effective email marketing campaign.

The first is to be clear on your prospects “hot button” concerns.  Not only do you need to understand what your prospect wants, you also need to deeply understand why they want it.

For example, say you are marketing a hot new stereo system for automobiles.  You need to understand if your prospect is interested in your product because they are an audiophile and appreciate excellent sound quality.  Or, perhaps your prospect is primarily motivated by getting the coolest neat equipment to impress his friends or prospective girlfriends.

The approach would clearly vary.

Once you have settled on just who you are trying to reach with your email and why you can begin to write.

Your initial objective is the get your prospect to actually open the email.  If you have been doing a lot of mailing to your list, the first obstacle may be your own past emails.  Were they all hype and sales? If so, the odds are that your prospective reader will be less likely to open your next one.  So the takeaway here is that as part of any ongoing email campaign, you want to be sure to offer a good amount of good content, information etc, so the recipients are more likely to be willing to open your email.

That said, the key to getting your email opened is a strong and interesting title or subject line that grabs their attention and arouses their curiosity.

Generally these titles should be short. Ten words or less. They should not telegraph that you are selling something, but instead should be focused on the motivation behind the “hot button” as described above.

If your selling gold clubs to people who want to improve their golf score, a subject line like, “These Golf Clubs Will Shave 5 Strokes Off Your Score!”

A subject like that speaks directly to their hot button and their motivation.  What is your prospect trying to accomplish?  If you identified that as we suggested above, the writing of a compelling subject will come easily.

Once you get them to open the email, you need to make your case.  But you case is not to get them to buy your Golf clubs, or stereo or what ever. The objective of the email is to get them to go to your sales page.  That’s where you will do your actual sales.

People are busy. They do not want to read a ton of stuff. Most have more email than they can shake a stick at and pretty much just browse to see what appeals to them.

Thus you want to keep the body of your email short. Generally between 3-5 paragraphs.

In doing so, you first want to connect with them on a personal level. You know their hot button, and used it in your title, now you need to build on that.  “When I was first getting started in golf, I was using an inherited set of clubs that weren’t right for me…”

Another key aspect of email marketing to a list is to always talk to individuals and not to your list. While people may understand that they are on a list, they really want to be addressed personally. So talk in terms of me to you, like you would in an email to your brother. Subconsciously, they will respond better.

Finally, tell them what you want them to do.  Close with a call to action to click your link to take them to your sales page. Remember the goal of your email is not to sell them anything, other than to move to the page that will do the selling.

Follow these simple tips for writing effective emails and you will get significantly improved results.

For more tips effective email marketing grab a free copy of Profitable Email Copywriting, and for other internet marketing advice bookmark my blog:

Feel Free to Reprint this blog post on your blog or to link to it. Just be sure to leave in the link to the free ebook and to my blog.

[tags]effective email marketing, effective email, writing effective emails,[/tags]

Articles For Backlinks – Using Articles For SEO Purposes

The primary goal of writing articles for SEO purposes is to generate as many backlinks as possible to your web site or blog post.

Creating articles for backlinks is a long term strategy that will generate traffic to your site from people who happen to read your articles and come to your site for more information. This traffic can be substantial, if your article is attractive enough to get a lot of people, or even just one person with a large following to reprint your article on their site.

More powerful in the long run is the value of the backlinks these reprints generate. Every article directory that carries your article will generate a backlink to you, and thus help raise your sites ranking on the search engines.  That’s why some people use article submission services like Content Crooner to get their article posted on as many different article directories as possible.

Since many of these article directories have moderate to high page rank status, these are often valuable links.

The better the article itself, the more likely that it will then be reprinted on other blogs, ezines, etc.  And that is where writing articles for SEO really pays off.

Whether you have posted in many or few article directories, your goal is to get as many of these other blogs and ezines to post your article as possible.  To do so, you need to provide interesting topics for people to read.  Seems simple, and yet a lot of articles people post online are BORING, or pointless.

People go to the internet most frequently to find information. And while you may be mostly interested in selling them something as part of your business, that’s not what your article should be about.

For example, if you are a building contractor that specializes in remodeling bathrooms, you would be better off writing about new trends in barrier free tubs and showers for the graying baby boomer population.  An anecdote about Mrs. Brown who was having trouble getting into and out of the tub, will be interesting to thousands of Mrs. Browns and their children.

