A Mistake to Avoid With Opt In’s

I encountered a nasty situation recently with an offline business who was spending a ton of money on Google Adwords to drive traffic to her site.

Despite getting record level of clicks on her Google ads, she was getting virtually no phone calls and her business was suffering as a result. She blamed the person who was doing her adwords for screwing things up, but it turned out that was not the problem.

Now what actually was happening was she in an effort to grow her business decided to hook up with a sweepstakes vendor and put a banner on her site offering people a chance to win free services for signing up.

This was very prominent and not surprisingly,  people did as the site directed and signed up for the free services.  Once they did, they were taken to a page where they were encouraged to send emails to there friends to get them to sign up for the drawing as well. If they did or didn’t they were taken to a page where they could sign up for 22 other contests or freebies.

The net result was that this contest diverted people away from the task at hand, which was to convince them to call to get a quote on her business services.

I have long been an advocate of getting people to set up list building opt ins, but in this case we see a tragic example of it actually being counter productive and doing real damage to the business in the short term.

Now there may have been ways to mitigate the damage, had they had an immediate follow-up sequence of emails to recapture the attention of the people who signed up for the contest, but they did not.

If you are paying money to drive people to a site, your focus should be on getting them to take action that pays. Not getting them to sign up on a list. This is particularly true when you are paying in excess of $10 a click on many of the keywords.

If on the other hand you are driving free traffic to a site, getting those names may well be the best way to capitalize in the long run, particularly if you have set up a site to offer free information that leads to a longer sales funnel.

[tags]internet marketing mistakes, When not to list build, list building errors[/tags]

Marketing to Existing and to New Customers

When we talk about new and old customers we are not referring to their age.

Instead our focus is to point out the reality that there are two distinct populations your small business needs to keep in mind when you create and implement your ongoing marketing plan.

Every business needs new customers to grow and prosper.  But do not forget your existing cutomers. They need to be encouraged to buy more and to buy more often.

Your new customer is the tougher nut to crack. They haven’t had a chance to prove to themselves the quality and efficacy of your products and services. Your job is to find a way to attract their attention and then to persuade them to give you a chance.

For most businesses, it is a basic reality that most of the people in their service area will not be customers. Most probably do not need you product or services and/or find it easier to get the same from someone else. Many are already getting similar goods or services from someone with whom they have an established relationship.

What you need to do is find the handful of souls who are looking for your product or service in your market area. By focusing on your local market area it may be possible to identify a target demographic and reach it with direct mail, or use mass media with a narrowly focused message.

Another approach is to be “Findable,” by making it easy for your prospects to find you when they need your product or service.

This more passive approach has a couple of advantages. One the one hand you are not expending resources marketing to uninterested prospects who happen to live in your market place. More importantly, the people who seek you out have already demonstrated a potential interest in your goods which increases your chances of actually converting them into sales.

A nice display ad in the Yellow Pages used to do wonders in helping people find your business, but far fewer people use these today. In today’s world the role of the yellow pages has been taken over by the computer search.

The second category is your existing customers, your “old” customers. You have already gotten them in the door before and gotten them to buy. Since they have at least some relationship with you, it is much easier to get them to buy again. The stonger the past relationship, the more likely they will repeat the process and buy again.

The bottom line here is that it is important to your long term business success to conciously build a strong positive relationship with each of your customers. Doing so requires a lot more than a smile and thank you for shopping sign on the exit door. Although these are good starts.

You want to help them get to know you. If they start to care about you and your business you are ahead of the game. And it is not that hard to do. This approach is called permission based marketing, because you need to get their permission to begin and continue.

To get this going you need to ask them permission to put them on your list for email, texting or your newsletter. Typically you offer them an ethical bribe in the form of a freebie or a great coupon, useful information, or a membership of some sort. The easiest way to get them to sign up may be to include a message on the bottom of the cash register receipt you give to customers when they buy from you, as well as an opt-in form on your web site.

Reward them for signing up to your list by keeping in touch regularly but not too often. Treat them with respect and make it worth their while to be a member of your list.

You want to contact them often enough so they don’t forget you. That may be once a week or once every two weeks for most businesses.

You want to make sure these messages are relevant to them. If you are a dentist a message about teeth whitening is appropriate, but probably not one about neck ties.

That said, don’t be bashful about sharing personal events, business highlights and similar insider information about your business. Your customers will appreciate local community news and events. This is especially worthwhile if your business is helping in some way, even if it is just promoting them though the email or texts.

