The League of Extraordinary Minds

Man, just when I think Rich Schefren and Jay Abraham have topped themselves, they go and do something even more amazing…

Best part is that both you and I stand to make some money from it.

Yeah, you read that right.

More than 50 of the world’s most brilliant business and marketing minds – All in one place. And all ready to help you achieve the success of your dreams.

For six unforgettable weeks, you’ll sit at the feet of the masters in a series of intimate panel settings, listening intently as they reveal their most closely hidden secrets for building a mega- profitable business.

Seriously–this “Group Think Tank” process has the capability to increase your profits by up to 1,000%–or more–before the year is over.

And the best part about it? The COST.

Because, well….there is none.

That’s right–you can get six weeks of in-depth mastermind training from the foremost experts on marketing and business building…for no charge.

But you gotta hurry. Rich and Jay are only allowing a certain number of people inside. And since the entire industry is buzzing about this,
those spots will fill up in a heartbeat.

So go here NOW and grab yours.

I’m only scratching the surface on what you’ll get with “The League of Extraordinary Minds”…

There’s TONS of powerful information inside, including:

How to successfully deal with skeptical/apprehensive prospects and buyers…

How to instantly build granite-like trust and credibility…

  • – How to build a huge online loyal community…
  • – How to make your sales efforts 75% more successful…
  • – Keys to direct marketing success…
  • – How to persuade different personality types to buy from you…
  • – The formula for becoming the ultimate entrepreneur…
  • – How to make big things happen – fast!
  • – The one business system that works today…
  • And on and on and on.

But you gotta go here right now to grab Rich and Jay’s no-charge special offer.  Can you say NO BRAINER?

What ever size list you have, you owe it to yourself to sign on as an affiliate and mail this to your list.  It can never hurt to be associated in your lists mind with Jay Abraham, Rich Schefren, Tony Robbins, Fran Tarkington, et al.

Climb Up The Google Rankings!

You’ve made your website, written your copy, and prepared yourself for the onslaught of visitors. But when it comes to launch day, they’re nowhere to be seen. It seems bizarre; you’ve written the content, created the product, and built the network of websites, but there’s nobody to be seen visiting them. Don’t worry — it’s not about your content’s quality or your ability to create a good website, it’s just the nature of the internet manifesting itself in poor traffic.

You see, without the great exposure that’s possible through search engines, your website may be doomed to failure from the beginning. Without a powerful traffic asset on your site, be it a link on a popular website, an article promoting your business, or a link appearing in search engine results, you’re not going to see the results that you want. However, by using some innovative SEO strategies, you can fight back against the powers holding you down the search engine rankings, and see your website shoot up the ranks and sit where it belongs.

You could be number one. It’s not simply a matter of age or size, as we’ve all seen corporate giants toppled on the web by smaller, faster and smarter competitors. It’s about strategy and technique, and the incredible dynamics that come from a small and incredibly dedicated team or keyword system. With just a fraction of the resources of your competitors, you can craft the strategies that shoot them down the rankings and put your website in the top spot, where it belongs.

So how to you accelerate your search engine rankings? For many of us, SEO is a static concept. It never moves quickly, it waddles forward at a leisurely pace and frustrates us all. Don’t let that shape your strategy. By using some simple strategies you can supercharge your SEO and have it move much more quickly that it normally would. This free report, packed with insider information and highly valuable SEO strategies, is the perfect place to start on your quest for the perfect search engine rankings.

Click Here To Download Your Free Keyword Report

Take a look at the front page, because that’s where you’re going to be. The days of scrolling through ten pages just to find your website are long over. With just a small amount of time, you’ll be ranking front and center for the keywords that you pick. Using this free report, you can guide your strategy, boost your rankings, and enjoy the income that comes with a number one Google ranking.

Click Here To Download Your Free Keyword Report

I’m Thinking About Short Term Memberships

I’ve made several attempts to provide a product of value to the home staging industry.  I am about to embark on a third effort.  I will be spring boarding off a class I will be teaching as part of Allegra Diogurdi’s new course for Home Stagers, called Home Staging Training by Design.  Allegra is a Parson’s School of Design Graduate and long time home merchandiser.

She has asked me to teach one of nine segments of her course. I will focus on how to get more of the home stagers ideal customers to visit their web sites and suggest some strategies to get those that do to do something once they are there. IE.  Opt in to their lists.

For information on Allegra’s course go to:

The best skill I have to offer these home stagers is my knowledge of internet marketing.

Most of the home stagers have a limited, if any, hands on web site management skills.  While home staging is still relatively new,  some markets have significant numbers of home stagers vying for the top listing in their local markets.  The Home Stager who understands and acts on what I will teach should be able to eventually dominate their local markets – but it can take time.

It’s easy to list 20 things to do, it’s difficult to work ones way step by step through the process.  Especially when busy trying to build a home staging business.

That’s what I will do.  Break the steps into bite sized pieces and then feed it to them – one step every week,  or once every two weeks or every month, with separate prices for each option.