This potential interest by potential readers is the secret to getting other people to reprint your article. The editors and bloggers you want to reprint your articles are looking for material their readers will appreciate.

While your market may be local, the interest in your topic is more global, so you may get reprints from bloggers around the world. Their readers may be thousands of miles away from your market, but since you are writing articles for SEO purposes that doesn’t matter to you.

Your targeted web site is getting the backlinks you want, and they in turn will help you raise your standing in the search engines. Since you compete locally, you don’t need to have more backlinks than anyone else, you need to have more backlinks than your local competitors.

And in most fields, that is still relatively easy to do. Thus when a local Mrs. Brown starts searching for a barrier free shower or tub, the odds are better that your website will appear on the first page, where she may actually see it.  And that’s when the payoff of creating articles for backlinks begins.

[tags]articles for seo, articles for backlinks, seo, article marketing, more backlinks, backlinks, Content Crooner, article submission, article submission services[/tags]

Use Twitter as a Tool for Backlinks

Twitter has certainly become one of the major new players online in the past year or so. And it can be an effective tool for gaining backlinks to your web properties.

You can and should use your twitter account to develop relationships and promote your sites.

The most effective way to do so is to follow sound twitter guidelines. Tweet regularly and tweet useful and/or interesting stuff. Ideally stuff your twitter followers will in turn retweet to their followers.

One of the things I do is to use Twitter Feed. It shows recent tweets and allows people to sign up for an RSS feed of tweets. It’s free and is worth adding to your blog. Go to  You can see mine in the middle column below the long Green Advanced Twitter Marketing Banner. (By the way this is well worth buying, if you want to learn a strategic way to build your twitter following(s.)

I first reported on this a few weeks ago after catching a post in Mike Paetzolds blog. See: My Twitter Post or go to his: Paetzolds Post

Another free tool to use is now called Social Oomph! but I used to know it as TweetLater.  To get a free account go to

The key to all this twitter stuff is to expose more and more people to your blog or websites and get them to go there and to link to them.  To encourage them to do so, one simple but useful idea is to simply ask them.

In your tweets, include a phrase, “Pls RT”, same with your blog posts.

If it’s good content, many will.

Building backlinks is an ongoing process, and it does require some regular work.  And since so many tweets are ignored these days, it’s imperative that you offer good and most importantly relevant information to your list.

Now the best idea I’ve run across again comes from Mike Paetzold.  He sells the information so I will not release it here. But I can tell you its worth grabbing.

In his Twitter Time Saver report he shows how to connect several different free resources into a system that allows you to find and tweet abouthighly relevant material for multiple twitter accounts in less than half an hour a day.

This give you instant credibility with your followers, because you will be providing links to other people’s stuff worth knowing about, and you will come to be seen as an expert in a twitter world otherwise awash in hype and nonsense.

Twitter properly applied can be a very useful tool to identify hundreds of people interested in your topic or niche, and willing to backlink to your sites.

Again as always this assumes you are providing good content worthy of a backlink.

To get more ideas on generating backlinks do yourself a favor and get my report on Online Backlink Strategies .  Remember, backlinks are the key to getting your pages listed on the first page of the search engines. A small investment in learning the hows and whys will pay significant dividends down the line.

Finally, at the upper top right of this post you will see a green Tweet Me button.  This is from the TweetMeMe plug in. Upload it and put it on your blogs.

Now do me a favor and click on the Tweet Me button, and then when you are done,leave a comment for me below. Tell me what you liked, didn’t like and any additional comment you may have about this post, using twitter and backlinking in general.

[tags]twitter tool, twitter ranking, twitter rank, twitter pagerank, twitter backlinks, twitter page rank, social oomph, twitter time saver[/tags]

10 Strategies to Increase Backlinks

Strategies to Increase Backlinks

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been working on a new report that outlines 10 strategies to increase backlinks.  Backlinks are critical to getting a better page ranking for your keywords and pages.  I am pleased to say the report is now finished, and I am offering it for sale for a mere $7.00.

Online Backlink StrategiesTo Rank High on the Search Engines You MUST Get Backlinks,  and Usually a Lot of Them.

This report outlines 10 basic strategies you can use to generate all the backlinks you could ever need, without having to pay a dime for them.