Finally, the messages you send should be useful. Make their memberhip on the list worthwhile by giving them occasional specials that only list members recieve. so they can really benefit from being on your list. The cell phone is going to become a larger and larger feature in the future. And texting with it. Imaging if you are a restaurant sending a text on a slow Tuesday offering, $5 off on a favorite entry to your text list if they get there by 7PM or whatever. Everyone likes special deals, and if you can offer them at least occasionally, you will have a happy list and in the process build a positive realtionship that will result in many more sales.

Marketing a business is a dual process. You need to address two different audiences. Your existing customers and those who have never bought before. Both are critical to the long term health of your business.

[tags]permission based marketing, permission marketing, email marketing, text marketing,  small business marketing[/tags]

Getting Mobile Ready

Change is coming every more rapidly to internet marketing. At first we rushed out to put up web sites, thinking customers would be rushing to find us. We quickly learned that a web site by itself was not the end all and be all.

We leaned to redesign it so that it was optimized. After that we discovered why we needed to pay attention to what our customers thought our business was and focus on the keywords they used to find us.

Even then we learned as time went on that we had to do more. We needed to create back links from other web sites to help build the authority of our sites. And recently we can’t help but notice that video is playing a larger and larger role online. And today, all of that remains the case.
The dirty secret is that while we may do all of the above, so too does our competitors. To stay ahead we need to be constantly on the look-out for the next big change that is coming down the pike. A lot is going to change as a result of the dramatic new change in the coming months.

For most businesses, just keeping up with the day to day business of running a business is time consuming enough. Most of us are hard put to stay on top of this constant wash of online changes. Too many of us have already been left behind or on page 22 of Google results where no one can find us. Planning for the future is problematic when you haven’t caught up with the current state of affairs. This is why the SEO or Search Engine Optimization consulting industry emerged in the past decade.

These constant changes are not just hard on small businesses. Many of the majors, like microsoft, AOL, Netscape, Yahoo and many others have stubbed their toes. New players are emerging and new trends. The cell phone is making some significant inroads. Cell phones? I thought we were talking the internet and computers.

The trend has been underway for some time already, but increasingly in the next few years there will be a massive turnover in how people access and use the internet and that change is the smart phone in its many and future guises.

Today over half of all log ins to Facebook are done from cell phones. And this trend will continue. Now there are three things most people make sure they have with them when they leave home: Their cell phones, their wallets and their car keys. Soon their phone will do all three and more.

Within a couple of years, for many people, their cell phone will do all three. The desk top computer will be playing a smaller and smaller role. Instead of it, your customers will be using their phones to find barbers, restaurants and hardware stores.

Among other things, this change will require businesses and other web site owners to rethink how our sites look. The canvas is about to shrink. What once filled a wide screen monitor will now need to be squeezed into a diminuative phone screen.

We don’t want to have to reintroduce scroll bars to see our sites. It means we need to create mobile ready web sites in addition to those we already have.

The coming 18 months to three years will mark a significant transformation. Those who are early adaptors will gain a significant temporary advantage. Whether we like it or not, this change is coming. Either we will lead the way, or our competitors will.

[tags]internet marketing,internet marketing consultant,cell phones,marketing,small business marketing[/tags]

How Much Is A Top Google Listing Worth?

I bet you have taken the time to search for your businesses web site on Google just to see where it ranked. When you searched for it by name using your url or most of the words of your domain name it probably did pretty well. However if you are a bakery, and search for “Bakeries”, the odds are that you are in the nether regions of the 13,900,000 listings.

A lot of small business people have given up on their websites as a result of this apparent invisibility. The gallop to the internet was all the rage before and after the dot com bust. However, for most small businesses, it has had little if any positive effects for their business.

The alternative that was easiest to figure out was to buy pay per click ads. They cost money, but at least they had an active prospect on the other end – usually. When some one did click on the ads, they were shown your offer and either did or didn’t buy.

At first a lot of keywords were real cheap, as little as a dime or less. Some still do, but many clicks these days run from $2-5 each and some go well beyond that into the $20 -$50 each and even much higher. You really need to know what you are doing to spend that type of money. And yet it can be well worth it.

Initially the pay per click ads were on the right side of the “organic” listings. The term organic listings refers to the free information that Google would find relevant to a searchers keywords. These free organic listings are the target we are shooting for when we try to get a top Google listing. Eventually, Google added some ads on the top of the left side as well, but we are still referring to the top organic listings.

When thinking about the value of this top organic spot, we can compare the value by looking at the equivalent cost of the top ads for the same search term.

It would cost $25 for 100 clicks to the advertiser. And this would be the equivalent value for 100 clicks on any of the organic searches.

Thus if a business were to get their organic site listed so that it got a hundred clicks a day, that listing would be worth the equivalent of $25 a day to them.