Everybody active gets free access to monthly 90 minute tele-seminar. 20-30 minutes on selected topic, 1 hour Q&A.  Go till all Q’s answered. During Q&A any topic from the lessons is game.  Invite Q’s in advance.

Upsell from course and tele-seminar is coaching.  On same schedule as their lessons.  $47 per half hour

I am planning on taking the material in my two ebooks, Why Most Small Business Web Sites Stink and my more recent one on How Main Street can climb to the Top of the Search Engines, and turning them into a specified term membership course.

Between the two eBooks I do a pretty good job of outlining the key functions of a web site stressing the need for an auto responder and list building. That covers what they are trying to accomplish online to market their home staging business.

The main street book deals with search engine ranking.  It’s easy at first to rank high in a town with no other home stager.  But as the recession has deepened, thousands of new people have entered the field.

Basic SEO tips on both on and off page factors will give even the hands off stager a better understanding of what’s important from a marketing perspective and how to get top listings, whether they do the work themselves or hire it out.

Part of my plan is to reuse the material in my two ebooks for the courses and still sell the combo package of both books for $9.97 or more. I have given the Main Street book  away to over 3000 people in the past 2 months and haven’t had a complaint yet.  I will retire it from the free realm and start selling them. Should I go to ClickBank? Maybe I can ask $17 and give Click Bankers 60%

I will email my list and ask for any testimonials I can get for one or both.  If you have enjoyed either, please let me know.

By chance I learned that the venerable Jimmy Brown will be broadcasting a VideoCast this Thursday that appears as if it might be right up my alley.  I know he does good stuff, so I am going to give it a good listening too.  It’s free and I can’t wait.

Free VideoCast Thursday. I will be discussing this new plan as it develops here and probably on my

PS:  If I can polish this approach up and make it work for Home Stagers, it would certainly work for many other occupations and businesses as well.

I am wide open to suggestions on my plan, items I should be sure to stress with my home stagers and any other question or comment you may have.

Global Fields in Aweber, A Powerful Tool

I use Aweber as my auto responder. This tip is specific to Aweber but similar features may exist with your service if you use something other than Aweber.

Two global fields are set up for you automatically. One is called the Contact Address and this is where your mailing address goes that is at the bottom of all your messages, both broadcast and followup.

The second is your signature message, which in most cases is blank unless you put something there. In addition to these you can create and name up to 25 additional global fields.

This post will describe how to make use of the Signature Message. Once you learn how to effectively use this one feature, you will know how to use the others. And I predict you will want to as well.

The global fields tab is fourth down under the My Lists Tab. Once you click on it you will see your contact box, your signature box, and a Custom Global Fields Creator form.

Anything you write in the Signature box will appear in any of your messages anywhere you insert the following: {!signature}

So when you are preparing follow-up messages, instead of putting your standard salutation and signature lines at the end of the message, you just type in {!signature}.

What ever you have in the signature box in global settings will appear in the email when you send it.

The advantage is that while your follow-up emails are evergreen, so they can be sent at any time, your signatures need not be.

This would permit seasonal messages, which is a nice touch. Or if you are a marketer like me, it could include not only a signature, but additional text including a mini pitch for the product of the day.

Currently, I am promoting a free call this coming Tuesday evening on Pay Per Click Advertising by Chuck Mullaney. It should be a good call, and the price is right.

So I changed the text inside my Signature Box to the following:

Best Wishes,

Earl Netwal

Free Traffic Seminar
Don’t be Intimidated by Pay Per Click
Tuesday 9PM EDT
Sign Up Now, as My Guest


I start with my traditional closing salutation of Best Wishes,  I follow with my name and a brief spiel or post script about the call.

I then added a dashed line underneath to serve as a demarcation.  If I had a PS in the message I would put them under the dashed line.

This allows me to add a little pitch to each of the followup emails that may be going out to my various lists.

Now since I have several different niches that I am in contact with via email from my aweber account I can create a separate code and follow-up signature for each of my lists.

In addition to inserting the {!signature} tag into my broadcast messages, I have begun using it as a standard signature to many of my broadcast messages as well.

This is not the primary thrust of my messages, and in some cases I may not want any diversions from the main thrust of my main message.  In those cases I would just use my normal signature as I always have. But in many other cases, its a nice way of keeping an upcoming event in front of your list even while you are primarily addressing them on another topic.

And as I mentioned earlier, it can be a great away to add seasonal flavor to your canned messages during holidays, etc.

Instead of having to change closing salutations on all your different messages, by altering the text in this one box, all your emails set up with the {!signature} code will reflect the new message. You could change it daily if you wanted.

By the way the call on Tuesday is at 9PM EDT and you should be on it, if you want to learn how to effectively use pay per click to drive low cost traffic to your sites.

I welcome you to sign up for free as my quest. And if you don’t have an auto responder yet, you are missing out big time. If you are new to the game, you need to know that you need an auto responder more than you need a web site.  Check out Aweber now.

