Product Creation Criteria

There are six key criteria that you need to keep in mind when contemplating creating a product for sale on the internet.  These are Demand, price, title, contents, format and affiliate links. I explain the first three of the six in the video below.

In the next video in this series I will discuss content, format and affiliate links. This series is based on the material in the Product Creation module of my 8 module program called Internet Marketing Intensive. To learn more about it click on the advert at the top right of this page under the blue Twitter Bird.

[tags]product creation, product creation criteria, Pricing products, Demand considerations, Title considerations, [/tags]

Get ’em all Thank You Bonus!

Watch for it – In a couple of days I will be offering a nice free bonus to people who take my advice and invest in one or both of two attractive new products.

That’s right, you can get the entire 8 volume Internet Marketing Intensive
(IMI) video series, my two popular ebooks, “Why Most Small Business
Web Sites Stink!”, and “Main Street Rises to the Top of the Search Engines”,
just for buying one of two great products through my link.

Now I know many of you have one or more of the ebooks and maybe one
or two of the IMI modules, but few if any of you have the full set plus the ebooks.

Now you can.

These are my baby’s. I’ve put some effort into each and will continue to sell
each of them long into the future. But now for a limited time you can get
a chance to get them gratis as a bonus.

The first chance to qualify for this bonus is coming up on Thursday
with the launch of George Brown’s Traffic Ultimatum. I will send you details then.

Hopefully by now you have seen the brilliant video George has created showing his innovative way of using other people’s You Tube videos for fabulous gains. I can’t wait till you have had a chance to seehis entire program. You will be blown away.
It’s a case of young eyes seeing things right in front of us and
taking action to make things happen. George Brown deserves a pat on
the back for this one. We are lucky he is sharing this with us.

So nothing to buy today, save your pennies until Thursday. And do
check out this video by the youngster, if you haven’t already.

PS: I will write you about another opportunity to grab
this bonus in a few days.

Do You Want A Job or a Business?

In this third session on product creation, I want to drive home a very simple point.  I do so, because I am guilty of doing this wrong in the past.  When I started my first significant home based business I took my hobby which was a version of stamp collecting and created a job out of it as an eBay marketer.

I thought I had a business, but all I really had was an online tread mill, where I was working long hours getting product scanned, described and listed every day and then packaged and shipped.  Frankly it took the joy out of my hobby and did not lead me where I wanted to be financially.

Thus in today’s video, I want to stress just one point.  You need to be thinking about creating a business online an not a job.

[tags]affiliate marketing,information product creation, product creation, information product, info product, info product creation, home based business[/tags]

Affiliate Marketers, You Need to Change

The easiest way to start making money on line for most people is via affiliate marketing. But, if you really want to make significant money you  need to give serious thought to creating your own information product.

In this second video in my Information Product Creation Series I explain some of the reasons why.

[tags] affiliate marketing, information product creation, product creation, information product, info product, info product creation, ethical bribes, opt in forms, email marketing [/tags]

Information Product Creation – an Introduction

I am starting a new series today on Information Product Creation. I intend to do the bulk of this via short videos recorded with my Flip Camera.  The first is below.

[tags]information product creation, product creation, information product, info product, info product creation, ethical bribes, opt in forms, email marketing[/tags]

Need Help Getting Your Online Marketing Booming?

Do you need help getting your online marketing off the ground?

If you do, I would like to help, but first things first, I need to get a better handle on where you are currently in terms of your existing computer skills and also in terms of your existing marketing plan.

If you haven’t mastered some of the basics, I may want to send you to a program Marlon Sanders has put together called, How to Make Your Computer Do What You Want It To — The Ultimate Beginners Guide.”

It is designed to help computer beginners or relative novices get the basics down fast. It’s a paid program but well worth the investment if you are not “up to speed” in basic computer skills like

How To Download exe’s, pictures, programs, PDF’s and MP3 files:

How to use Email, attached files, and understand email terms:

How to use Windows Explorer:

How to cut, copy and paste, drag and drop, open multiple windows and use your program files:

How to use FTP Programs to put up your own web site:

How to take the mystery and frustration out of using Windows: Your Windows Desktop — Windows System Tray — The Taskbar —

How to correctly save files.

And more…

The above are prerequisites for anyone who wants to maximize the potential of their computer. Many programs will assume you know all of these things.  If you don’t you will not be able to take advantage of the training I or anyone else has to offer you.

Now don’t feel bad if you are less than certain in any of these area’s. You would be surprised at how many people are in the same boat.  But it is time that you do something about it.  This is the first baby step.

The next basic level is the second baby step. You will need to learn about web hosting, cpanel and setting up auto responders.  I will discuss these and some possible resources in my next posting here.

In the meanwhile, if you are less than 100% on any of the above topics be sure to invest some time and effort in learning them.  Marlon’s program, How to Make Your Computer Do What You Want It To — The Ultimate Beginners Guide.” will give you the essential solid foundation you need.

In the meanwhile, I welcome emails to on any other questions you may have of a beginner or advanced nature.

[tags]online marketing, computer basics, how to use computer, internet marketing basics, newbie computer course[/tags]

An Anatomy of a Speech

I just created a new report to give away on my newest blog on Public Speaking.  It’s called An Anatomy of a Speech.

In it I provide some solid tips on how to go about writing a speech or business presentation.  To help promote it I also created a new Flip camera video which  is below.

I’ve recently become quite aware of the need to keep these videos short. This one is well under two minutes. I like my little Flip camera, even though it doesn’t like my “Es’s”

Some day I will upgrade, but for now it’s adequate. (at least I hope it is.)

Go to Top Public Speaking Tips to get your copy.