Now multiply this out for higher pay per click rates of say $2-5 each or much higher. Some keywords get a lot of searches every day, and this could multiply the value. The term “dog training” for example gets over a half million searches every month in the US alone. Dog training is a competitive word that would cost you $2.44 on average if you wanted to get the maximum pay per click volume for it. According to Google’s Traffic Estimator, if you were the top advertiser, you would expect to get 358 people clicking on your add every day, costing you $895.28. [Note that estimate of 358 people is 2% of the daily traffic.] (550,000 / 30 / 358) = 2%]

On the surface this would seem to indicate that have a top organic listing for Dog Training on Google would be worth almost $900 a day, assuming that the top listing got the same number of clicks as did the top ad.

It does not.

It probably gets a lot more.

Some time ago, as many as a fourth of all visitors would click on one on the ads on they typical results page. Recently, that number is closer to 18%

Industry experts suggest that a whopping 43% of people will click on the top organic result. This is significant.

It is even more significant when we understand that the percentage of people clicking on ads means those clicking on any of the ads.

Thus the top organic search result is getting between 8 and 22 times as many clicks as the top pay per click ad!

Calculating the results for our Dog Training example where the pay per click ad was worth about $900 a day, our top ranked listing should be worth roughly anywhere from 7 to 20 thousand dollars!

And that is why, getting to the top of Google’s Organic search is so valuable. As a result a whole new consulting industry has emerged to deal with this potential for value creation. Getting a listing to the top of the search engines is a worthy goal.

There are some additional caveats that need to be taken into account, but the central thrust of the above still holds true. People who choose the ads may for example be more actively looking to make a purchase compared to those who click the organic results who may be more interested in getting information.

Being the top organic listing may be meaningless, if the page people are taken to does not result in a desired action, etc.

That said, it should be obvious that getting a top organic search result is worthwhile.

[tags]Google, google Ranking, Organic Search value, top organic search, SEO, SEO Value, Why do SEO, Search Engine Optimization, pay per click[/tags]

What’s A New Customer Worth To You?

If you are thinking about the marketing plan for your business, one of the key things to think about is the long term value of your average new customer. Finding new customers is one of the primary functions of your marketing plan, but not the only. What is a new customer worth?

The profit you make from their first purchase may be negligible compared to the value of all the future purchases they may make. If a barber had a new customer who came in once, teh value would be that one haircut. If that person came in once a month, the annual worth of that customer would be tweve times as much.

If they get their hair cut every two weeks, they are worth twice as much. If they stay with you for five years on average, because most people in your market area move every five years, you can multiply that total by five to get your lifetime value.

Now not everyone will keep coming back forever.  Thus you need to temper your estimates of life time value with a realistic understanding of your own past performance.  Recognizing that people will leave is a critical reason to make sure you are constantly marketing to attact new customers. We will talk about this in another post.

If your product cost more than a haircut, that value is correspondingly greater. If your customer buys only once or twice a year or once or twice a lifetime, it could be lower.

Now there are several reasons to evaluate this concept of life time value. First, it can help you justify the money you spend on your marketing efforts.
It also is useful to stimulate your thinking about how you might be able to increase their lifetime value. For example, what can you do to extend their lifetime? Can you develop a personal relationship so they still come back for their haircut even after they move to new suburb in your metro area? Building loyalty by way of building a strong relationship is one way of extending the life time value.

If you can find ways to get people to spread the word, through positive reviews, outright referrals or just positve word of mouth, you have added to their value. Any new business they send is worth at least as much as you now have to pay to recruit a new customer. And probably more, as the new customer is already warmed up to you.

There is also the upsell. After a while our barber may increase the periodic sales value by adding a shave to the visit.  You may design your business around offering an entry value or deal and then move customers to higher level or services as they build trust and familiarity.

Getting a new customer in the door is the hard part. Once you have them, assuming you treat them well, it is easier to get them to make their second and subsequent purchases.

When considering your marketing campaign you want to focus on both. As you put together your long term business and marketing plans be sure to keep the idea of each customers lifetime value to your business front and center.

[tags] Lifetime value,marketing tips,new customers,life time value,customer worth,marketing plan,marketing[/tags]

Mass Money Makers Hits Top of Clickbank Gravity

Today Matt Bacak and Adam Sultanic announced that they had set a new record on Click Bank for Gravity.  Gravity is an often misunderstood internal indicator that I have heard explained in multiple different ways, but is essentially a measure of how many affiliates are making money with a product in the past time period. A high gravity suggests a high level of active market success.

They have done a superb job of lining up tons of top marketers and middling ones like myself to promote their launch. I, for example, got about 10 snail mail communications from them in addition to multiple online pitches.

One attractive part of the deal, is the low price just $37 (although that will rise to $47 tomorrow). Low price means a lot more people will take advantage of the offer which means more sales.