Spyware continued…

Hearing the word spyware tends to evoke an image of popups for most internet users. It would probably surprise most to learn that almost every internet user has at least some spyware or adware on their computer. The reason for this is that these parasites can hide in parts of the computer that you can’t normally access.

The biggest problem with these parasites is that most users don’t know just how dangerous they can actually be. Sure they cause your computer to slow down (a lot), install things you don’t want, and more, but they also do much worse things. Having spyware or adware on your computer compromises your privacy to a very dangerous level.

How often do you enter personal information on the internet? For most people, this will be very often. Many of these parasites will track everywhere that you go on the internet and report it back to it’s creator. It doesn’t stop at that though. Not only will it track everywhere you go, but it will track everything you type and click at these locations as well.

What this means is that if you enter sensitive data such as your social security number, credit card number, bank password, or anything else of that nature, a stranger also has that information. To make matters even worse, this information is often sold to even more people; this means that hundreds of people could have access to all of your personal information.

If you want to keep your privacy on the internet, you’ll need to rid yourself of any spyware and adware that inhabits your computer. There is a free report named “Adware Removal” which outlines everything that spyware and adware do, as well as how to get rid of it. Remember, the report is completely free and definitely worth a read.

Click Here To Donwload Your Free Spyware Removal Report

How to Get Rid of Adware and Spyware

If you’re like over 90% of other internet users, you could have people spying on everything you do as well as stealing personal information. Spyware is often talked about for its ability to slow your computer down, but not only will it do that, but it can do much more. You could be giving away some of the most confidential information about you completely without your knowledge.

One thing that spyware and adware can do is cause popups. I’m sure everyone has had negative experiences with popups. They’re obnoxious and unneeded, but that doesn’t mean they come from the site you’re visiting. If you’re commonly getting popups, it might actually be some spyware or adware on your computer. Without removal it could get much worse, that is, constant popups while browsing the internet. Spyware and adware can also install unwanted searchbars or toolbars on your browser as well as changing your homepage.

Next comes the scary stuff. Spyware and adware can not only track what you’re doing on the internet at all times, but it can even record it and send it to a third party. This means that when you enter bank information or other usernames, passwords, etc. you could be giving all of that information to someone else and you didn’t even know about it.

Not only that, but often the third party will sell this information to a bunch of others. This could mean hundreds of people with bad intentions and your personal information. This is how identity fraud most commonly happens, they could easily obtain your social security number if you ever enter it on the internet. Without getting rid of spyware and adware you are risking your personal safety.

Spyware and adware removal tools are everywhere, the problem is that most don’t work. There are close to no free removal tools that actually work. If you want to keep yourself and your computer out of harms way then you’ll want to at least get a free scan at one of the many available websites. The report also discusses this and even suggests a well-known free scan; as well as a removal tool.

Of course, nobody is forcing you to remove the spyware and adware that is almost definitely on your computer. If you would like to let strangers know what you do on the internet as well as give them extremely confidential and personal information such as your social security number, credit card numbers, bank information, etc. then don’t look into this. If you’re like most of us however, you need to keep your computer clean of all spyware and adware!

There’s a free report available that goes by the name of “Adware Removal” which discusses spyware and adware in depth and goes over how to protect yourself. Do yourself a favor and read this report thoroughly, don’t be the next person to find a cleared out bank account and no traces. This great free report even discusses spyware and adware removal tools.

To learn more about adware and spyware removal, check out the free Adware Removal report. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate.

Instant Relief: How to Make Money with Clickbank.

Have you tried to make money with Clickbank?

I have and while I have had some success, my record has been spotty at best.

Yes, I’ve bought a ton of ebooks on how to do it. And many of them are actually pretty accurate.  It just takes a ton of work, and a leap of faith that the product you are going to push is worth all the work required.

Work? What Work?

Well, to do Affiliate marketing right you need to create your own pre-sell page rather than sending people directly to the offer.   Now I’ve tried the other way, and have had some success with direct linking.  But mostly my campaigns either failed, or just barely broke even.

No it turns out you get better results when you do a presell.  You want to capture the prospect’s name and followup with an email campaign.

But it takes a lot of time and effort to do this. And that’s true even when you know what you are doing. It is almost an insurmountable obstacle for many new people who haven’t yet learned how to do their own sites yet.

There is a lot to learn, from taking charge of your own web site, learning how to make basic pages,  set up an auto-responder and then write copy on the page and the follow-up messages.

Now I believe you should learn how to do these things.  But it takes time.  I have some resources listed elsewhere on this page that I recommend to those of you just learning your way.

But if you are interested in making money with clickbank in the meanwhile, until now you were largely out of luck.  Until yesterday…

Yesterday, Clickbank Pirate opened its doors to an enthusiastic rush of new members.  I was one of them.

You see they have set up an affordable membership plan where people from the rawest newbie to the most advanced marketed can benefit.  All the work is done in the form of initial videos, free reports to gather opt ins, and professionally done follow-up.