  • Discover which tactics work and which to avoid
  • Learn why all backlinks are NOT created equal
  • Learn Best Practices for Twitter backlink success.
  • Is Article Marketing a Relic of the Past?
  • How to Get Others To Give You Tons of Links
  • Do you Want Quality or Quantity?
  • Should you PAY for backlinks?
  • Are Link Swaps Worth the Effort?
  • How to Use Facebook for Links
  • Are Press Releases Old Hat?
  • and Much more… Now Only $7

Full 30 Day No Quibble 100% Money Back Guarantee

[tags]increase backlinks, backlink review, how to increase page rank, pagerank backlinks, add backlinks, backlink seo, free backlinks[/tags]

Why Backlinks Improve Pagerank

How and why one web site gets ranked on the first page of a Google Search and another is on page 23 is a mystery to many small business people. And even experts will disagree on the details.

The exact formula used by Google is a closely guarded secret that changes from time to time. However enough is known to provide practical guidance to anyone who wishes to improve their overall ranking for any given keyword phrase.

There are a number of “on page” factors that matter a lot in this ranking process. This includes a proper set of meta tags, and the effective use of keywords on the page and if possible in the URL of the site. But once these basics are properly completed, the focus of search engine optimization shifts to the creation of backlinks.

A backlink is any link from another web property that connects (or links) to the target site. These can be links from other pages on the site, but most importantly include links for other web entities.

In the simplest way to think of it, you could consider each such link to be a vote. The site with the most votes wins.

And while in general this is true, it is only part of the story.

In the internet world, not all votes are created equal. Google in particular give the votes from your cousin Susie’s occasional blog far less value than a vote from the Smithsonian. Different web sites are assigned a page rank value which is a rough estimate of its standing in Google’s eyes as an authority. The higher the page rank, the more weight in has in the equation to rank a site.

In a recent report released by Ryan Deiss called the Authority Codes, he suggests that a single link from a site with a Page Rank of 5 is roughly equal to 555 links from sites with a page rank of 1.

While I cannot verify his information, I use the example to point out that the differences in page rank are significant.

That said, one backlink is better than no backlink, and the more links you get the better in terms of your sites ranking.

Because in the final analysis, the fight for a high ranking is very much like the old story of two hunters who have a bear chasing them. One stops to tie his shoe. The other says, Don’t be silly, you can’t outrun a bear. The other says, I don’t need to outrun the bear – I just need to outrun you.

In the page ranking game you are striving not to be the highest ranking site in the universe. You just need to be the highest ranking site in your particular niche. And for most local businesses that means being the top ranking butcher in Peoria, or St Louis or what ever geographical reference point that applies to you.

Now you still do want to get the high value links when you can. Among the better values are links from .edu or .gov sites. Educational institutions and governmental agency rankings carry more weight than those of a standard .com. Why? Because the search engines tend to assume that such links are more authoritative and less likely to be “Commercially” motivated.

Google also appears to look at the relevance of the referring source. If your site is all about elephants and you are getting links from a petting zoo and a veterinarian, the links will likely help you more than a set of links from a poker site and a car dealership.

These effects are magnified on some popular web sites like Squidoo. Many know that Squidoo carries a fair amount of weight due to its relatively high page rank. However, the real power of link from Squidoo come when the referring lens is part of a group of similar lens on the same topic.

Thus a link to the elephant site from a single lens on Google may have some decent weight, its likely to loose out by a single link from a lens that belongs to a group of circus animal related sites on Squidoo.

All of this conversation on backlinks is preliminary to a series of posts I will be adding to this blog from time to time in the coming few weeks.

I am in the final stages of preparing a report on back linking strategies.
With any luck I will have it available in the next day or two.

In the meanwhile, I invite you to leave any questions you have about backlinking in the comments section. Also feel free to copy this post in its entirety to repost on your own blog or to provide a link to this.

And one quick tip. When you leave a comment here you will be building a backlink to your web site. So it pays to comment in the form of gaining a backlink. Now I do moderate the comments on my blog, and will delete any spam or irrelevant comments. But if you ask a legitimate question, or leave a useful comment, you win a backlink.

[tags]backlinks improve pagerank, improve pagerank, backlink, backlinks, seo, authority codes, Ryan Deiss, Squidoo, meta tags, page ranking, [/tags]

iSocial Academy Preparing to Launch

Here’s a ground floor opportunity for those who may be looking for a game plan to turn social media into a paying proposition.