Another attractive part is that both Matt and Adam are in the trenches marketers.  They actually do this stuff themselves and do it very well. They are speaking from strength and practical knowledge. What sometimes hurts “in the know” people though is that they sometimes forget that they learned a lot of things step by step, and will on occassion assume people know stuff they don’t.

That is the strong point of the Mass Money Maker product, and surprisingly one of the points that rubbed me wrong.  They do an excellent job of explaining the basics, in detail. First in theory and then by showing a step by step process to do what they are teaching. As an experienced marketer myself, I found it frustratingly detailed.  Their first video is an hour long and didn’t teach me anything new. But if you are newer to the process, it may well give you an essential theoretical underpinning. So while I was bored, you may well have found it critical. They then follow with a two hour phase 2 video which also is largely theory. But the time it was done I was chomping at the bit to get going.

Finally, they though they got into some meat. Now again I picked up most of this already in the past from Adam via his Niche Profits Classroom program he does with Adam Short. But it does belong here and is critical element to understanding how to target keywords that you can rank for on Google. And that tidbit is well worth the price of the course by itself.

Now another thing, I didn’t like was their use of Market Samurai in their video. They have created a new software designed to perform all the tasks they describe in the program, and include it as part of the program, but as it wasn’t fully ready when they recorded the video portion they use Market Samurai as an alternative. Now I bought and use market samurai myself, and highly recommend it, I thought it would have made sense to do the videos with their software. It’s clear they had a scheduling problem and this was their solution.

While it may seem as though I am griping a bit about the product, the truth is that they have done a good job of creating a set of resources and a how to set of videos that can take a newbie to intermediate marketer through all the steps needed to become an effective affiliate marketer.  Way too many people, myself included start out wrong. Some of us are pig headed and refuse to give up and eventually learn how to do it. Most people just give up. Those who grab this course and software and pay attention to the theory that I hated, and take action following their tips will do well, very well in fact.

Now they do push their favorite hosting service and autoresponder. In my opinion, you don’t need to use their recommended services, I don’t but that said, the ones they recommend are fine. You gotta use someone. Beyond these basics that everyone needs and has to pay for, most of what they recommend are free services, and that is another strength of what they teach.

Most people looking to make money online are doing so because they currently need more money, not more ways of spending money.  The approach they teach is certainly one of the most economical approaches an their asking price for this training and software is a true bargain.

I’d appreciate it if you would use my link for Mass Money Makers

[tags]mass money makers, market samurai, clickbank, affiliate marketing, Matt Bacak, Adam Sultanic[/tags]

Local Mobile Fusion

If you are at all interested in working with local based businesses as a consultant, I must highly recommend a recent release that will be closing its doors in a few days. Local Mobile Fusion.

I bought it and am working through its many videos with my son, with who I have newly recruited to be a local internet marketing consultant with me.

It’s been the best $99 I’ve spent in some time. The course is worth well more than that. It consists of a core course of some 10 videos which by themselves are worth the $99, but they are just the beginning. The course includes a ton of highly valuable addition items including a marketing power point you can use to promote your services, print material and check lists and dozens of supplemental videos to cover the nitty gritty of important aspects that others would gloss over, plus hours of useful Q&A and live Q&A plus top quality support.

And secrets of the trade, that will save you money, and more importantly make you money.

As I’ve said for some time now, most small business web sites stink. There’s many reasons for that, and you can make a difference for those you want to help, and they will be happy to pay you well for what you will be able to do for them once you have mastered the material in this course. And let me tell you, with all the info and support contained here, you will be able to do a lot for them – because things are changing at this very moment in the local internet marketing world, and most people haven’t caught on yet.

I will write more about the hows and whys in due course, but as it’s Christmas eve, eve, I don’t have time now. Local Mobile Fusion will be closing on Tuesday, Dec 29 at midnight.

If the idea of being a local internet marketing consultant appeals to you at all, you owe it to yourself to grab this course, even if you are already in the field, maybe especially so.

Dramatic changes have occurred in the past few weeks and a huge new shift will take hold over the coming 18 months. Now is the time to make hay.

Do yourself a favor and get on the cutting edge this now, before you loose the opportunity to pick up this material this inexpensively.


I have learned a lot, already and I am not really through my entire first pass at the material. If ever there was a package that over delivered, this is it.

[tags]local mobile fusion[/tags]

Traffic Getting and List Building Some New Ideas

Getting traffic and list building are the heart of internet marketing. Traffic equals new faces seeing your offer, a list is the tangible remainder of a lot of traffic.

Traffic is like the drip drip drip of water seeping down from the roof of a cave, the resulting list is the stalactite or stalagmite that remains after time. A visible tangible result of lots of traffic over time.