The new marketer will still need to drive traffic which is a critical task not to be ignored.  Thankfully they have a powerful “how to” traffic module inside to teach newbies how to do just that.

The best part is that they offer a 60 day guarantee, so you really can try the system out and it will either work for you or it won’t.

If you don’t make what you’ve invested after 59 days, just ask for a refund. But I bet that if you give it half a try you will find yourself in clover and happy to stay on board.

This is one of the neatest things I’ve seen online. If you haven’t grabbed your membership yet, do so now. Just click on the banner below and sign up.

So what is this Money Word Matrix?

The money word matrix is the tidbit that caught my attention when I was first exposed to Niche Profit Classroom. The idea is actually quite simple, but elusive.

I probably can’t explain it any simpler than Adam and Alen do on their video which you can access by signing up at this link:

They will show you how to do it yourself without buying anything. I did it that way for a couple of days, and then grabbed my membership the last day before they closed their $1 dollar offer the last time they made it some months ago.

In it’s simplist form, the money word matrix identifies niche relevant keywords which people actually search on for which there is relatively little competition.

By relatively little, I mean less than 20,000 competing sites for keywords which have at least a thousasand monthly searches, and less than 10,000 competitors for sites with less than 1000 monthly searches.

To the uninitiated this may not seem like a big deal. But in internet terms less than 20,000 competitors is almost nothing.  And while 1000 searchers isn’t exactly a tidal wave in internet terms, it is a nice steady flow averaging at one an hour or thereabouts.

Now the real secret is in how these money matrix keywords are put to use. Because in almost any niche, especially popular ones, you can generally find a half dozen or more of these searched for but under serviced keywords.

A lot of other people who use these terms are probably not optimizing their sites for them. They are more likely people who have lists of thousands of keywords, who are optimizing for terms that get tens of thousands of searches a month.

The money matrix philosophy is different. You pick a handful of these lower demand keywords and optimize pages on your blog or website for these specific terms.

The net result is that you will tend to be able to rank high on each of them, particularly if you follow the niche profit classroom training on how to do so.

When your site starts to rank high for first one and then another of these money matrix keywords, you start getting additional Google Juice, because you site starts getting recognized by google as being an authority site for these lesser searched for keywords.

Once you are established at this level, you can then start introducing more competitive keywords and actually sneak up on the marker leaders from underneath.

That turns out not to be necesary, as you start ranking for a half dozen keywords drawing a thousand visitors a month and frankly it adds up quickly.

Its a powerful approach but only a small piece of the Niche Profit Classroom.

Do yourself a favor and check it out now. And grab the $1 free offer.

Get 7 Day Trial for $1.00 Niche Profit Classroom

The upgraded site is live and the special is on. I highly recommend anyone who is struggling to find success online to check this one out.

These guys really and truly over deliver and you will get a sense of that as you watch the free video series they have prepared. It’s powerful stuff that you just do not want to miss.

I joined 1000 members ago, and am still singing its praises, as are everyone else I know who has joined this high powered success team.

Do yourself a favor and click on the link below.

Niche Profit Classroom About to Upgrade

Great news! Niche Profits Classroom is about to roll out a new version of itself. I can’t wait.

Now I’ve written about Niche Profit Classroom before. I used their system to create several niche blogs, and will be doing more.

Describing what it is however is a little more difficult, mostly because it is a lot.

What first grabbed my attention was their Money Matrix Keywords.  A powerful concept, that you can use and do manually to find keywords in high demand areas that are underutilized.

This secret can help a newbie sneak up and gain on established players in highly competitive niches. They gave away the essence of this secret in their promotional emails.  It caught my attention, and since I joined I find myself using it frequently whenever I do keyword research.

I particularly like it for my article marketing efforts.  It helps me find keywords that are relevant but less frequently used. Sometimes that alone is enough for an article idea.

But as powerful as I think the keyword matrix is, it is just one tiny part of what the classroom is.  They have over 40 hours of videos that walk you through almost every aspect of internet marketing step by step.

Each video is short and focused, so you don’t need to watch for an hour and then go back and try to remember dozens of steps.

When I set up my first site using their system I used their blog option.  I used their videos to walk through the process step by step. Now there were a lot of steps, many of which could have been game enders for me in another setting. But by going back and forth, I was able to figure things out and ended up with a very solid platform for my new niche. The second time through it went much faster.

When I did run into a technical problem I was able to get quick help from their forum.  They have ten people who monitor the forum to help with issues.  A lot better than a help desk where you need to wait a day or more to get an answer to an issue.

But what may be the best aspect of their program is there twice a month seminars. Now seminars are a dime a dozen on the web. But these guys do it right.  First they cover really valuable stuff. And they do it well.

One I particularly valued was one on copy writing called Chunk Copy.  It was an A-Z how to write a Sales Page, chunk by chunk.  But since I have joined I have learned a lot from many others. They record the sessions so that you can listen in later if you can’t make the call.  But you really want to be on them if you can.