Austin Walsh, is preparing to open the iSocial Academy next month and is lining up affiliates as I write this. If you are looking for a continuity program that sends you monthly checks this may be just what you are looking for.

The entire social marketing world is growing so rapidly, it’s difficult to keep up. I don’t know about you, but I belong to more social networks than I can shake a stick at, many of which I frankly don’t fully understand. And while I have made a serious effort to learn how to use YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, my skills on many of the others is pretty limited.

Now my guess is that what I consider the big three above will be the primary emphasis of this new iSocial Academy, I understand that they will be teaching a broader use of Social Media.

More importantly, they will be focusing on some power tools and approaches that are designed to leverage the media in less time and for greater benefit.

I mention all this today, because you may want to get involved as an affiliate. This is a two tier system, so I am interested in finding a group of sub affiliates to work the program with me.

One of the promised features of the affiliate program is a series of ongoing training seminars for affiliates. I like that. It’s one thing to teach and talk about affiliate marketing in the abstract. It’s much more productive to learn by doing.

Since this is a course on social media, it’s safe to say that the size of your list is not the key criteria for success. So even if you have a little – or no list – if you are willing to take action and make things happen for yourself, I encourage you to sign up and make this your project for September.

There is an affiliate training session set for next Tuesday August 31.
Sign up today, and plan on attending.

[tags]isocial academy, i social academy, social network marketing, iHit 17, [/tags]

A Free Article Marketing Tip

Free Article Marketing Tips

Effective article marketing can be a major source of traffic to anyone’s website or blog.

In an effort to assist as many people as possible to learn the basics of article marketing I have released a free report called Article Power.

In the report I discuss the two key ingredients of an effective article marketing campaign, namely Quality and Quantity.

I point out that articles generate traffic directly from people who read your articles and also discuss how backlinks from article directories and the republishing of your articles serves to drive search engine traffic to your site as well.

In fact, it’s this backlink power that I appreciate most, as it effectively builds traffic over the long haul.

Of course an effective article marketing campaign needs to be focused on appropriate keywords so I do discuss a bit about keyword selection as well.

The trickiest part of article writing for many people is the creation of their resource boxes, which is the paycheck for an article marketing campaign.

To finish up I list some of the top article marketing sites or directories, and provide a page of resources that could be of value to anyone seriously pursing an article marketing strategy.

As I said above, I am interested in sharing the message of article marketing near and far, so I have included giveaway rights to all who download it. That means you will be able to share it with your friends, your twitter or facebook followers etc.

The resource page includes a variety of affiliate links, so I do hope to make a few bucks here and there as well. But I have also made it possible for you to re-brand this report so that you can earn those commissions.

Get your copy of Article Power now.

Also please let me know what questions or issues you have about article marketing, and I will answer them here in an upcoming post.

Feel free to republish this blog post in its entirety on your blog or newsletter.

[tags]Article Marketing Help,effective article marketing, easy article marketing, article marketing sites, an article marketing, article marketing tip[/tags]

List Building PLR Pack Released

Doug Champigny just released a quality package of 5 different eBooks you can acquire and use for your own personal education and to sell or giveaway as part of your list building activities.

=> List Building PLR Superpack

This particular set is ideal for anyone in the information marketing niche.

The titles include:
* Article Power
* List Explosion
* Traffic Triggers
* Video Marketing Secrets
* Profitable E-Mail Copywriting

In addition to the five eBooks, you will also get 5 sales pages and 5 squeeze pages. This will permit you to get these set up and producing results for you in no time.

Not only that, but in addition to being able to give away individual pdf’s of these eBooks, you also get rights to resell the package or just individual products.

Now for such a complete package you might expect to have to pay some big bucks, but as you will see when you click on the link below these are priced so that anyone can get started online.

=> List Building PLR Superpack

Grab this set and use them as your freebie offer to get people to sign up to your list. Use them as products for Giveaway events. Use them for ad swaps, use them as freebies to your existing list.

Tear them apart and use them as fodder for your blog. Imagine running a series with one eBook a week featured and broken down into parts.

You have content to use, and you can offer the full report to anyone who opts in for it.

=> List Building PLR Superpack

[tags]Doug Champigny, plr, list building, giveaways, Blog content, PLR Superpack, resell rights, list building plr[/tags]