Not to stretch the metaphor too far, the richer the content the faster the pillars of your list grow.  But getting that initial drip going is the key to long term success.

So far in my career online, I have used a number of techniques to get my list to grow. I’ve used pay per click, blogging, giveaways and ad swaps. Each of the approaches have worked, even though I haven’t always optimized my approaches to the tactics.

This past weekend I discovered that I have been missing out on a whole series of other approaches to generating traffic and ultimately list building that I just didn’t know about, or if I did know about them, was not taking seriously enough.

Upon making the discovery, I decided not to kick myself in the pants, but rather to start taking advantage of the new ideas. But first, I felt obliged to share. Now the fact that there is an affiliate commission in it for me is only part of my motivation.  I genuinely think most of my readers will discover a lot of new ideas in this package.  Frankly, I’ve only made if though the first 3 and a half modules of twenty and I am already blown away.

In fact the very first module called eBook syndication got me so excited, I almost stopped right then and there in and urge to dive right in. It’s so easy, and I already have tons of material I can use to make it work.  My guess is that you do as well, if you have been active online for any period of time. What’s even better is that this can be used by rank newbies starting out.

Now I can’t give a full review, cause as I said, I’ve only started to scratch the surface, but there was so much gold lying on the ground, I didn’t need to do an extensive dig to discover enough value to justify my recommending this to you.

Click on the offer below. Get the freebie, but do more than that. Watch her video and imagine what you would do if you were able to grow your list at the rate of 3000 a month.

Frankly, despite my best efforts, I haven’t been able to come close to that. With what I have learned so far, that no longer seems like an unreasonable goal. Not without effort, mind you, but not unrealistic either.

The program is called the Traffic Dashboard by Kim Roach. At first glance those of you familiar with my friend Marlon Sanders will see a distinct similarity in look. These tactics may be as old as Marlon as well, but they are new to me, and I think they will be new to most of you as well.

If you end up discovering that you knew them all already, you can ask for a refund, but I don’t think you will. If you are like me, you will be too busy building new traffic resources for your business.

Click on the link above and watch the video. Then do yourself a favor and grab your copy. Don’t worry, the price is extremely reasonable.

[tags]traffic, traffic generation, list building, Kim Roach,traffic dashboard,[/tags]

Facebook Training & Make A Wish Benefit

The secret to getting the traffic you need to your web site in clearly shifting to the Facebook side of the equation.  And while I use facebook, and have promoted various programs dealing with it, I am far from and expert.

That’s why I am taking part in this Friday’s Black Friday Bootcamp, that been put together by Ryan Deiss.


It costs $7, with the $7 going to the Make a Wish Foundation to help kids with terminal illnesses get a last wish. A great cause, and one I could easily get behind but frankly, I’m interested in the opportunity to hear from Ryan, and the panel he has assembled.

It includes, in addition to Ryan who is no slouch when it comes to Facebook, Kate Buck, Shane Stearns, Laura Betterly and Julian Farley. They will cover, Facebook Ads, Fan Pages, Contests, Mobile and SEO all from a Facebook perspective.

The content will be totally awesome, worth well more than the charitable contribution they are asking. In fact, they intend to sell the recording afterward for in excess of $100.


It starts at 10:00AM CST on Friday. When everyone is out spending up a storm, you could be listening in on one of the most powerful seminars online. A seminar that will help set you up for a far more profitable 2011 because you took the time to get a handle on the new strategies you need to make Facebook your ally, and not just a time waster.

It will be replayed Friday night at 7PM for those unable to participate in the morning and/or want to listen in again.

If that wasn’t enough, Ryan is throwing in his $197 Facebook Adpower Training for free to everyone who signs up for this special event.

Ryan just advised me that they have already raised over $16,000 for the Make a Wish foundation so far. At $7 a head that’s at least 2,285 people who have signed up. So you can see this isn’t just another internet marketing promotion.

Join me and Ryan and the rest of his panel this Friday, learn some powerful new information that we can all bank in the coming year and help the Make a Wish Foundation in the meanwhile.  If you ask me, that’s a great way to spend a portion of your Thanksgiving weekend.


[tags]ryan deiss, make a wish foundation, Black Friday Bootcamp, Facebook Ads, Facebook, Facebook Mobile,Facebook Contests, Facebook Fan Pages, Fan Pages, Kate Buck, Shane Stearns, Laura Betterly,Julian Farley,[/tags]

Want a Big Affiliate Paycheck?

Glen Hopkins has been teaching internet marketers list building for years.  I think he did his first eBook on the subject 7 years ago. For the past several years, I have been promoting his Net Success Formula. With some success for myself and those who have been wise enough to take him up on his offer.
Glen Hopkins has recently announced that he is launching Lucrative List Secrets 2.0 on November 29th!