One reason is that they have “Hot Seat” sessions as part of each call. Adam and Alen solicit members to put their web sites up for suggestions.  They will spend time looking at your site, identifying whats right and wrong about it and help you make improvements.  While I haven’t had my own sites up on the Hot Seat, I’ve changed mine as a result of listening to the critiques of other people’s sites.

It’s one thing to talk theory, it’s another to put it into action. And when you see someone else’s site being scrutinized, you begine to better apprecaite what was meant in some of the theory.

I have a number of friends who are also Niche Profit Classroom members. Everyone of them shares my enthusiasm for the site.  The reason is simple. Adam and Alen have bought into the concept of over delivering, and actually do.

For them it’s a business plan.  And I for one, can tell you it is one that works.

The new version is scheduled to open on July 28. You can be assured I will be notifying everyone on my mailing list about it.

As a heads up, they will be offering a 7 day access to the classroom for $1.

I recommend that you plan on taking them up on the offer. Use the 7 days to explore the site. Check out as many of the videos as you can. Explore the five different software tools they include. And above all, pay attention to what you can learn from the promo videos they will be offering.

You will see that they really do know how to over deliver.

Now there’s no where for me to send you today. So check back tomorrow, for when the doors open you really want to be there.

Should I use online article marketing for my locally based business?

Online Article Marketing

Online Article Marketing is a highly effective tool used to sell both hard goods and information products to national and international audiences.  But does it make sense for a small locally based business to use it as well. In a word, Yes!

Businesses use online article marketing to establish themselves as experts, to drive traffic to a sales page and to build back links.

While the first two are important, they are less valuable to the local business person, after all most readers will not be from your market place.  Nonetheless some will be, but that’s gravy.

The real advantage of online article marketing for a local business is to out rank their competitors on the search engines. And that does make a real difference for many.

Each time an article is listed on an article directory or published in an ezine or blog, a new back link is created which the author of the article can direct to wherever they choose.

These back links from multiple sites factor into how some search engines like Google rank your site. A site that has links coming to it from a wide variety of sources is more likely to be seen as highly relevant.

While there are many factors that apply to search engine optimization, in general, the web site that has a lot of  back links tends to be ranked higher than a comparable web site that has only a few. Online article marketing is one of the best ways to get a ton of such back links for free.

The key to your success is to identify a keyword that people search for, relevant to your specific business or a product you sell. Write the article about that keyword. Include the keyword in your title. And then use it in the resource box you prepare to go with each article you write.

In the resource box you will tell the reader who you are and invite them to come to your web site. You are usually allowed two hyper links by most article directories. You want to use your keyword in the resource box, and hyper link it to the URL of your web site.  Ideally you want it to go to a page on your site dealing directly with the product you are selling.

Such hyper linked keywords are called anchor text.  The search bots that roam the internet pay attention to them. By using the keyword, you are letting them know that the landing page you are sending them to is related to the keyword.

Thus when someone in your local market searches for “Primer Paints in Baltimore”, the odds are a little better that your shop’s web site will appear higher than your competitors. And that’s what you want.

Getting good back links is like naming your business AAAPaints in the old days when people used to use the yellow pages.  Now they use computer search to find almost everything. And that’s why you should be using online article marketing to build your search engine ranking, even if no one in your market place ever reads them.

For more information on Online Article Marketing go to my blog on Article Marketing.

Your Auto Repsonder: The Heart of your Business.

Do you have an auto responder yet?

If not, why not?

The most basic requirement for success online beyond the prerequisite decision to start an online business, is to acquire a professional auto responder service.  This is the second of my series of break through posts. Getting an auto responder set up is a critical break through step in building a successful internet marketing campaign.

You can’t spend much time online without coming across one of the basic mantras of online success, the “money is in the list.”  While there can be exceptions, it is for all practical purposes a truism.

The surest prescription for long term success online is to build a list of customers and prospective customers. This is true whether you are marketing from a brick and mortar setting or exclusively online.

I farted around for some time before I finally caved in and agreed to spend $20 a month with my auto responder company . While I learned stuff during that interim period, I squandered a lot of opportunity.

If you are just starting out, and are serious about building business online but have not yet acquired an auto responder service let me advise you to do it today.

There are hundreds of things you need to learn before you will be truly successful online. You can’t afford to wait until you know everything to take the preliminary steps essential for success.

There is nothing as fundamental to your success as having a tool to house and manage your business list. You can get by without a web site or blog better than you can get by without an auto responder.  It won’t be the only thing you need but it is so basic, you cannot afford to let time slip by.

Once you have signed up you will need to learn how it works. That will take some time. I taught myself with the tutorials on the site. And that was fine for then. However, I discovered a lot more about the advanced features of my particular service when I took a formal course offered by Bob the Teacher  some time later.

While everything I learned in the course I could have learned in the tutorials on the site, the discipline of taking the course forced me to actually do so step by step. And so I do recommend it, although it’s not necessary if you do your homework on the site.  I used to recommend Bob’s individual courses. The autoresponder course for example was $67  but it’s now cheaper to join Bob’s Internet Marketing Success Library even if just for a few months to take advantage of the auto responder course and the many others he teaches.

Now understand that having an auto responder doesn’t get you to your destination. It’s just one of the essentials.  You will still need to learn how to drive people to your auto responder, entice them to sign up and then learn how to effectively communicate with your list members.

Anyone who told you internet marketing would be easy lied to you.  But it is possible, and it is worth it, but you must make the decision that you are going to go for it, and then prove that step to yourself and the world by seting up your autoresponder and putting it to work.

We will discuss additional steps in future posts.

Breaking Barriers Starting with Basic HTML

Learning how to use the internet is not easy.

Despite the claims of all the eBook peddlers selling their alchemists stones, the reality is that there are many barriers to success online.

There is much to learn.  And it appears to never end. At least I still have a variety of hurdles yet to overcome.  I have made some progress though, and will in the next several posts here discuss how I made it over some of the hurdles that may still be holding you back.

These will be pretty basic for some of you, and for others hopefully just what you are looking for.

The first discussion is HTML.  The code that sits behind much of the web.

I am not a programmer, and have no desire to become one. But as I got serious about establishing a presence online it soon became clear to me that I needed to learn at least some basics.

You can get by not knowing HTML by using various WYSIWYG services to design, highlight, bold etc you text and even insert images. But as time goes on, you will eventually come to the place where you will want to learn how to create anchor text, insert photos, create ordered lists, etc. by the use of HTML.

If you are depending on “your computer guy” to make tweaks to your pages, a lot of tweaks end up not getting made, or get made wrong as a result of the time lag and communication barriers. When you can do it yourself, you are freer to make changes, and then change things back. And that ability to tweak a page is critical to your success in the long run.

I found myself looking things up on Google, which worked well. But my retention of information wasn’t very good.  And it seemed that there were actually too many places to get free help. All arranged differently, all with a different level of assumed prior knowledge.

In my case, I did not really break through until I came across the chance to acquire rights to a short ebook called HTML in Simple Terms. I originally got it for my own use. Over past few years I have given it away and or sold it to almost a thousand different people.

I printed a copy of it out, and keep it by my computer, and use it as a quick reference. As time went on, I learned the bulk of the material by doing it over and over again.

I may be old style yet. But I have found it easier to look up items on paper.  It seems easier to find my place again, when I am going back to double check things.

HTML in Simple Terms will walk you through the steps needed to create your own web page. It explains basic tags, how to add links, work with images, using tables, setting up meta tags, using fonts and colors.

I still don’t know it all. But I know I can find it when I need it, as my copy is always handy. That’s what I like best about having my own copy. I know where it is when I want it.

I am selling copies of this useful text at HTML Guide

Publish Your Blog On Amazon’s Kindle

I used to be an active seller of Amazon’s Kindle until I ran afoul of the Big “A’ policies on use of the term “Kindle” in my pay per click ads.  While Amazon doesn’t provide sales figures for its Kindle, I thinks it’s fair to assume it’s not insignificant. I know I sold a fair number and I was a very small player.

If you haven’t bought one yet, you can now, by going here.  Kindle: Amazon’s 6″ Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation)

I bring it up because Amazon has just opened the Kindle Doors to Bloggers. If you blog regularly, it’s now possible to sign up and upon approval by Amazon get a subscription to your blog listed for sale on their Kindle.

I did as soon as I heard about this, about 30 minutes ago. So I don’t know for sure that my blog will be accepted, but I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be.  From what I read, I don’t expect to make a lot of money from Amazon in the near term.  They set the price, not you, and it appears that initially the going rate is 99 cents a month. Amazon will keep 70% of that, so don’t order than new car just yet.

You need to make $50 before you will see your first payment. So unless you have a good way of promoting your blog to Kindle users it’s likely to take a while to get your first check.

That said, your blog will appear in their Kindle Blog Directory and if you have a good title, description and content, you will attract readers you may not have otherwise found. And that’s why you should seriously consider adding this venue to your marketing program.

It took me less than 15 minutes to log in at and get my first blog (this one) set up.

One thing about the kindle that makes it a bit different. They will publish images as well as the full text.

Your Business Can Climb to the Top of the Search Engines

You Can Climb to the Top of the Search Engines

  • Without Paying Thousands of Dollars to Pricey Consultants
  • Even if You Are a “Little Guy” Serving Your Local Market.
  • Learn the SEO Secrets of the Internet Marketing Pro’s
  • And Do It Yourself – It’s Not Magic or Voodoo
  • Get the Know How now in This Meaty Report
  • Discover the Resources Experts Use to Get Things Done
    • Almost Five Pages of Resources Revealed
  • Learn about the hidden factors on your web site that matter and what to do about them.
  • Learn about the visible factors on your web site that you may need to change to get top ranking in the search engines.
  • Discover the role of Anchor Text
  • Learn Why the Mantra of SEO is Back Links, Back Links, Back Links and how to get them
  • Learn how you can take advantage of FREE Web 2.0 Sites to Get “Link Juice.”
  • Discover how to Pour Link Juice from one site to another and
  • How to Avoid Ruining All Your Efforts with One Easy to Make Mistake.
  • And Much More…

Only $17.00

I Guarantee It

Buy with confidence. If you are not happy with the report for any reasons, just email me at (My eMail Address is also on every page in the report.) I will refund your full price with no questions for up to 60 days after your purchase.