He has asked me to recruit potential JV partners to assist in getting the word out.  I’ve mailed my lists, but want to make sure that all my blog readers hae a chance to get in on this launch as well.

This is your chance to make BIG $1,000 commissions and even BIGGER prizes including a cars, motorcycle and more! In fact, EVERYONE wins a prize :)

Get signed up right away and mark your calendar.

Once you sign up you will find that Glen’s provided a quick list of things you can do to promote even if you do not have a sizable list yet.
[tags]list building, Glen Hopkins, JV offers, JV, Joint Venture, net success formula, lucrative list secrets[/tags]

Am I Doing It All Wrong?

I’ve been posting to a number of different blogs over the past several years.  But I can’t claim that I have made a great deal of money from my blogs.  Oh I get some opt ins, and send people to an affiliate offer from time to time.  I also enjoy pontificating on topics, and teaching others.  But money making hasn’t been the main motivation, because had it been, I would have stopped long ago.

And maybe I should stop now.

I just watched a short video by David Walker.  He’s a UK based marketer who I interviewed as part of my Messages from the Battle Front series I produced earlier in the year.

In it he reveals what he calls the $100,000 blogging secret. And while I’m not sure I’d value the secret he shares at $100,000 I will say it got me thinking.


I owe it to him to keep mum on the secret, although I am using it right now as I pen this post to you.  Can you guess what it is?

Now he isn’t charging a dime for this secret so there is no reason for you to not check it out. When you do, I’d love to have you tell me what you think. Just come back here and comment on this blog post.

I set the link to open in a new window, so you should be able to get back here without any difficulty.

Looking forward to hearing what you think.


[tags]blogging boss, David Walker, blogging, making money with blogs, blogging secret[/tags]

Google 7 Pack: How to Get Listed on the Google Places 7 Pack Map

There are now three ways for a local business to get high visibility on Google Searches. You can buy pay per click advertising. You can get highly ranked for organic search. And you can get listed in Google Places, formerly Google Map.

Minneapolis Plumbers Google Map
Minneapolis Plumbers Google Map

I have just completed a short report that discusses how to get listed in Google Places. Now some businesses have been automatically included by Google, which is good…but you need to claim that listing as the owner of the company, and then finish filling out the listing form.

If you are not listed on Google Places, you want to be. All it takes is filling out a form. In my report I identify some tips you want to take into account when you fill it out.

Google wants these to be fully filled out, it helps build their data base after all. The more complete the listing form, the more likely your business will get selected to be one of the 7 businesses highlighted in the “7 Pack”

The Google Places listing trumps many businesses who managed to get to the first page of Google using SEO techniques. Usually the top two organic search results still appear above the “Map,” so organic search still is well worth fighting for, but there is a new element to the equation.

Once you have filled in their form, there are a number of things you can do to improve your chances of getting listed in the 7 pack. I discuss these in the report.

Now I can’t guarantee you will make it to the top 7, but I do guarantee my report. It’s only $9.97 and if you don’t like it for any reason, I offer a 30 day money back guarantee.


[tags]Google paces, Google map, Google 7 pack, Google listing, How to rank of Google[/tags]

Announcing a New Blog and Personal Focus

As I mention in the short video below, I have started a new blog and personal focus working with main street businesses in the Minneapolis – St. Paul Twin cities metro area.

I will continue to post here about internet marketing topics, affiliate marketing opportunities and related topics. After all much of what I will be bringing to my home town business friends is merely the local adaptation of these very topics.

As I learned with my home stagers and others, most small business people are just too busy getting their day to day product out the door to spend time learning and implementing the internet marketing techniques we discuss here. I hope to be the vehicle whereby many of them will grow.

As I look at the market, it’s clear to me that there is a very real opportunity for many businesses to absolutely dominate their local markets. It will take three things. A quality offering in the first place, effective internet marketing and the ability to manage their own growth.

I am satisfied that I can bring the middle element to many, I just need to find the right firms that also have the other two characteristics as well.

My new blog is a bit thread bare so far, but it will develop and grow over time. Check it out at http://MinneapolisInternetMarketingConsultant.com

[tags]main street marketing, video, small business[/tags]

Guaranteed Online Success???

Is it possible to promise guaranteed online success?

No, not really. Unless the person making the guarantee actually also does the work for you. And why would they?

So I have a bit of a problem with this new promotion from several of my online friends, Shane, Sean and Roy.

That said, I still feel comfortable suggesting that you sign up for their mentoring program. We all need mentors, just which type of mentor depends on where we are in our own online education.

If you are relatively new to internet marketing, these guys may be just what you are looking for. You should definitely check out their offer. Even if you have made some significant progress online they may still be worth an investment.

The free bonuses they are offering, just to get you to sign up for their early bird list are well worth the time to download and use. You will get a very good idea from these freebies they are offering as to whether or not their main offer will be worth your time.

Go there now, by clicking on the click bank “proof” page below and sign up for the early bird notice and grab the freebies. You will have until next Thursday Oct 28th to decide if you want to pop for the product when it opens. If you don’t, you won’t need to do anything at all, so there is absolutely no risk at all. In the meanwhile spend some time on the gifts and make them work for you.

Afterall, if you really want guaranteed success online, you need to do the main part which is Taking Action. Do it now.

[tags]guaranteed online success, online success, internet mentoring, internet training, [/tags]

The Traffic & Income Getting Black Box


“The Traffic & Income Getting Black Box”

All hype, or true game changer?

TheAmazingWidget.com claims to offer a breakthrough new
way to generate ‘semi autopilot’ traffic and commissions,
with the launch of their new Software and accompanying

Further, they claim to offer a dead simple way for virtually
anybody to begin placing their oddly named ‘Amazing Widgets’
in hundreds of free spots around the web, as a foolproof way
to make money on autopilot once in place.

But does TheAmazingWidget.com (AWS) live up to these claims?

The answer will definitely surprise you, with an even
bigger ‘viral shock’ awaiting as we dig deeper.

Once inside the member area, you’ll find that what AWS
offers – both in software and high quality training –
truly IS a refreshing change from all the rehashes and
copycat products, systems, and formulas we’ve been
pounded with lately…

And in fact, I’d venture to say you’ve never seen anything
like it. The owner claims that ‘widget marketing’ will
soon become a household term among Internet marketers.

And I’m on fully on board with that prediction…

Just as article marketing virtually EXPLODED in the
early 2000’s, ‘widget marketing’ is poised to replace
the old standby ‘text article’ as the ultimate high tech
traffic magnet for drawing people to your online offers.

It becomes a choice between writing and submitting an
article, or, placing a widget online within seconds.

While you don’t have to know what a ‘widget’ is in order
to succeed in a BIG way with the Amazing Widget System,
it’s basically a self contained little ‘program in a box’
that can be placed and shared on virtually any website,
blog or social page (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)…

There are widgets that display the local weather in real

There are widgets that enable you to play games directly
from within the widget.

There are widgets that play radio stations.

And then, there are widgets that are designed to do
nothing but make you money on autopilot once placed…

More specifically, AWS’s Amazing Widgets.

To the untrained eye, Amazing Widgets look like nothing
more than an attractive display ad or banner ad.

It’s what lurks beneath the surface that seemingly has
the whole web buzzing with excitement – and this was
the biggest shock of all..

An entire database powered, VIRAL rotation and tracking
system for every Amazing Widget generated…

SIDEBAR: Yes I said “every” Amazing Widget, being that
you can choose from AWS’s *1 click* Standard Widget that’s
instantly ready to start placing online with a built in
Share Tool…

Or, quickly generate your own *Custom* Amazing Widgets
ready to promote any of over 10,000 ClickBank products
using their slick web based software… Fill out one
quick form, and you have a new custom widget ready to
place online.

As I discovered in their video presentation and sales
material, by referring others to TheAmazingWidget.com,
member-affiliates share equal traffic and commission
benefits produced by the Amazing Widgets THEIR referrals
create and place online!

So let’s say I refer ‘Joe’ to AWS, and Joe starts generating
and placing Amazing Widgets online like crazy using AWS’s free
Share Tool. My affiliate links literally rotate 50/50 within
Joe’s widgets, meaning I stand to make half the resulting
commissions on total autopilot (‘piggy back’ style as they
refer to it) doing nothing more than having referred Joe

Now, I could be a total deadbeat and still make money with
this system off the work of Joe. And what does he care?
He has the same benefit from the people he refers. But
I’d be a fool to sit back and do nothing, knowing that
the more Amazing Widgets I place online, the more my
income potential shoots up.

And what’s really slick is that referrals can come easily
through the Amazing Widgets I place (provided I choose to
promote TheAmazingWidget.com itself within several of my
widgets).   Or, through a special external link that AWS
provides, called the ‘X-Factor’ link.

Each Amazing Widget promotes TWO products, one through
a top (image) ad, and the other through a bottom (text)
ad. So its conceivable that you could promote AWS in
every single widget you place, along with another product
of your choice.

Perhaps the best aspect of all, is the fact that this
system will probably never become saturated or outdated –
the fate of most other online traffic and money making
methods (and the precise reason why so many have failed

The simple reason for this is very simple, and that’s the
fact that Amazing Widgets can be placed on virtually any
of the billions of web pages, social pages and blogs online.
There is simply no limit to all the traffic hot spots that
you can place endless Amazing Widgets on.