37 Pages

My advisers have praised this 37 page report, but advised me that I need to refocus it away from Ma and Pa businesses.  “They will never buy,” they tell me. “They would rather hire somebody to do the work, than learn to do it themselves.”

Are They Right?

They may be right. So I will rewrite it over the fourth of July weekend.  The content won’t change much. All the concepts and insights will remain the same, I will just redirect the wording to the internet consultant community.  I may add some suggestions about how they can charge you hundreds of dollars for some of this, and I may be able to edit out some of the more basic “how to” stuff to keep it from getting too long.

How About You?

It’s up to you. Do you want to pay me $17.00 and learn how to do this yourself, or pay someone else hundreds or thousands of dollars?

I’m Not New To This

I’ve been working this beat for some time now. Trying to help micro businesses learn how to do this stuff themselves. That’s because so many of them are not doing it right.  All the professional internet marketers know it. It’s just not been worth their while to step in and give advice.  My first eBook on the topic was called, “Why Most Small Business Web Sites StinK!

Most of them STINK!

It compares a business web site to the functions of a typical trade show, like a home improvement show.  It compares aspects of the crowd at trade show to the traffic you get online. It compares three different aspects of a trade show booth with a basic web page layout. It also talks about the promotions at a trade show and the booth staff and what happens after a trade show is over. Each function is compared to the similar functions your web site should performing for your business.

Too Much Flash And Bang That No One Ever Sees

This comparison with something everybody can understand, gives the reader a clearer idea of what they want their web site to do. Too many businesses have nothing more than electronic Yellow Page ad for their web site. Others, have gone overboard in the other direction with way too much Flash and Bang that unfortunately no ever sees.

You Will Have A Better Page and People Will Be Able To Find YOU

Together these two eBooks will give you a strong handle on what your web site should do and how to get people to find it. That’s why I am going to give you this first eBook absolutely FREE to anyone who buys from this link before I take it down.

You Also Get this Bonus Ebook

Even if you decide to let someone else do it for you

There, I’ve made this as powerful a package as I can. Two ebooks for the price of one. Two eBooks that I have put a lot of thought and effort in.  I know that they will give you a far better handle on what your web site could and should be all about even if you do decide to let someone else do the work for you.

But Hurry

As soon as I get the revisions done, this page will come down. And let me warn you, it won’t take long. And don’t forget, I am offering you a full 60 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisified for any reason, email me and I will refund your money in full. No questions asked. So you see you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

Best Wishes,

Earl Netwal

The Micro Business Specialist

Top Dogs Talk Traffic Tips

Thursday July 2, 2009, 9PM EDT two of the top dogs online are hosting a tele-seminar you do not want to miss.  Sign up now, it’s  for pre-registered guests only.  I want you to be my guest, because you will learn a ton from it.

Top Traffic Tips Seminar

Doug Champigny and Willie Crawford, two long time 6 figure internet marketers cover the waterfront on how to generate traffic. This event is free, if you sign up now on the above link, but the recording of this event will become a hot product for resale when the event is over.

Willie Crawford will cover Article Marketing, Video marketing, Podcasts, Pres releases, Forum marketing, Blog Talk Radio and JV’s and Affiliates.

Doug Champigny will cover Blog Marketing, Web 2.0, Twitter, Giveaways, Ezine Swaps, Tele-seminars, and Viral eBooks.

That’s a lot of  ground and you can be sure it will be packed with good ideas. Register now, and mark your calendar. This is one event where you will need a large pad of paper and a spare pen or pencil just to be safe.

Save yourself some cash and get a well rounded lesson in the various traffic techniques from two masters.  This seminar will be released as a for sale product, but you can get in to the live broadcast Free by registering now. Do it.

Top Traffic Tips Seminar

I can’t wait.  It’s going to be good!

How To Make Your Squidoo Webpages Easier To Find For Long Term Traffic

This is an article written by Bob the Teacher, one of my mentors. Since I’ve written recently about Squidoo and in fact put out a new Squidoo lens just this week I thought it appropriate to share. It appears I should have read this article before I named my lens.

How To Make Your Squidoo Webpages Easier To Find For Long Term Traffic
By Bob Jenkins

You may create the best, most useful content on your Squidoo lens, but if no one can find it, it is useless. To increase the chance that your lens will be found, here are several strategies.

Write An Effective And Compelling Lens Title

One of the most important things to do when you first create your lens is to take the time to create an effective and compelling title. You must consider two points of view here: what the search engines see and what your visitors will see.

You need to remember that Squidoo embeds tags around the title that makes it a powerful magnet. So when the search engines index your lens, this is the first thing they look at. If you do your keyword research and use keywords that your audience is using to search for your topic, then you will score better search engine rankings.

Let’s look at two possible titles for a lens..

  • Title 1: All About Beef Jerky – way too general
  • Title 2: The best beef jerky for healthy diets and delicious snacks – very specific with lots of keywords for “long tail” searches.

The point is to use the specific keywords that your audience is using in searches.

You also must keep in mind that your title must create reader interest. If you have a catchy title loaded with appropriate keywords, your readers will be more likely to want to dive right into your lens.

The title you use for your lens will appear at the top of your lens and in the title bar of the browser window. This same title will also appear in the search engine results, too, so they must attract the reader’s eye right away.

Ditto For The Module Titles

While you are working researching keywords for the title, repeat the process for the module titles. Modules are the building blocks for your lens. Almost every module has both a title and subtitle, which you can turn into the Sub headings of your new webpage on Squidoo. For maximum effect, use your power keywords here as well because these phrases are marked with tags and can also influence search results.

Your lens and module titles can be changed at any time. However, the sooner you implement better keywords, the quicker your traffic will increase.

Load Your Lens With Relevant Tags

Another area to consider in making your lens easy to find are your lens tags. In addition to all the titles, you can add up to 40 additional keywords to your lens. So it really pays to do your keyword research.

Each tag can be a single word or a complete phrase. Make sure to select your very best keyword for the primary tag, and then up to 39 other phrases that are likely to attract very targeted traffic.

Okay, But How Do You Find The Keywords In The First Place?

Keyword research is one of the most essential skills in internet marketing, and Squidoo is no exception. Probably the best way to start doing research is using the Google keyword tool, which is supposed to be used with Adwords, but you can use it with Squidoo just as easily.

Simply type in the phrase Google Keyword Tool into Google, and it’s the first result. Once inside the dashboard, simply type in the phrase you believe is the best phrase for your topic and you will quickly see how your phrase compares in search volume and advertiser competition to similar phrases.

Whatever keyword phrases have the best volume/advertiser competition combination are your winners. Use them in your lens and module titles, and again in your tags.

Find Out What’s Popular With The Squidoo Tag Clouds

One of the hidden sources for keyword ideas is the Squidoo tag cloud. You’ll find the link to this at the bottom of every page, labeled as Tag Clouds.

Tag clouds are graphical representations of the most popular and most relevant topics on Squidoo. In the tag cloud the larger sized words indicate a more popular term. If your lens is related to these topics, be sure to include them in your keyword tags so you will be more easily found by Squidoo users.

These tags may also appear sooner in Google search results than your lens. However, by including the tags in your lens, you’re just one more click away for your next customer.

Link To Your Lens Wherever You Can

The final piece of this Squidoo Secret is to post a link to your lens wherever you can. There are many different ways to do this.

Blog Comments

Any time that you post a comment on a blog, be sure to include your lens URL in the comment form. Make sure you include the http:// in order for it to become an active link. You may also want to include a link at the bottom of your comment using a standard HTML linking code. However, be careful with this as some blog owners will flag your comment as spam if they believe your post is simply being used to get a link.

The rule of thumb for any blog comment is to make sure you are adding productively to the conversation. Leaving great comments will result in better traffic.

Forum Posts

Be sure to follow the rules of the site that you are posting to. Some forums for example will not let you include a website address in your post. Also make sure that your post is relevant and adds to the quality of the forum thread.

For example, don’t just reply to a post with “Great Post!”, and then include your link. Express why it is such a great post. If you disagree with the author, tell why. When you take the time to add to the content, it will pay off with increased traffic to your lens.

The best place to link from a forum is in your signature. This is often changed in a tab labeled Settings or Profile. Be sure to make your link active by using the correct forum BB code.

Email Signatures

One often overlooked method of increasing traffic to a website is using an email signature. By including your squidoo lens URL and a short description on every piece of email you send out, you can increase traffic to your lens.

Use this in your personal and business emails as well as at the bottom of your autoresponder newsletters and broadcasts.

Your Blog and Websites

If you have any existing websites be sure to include your lens. If you have a blog, announce your new lens and discuss its purpose. Then encourage your readers to look at it and provide you feedback on a lens guestbook. Use the sidebar of your blog to provide an easy to find link to your lens for every new visitor.

Making Your Lens Easy To Find Will Pay Off With Long Term Traffic

It may seem like a lot of work up-front to do all of the keyword research. But it will pay off dividends in traffic. By using relevant titles and key word tags, along with consistent linking strategies, it will be easier for your audience to find your lens. Thus you will begin to gather your tribe and be well on you way to being a great Squidoo lensmaster.

Bob Jenkins is a globally recognized Web 2.0 expert, specializing in the use of blogs and Squidoo for marketing.
Bob provides comprehensive Squidoo tutorials in video, audio, and print format at

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