Even at its basic core, the Amazing Widget System is a
system that can’t “not” work, precisely as they claim,
for the simple fact that people can’t NOT see the widgets
you place online. People WILL click on them if they are
interested in what’s being offered. And they WILL order
if they feel the product being offered will benefit them.

In this way it’s a system that is no different than
display ads in newspapers and magazines that companies
run time and time again (and have been doing so for
a hundred years) for the simple fact that they work.
People see the ads. If they like what they see, they
take action to learn more and go on to make a purchase.

It’s marketing in its purest and most effective form.

Bottom line, AWS’s traffic and income getting Software
and Blueprint is a major game changer. Not only will
lives be transformed through this opportunity…

The Internet marketing community as a whole will never
be the same again.

I’d strongly urge you to get on board and make this an
integral part of your online marketing plan immediately.
AWS’s software and system works easily in any niche, so
there’s virtually no reason this can’t work for you.

Make way for the onslaught of the ‘Widgeteers’.


This will not be available until next week on Thursday the 27th, but you can sign up to be on the early bird list.  You will then get a short training series by email that will help you better understand the huge potential this innovative product offers.   I found the short course very informative an frankly its helped spike my interest in getting this puppy as soon as it launches.

[tags]amazing widget, widget, widgets, amazing widgets[/tags]

Check Out This Week’s Special Offers

Check Out This Week’s Special Offers

Video continues to grow in importance. As it does you want the best tools to incorporate it into your blogs, products and other presentations. Fortunately this is getting easier and more sophisticated with tools like the easy video player.

Did you read Anik Singal’s free 158 Page eBook yet? He shows how you can build to $32 Million in sales and more.

Eventually, and the sooner the better, you want to build a virtual team to get stuff done. In this free video, you will learn how to select members of that team.

Empire Formula

Facebook is the rising to the top. There are ton’s of instant guru’s pushing products on the topic. I recommend James Noble.

He’s an actual expert on business use of Facebook, having done so for many of the top brands in Europe. He knows his stuff.

In this free video, he shows you mistakes to avoid and how to prevent your business Facebook account from getting banned!

Whether now or in the future, you will need to master Facebook. Take the time now to learn some of the don’t do’s so you will be better able to profit with the To Do’s when the time comes. This is Video 2 in a series.


Now Open Giveaway:

By the way, the best currently open Giveaway is the EPIC.
Check it out and grab some good free stuff you can use today!

Upcoming Giveaway:

Stephaine Mulac is Helping Guido Nussbaum Make This Year’s “The HALLOWEEN GIVEAWAY” an even better event. This was my first giveaway just two years ago. That event started my list building in earnest. It’s spooky but it’s worked. Sign-up and Contribute your best freebie and get your list growing.

Halloween Giveaway


It’s October, Time to get ready for Halloween. Save 10% on Any Purchase at CostumeKingdom.com by using code HALLOWEEN2010

My Top Pick for Essential Tool

This is the keyword tool I use, but it is far more than a keyword tool. I use it to identify competition in a given market. It helps me determine whether or not to pursue the niche and gives me a good idea of what it will take to dominate that market.

Sign up for free and spend some time watching the tutorial videos so you can fully appreciate the power Market Samuari will provide you. It’s been particularly valuable to my “Main Street Marketing” efforts.

Try Market Samurai now for free!

Be sure to take the extensive tutorials so you learn it’s full potential.

Finally, a quick free report to download: Affiliate Marketing Ideas You can just read it; or if you want resell it; or give it away; or turn it into a viral report of your own.

To learn how to create your own viral reports be sure to go to Viral PDF Generator.


Anik Singal – 0 to $32 Million Free Ebook

If you are going to set goals, and you should, it doesn’t hurt to set them high.

To many of us fall into the trap of setting “easy” or “attainable goals.”  These are easy to reach and we don’t have to sweat a lot.  Not the way to play the game.

Of course, if you set unrealistic goals, they are the equivalent of no goals. You don’t believe them possible so you don’t worry about failing.  In fact you may as well not even try.

This paradox is one reason you should grab this new eBook by Anik Singal.   He’s actually gone from 0 to $32 million in sales in about 6 years.  While $32 million may seem like an unattainable goal, he breaks his progress down into 6 steps.

Now his first step is a big one. Zero to $300,000 but as you will see, it’s not imponderable. He’s done it and shows how. Once you see that, and then watch as he assembled the rest of his empire, you will begin to see what is possible.  And that’s far more powerful than fearing the problems and issues that face your life today.

Get your free copy today:  Signup here now: Free Ebook

[tags]Anik Singal, make money online, Goal Setting, Online marketing[/tags]