Powerstart 2010- A Testimonial

As many of you will know, I have been taking Doug Champigny’s PowerStart 2010 course the past few weeks. It’s a four week course and we are in week three.

This week we are working on podcasts and video as well as continuing to pursue article marketing in support of the new blogs we have each created as part of the course.  Last week we focused on getting a product created using both Master Resale Rights and Private Label Rights.  The first week was real heavy duty with a lot of article writing as well as blog set up and much more.

I have just finished the podcast section of this weeks work and am about to move on to the video section, but thought I would do one more quick Flip Camera video today to sing the praises of this course, and what it has done for me so far.

Unfortunately, my little Flip Camera is catching all my explosive S’s and you will hear them when you watch.  But please don’t let that get in your way.

Doug is going to be offering the course again starting the first week in March. It may be right for you, it might not be. That’s why I created the video below.

Listen and if it is for you, sign up at

By the way be sure to visit my new blog,  its at

[tags]powerstart2010, internet marketing, internet marketing training, Doug Champigny[/tags]

How to Choose Your Marketing Model and Avoid Chasing Rabbits, Dead Ends and False Rainbows

The Following Article is from Marlin Sanders and is used with permission. In the article he promotes his recent release the Writer’s Secret. I recommend this to you, if your meet the criteria Marlin explains in the article below.


If you were to look at the inbox on my email account, you’d see a zillion billion emails from marketers telling you all the things you need to buy to succeed online.


You can’t buy all of ’em, read all of ’em or do all of ’em.

What a pickle you have yourself in now!  What do you do?

I just keep teaching and preaching the road less taken.  Here’s how to avoid dead ends and stay on the straight and narrow path to online success by focusing on the ONE thing you must do.

Know what model you’re following

There are different models for making coin online.

1.  The affiliate model

You promote affiliate programs by getting organic search engine ranking or buying pay-per-click or other types of ads.

If you DO use affiliate marketing, make SURE you’re building your own list BEFORE you promote affiliate products. Your list is absolutely key.

— Article marketing is an organic seo (search engine
optimization) play. This is what MOST people do who are on the affiliate model.

Article marketing DOES work. But it’s much better if you drive your clicks to what we call an email capture or name squeeze page. That way you can get people on your email list and follow up.

Just understand that if you’re doing article marketing, it’s a play to get traffic from the search engines and also the article directories you submit to.

The downside of the affiliate model is you’re doing the hard work of getting new customer and putting them into someone else’s funnel. The hardest thing you will EVER do is get a new customer.

So as an affiliate, you typically do the HARD part and often make only a 1-time commission for this while the OTHER person, the merchant, sells product after product to that new customer and pays you nada.

Now, I have an affiliate program. But we pay on many back-end or follow up sales and not just the initial sale.

But would you rather be at the top or the bottom of the food chain? I advocate being at the top where others are YOUR affiliates.

Understand that a lot of people who advocate the affiliate model use that approach as a trojan horse to recruit affiliates for THEIR products.

Nothing wrong with the affiliate model to start with. But become a producer and promoter as soon as you can.

— Buying ads

Anything that focuses on pay-per-click (ppc) or other methods of buy advertising is usually an affiliate model.

2. The Web 2.0

For the most part, all the talk you hear about web 2.0 translates into getting higher rankings in Google or the search engines. So it’s an organic seo play.

Web 2.0 sounds like it’s some new beast. For the most part, it’s a way to get inbound links to your web sites with higher authority and trust. There’s also the possibility of getting traffic from the web 2.0 sites themselves.

You’re still either promoting your own products or someone elses as an affiliate. And if it’s the latter, you’re doing the hard part of getting new customers and putting them into someone else’s funnel who will THEN suck out the lifetime value (that is, a whole bunch of other sales in a compressed time frame) and pay you zilch on those sales.

I try to play fair by paying backend commissions to my affiliates.

3. The CPA model

CPA (cost per action) is an affiliate model where you typically get paid per action like lead generated vs. per sale.

You’re STILL promoting someone else’s product vs. your own.

The challenge with the CPA model is you typically aren’t building a list that has clear cut needs you can sell to over and over.

What you ARE doing is putting people into someone else’s recurring billing system. MOST CPA offers are built on recurring billing. With Visa’s new crackdown, that will likely change.

There’s nothing wrong with this model. But I prefer an evergreen model where I build customer equity. In other words, I build a list of loyal customers with common needs and desires who buy from me over and over again.

4. The organic seo model

This concept dominates a lot of the affiliate models and a lot of online marketing talk.

I actually enjoy learning about this model and have a filipina working on it (I hired her using the gameplan at

Anyway, the downside of this model is it’s SLOW to get those rankings and requires skill and know how. And the big thing is, you’re subject to Google slaps, whims and algo changes.

Google can change HOW it ranks sites and overnight your income can be zapped. OF course, there ARE other search engines and you can lower your risk by spending part of your time focusing on those also.

I think seo has a place if you outsource it properly. But I think it’s risky to build your whole business on it.

One of the problems in learning how to do organic seo is there are so many theories about what works and doesn’t.

The main game here is to get inbound links to your website. But Google changes their mind about what types of links are acceptable and what aren’t.

So you have to always stay on top of the game. And there is a ton of conflicting information. I’ve invested a lot of time and money just boiling the topic down to some evergreen things you can do that aren’t likely to get zapped by Google.

The other problem with this model is that the amount of competition for keywords KEEPS increasing! More and more people keep looking for low competition keywords.

So the competition for low competition keywords keeps increasing and you have to work harder to maintain rankings for those “easy” keywords.

This is OK. It’s all a game. And with proper effort and outsourcing it’s doable. I wouldn’t base my entire business on it because of the risks involved.

The MAIN thing to know here is when you see people tout all these huge numbers from an organic seo model, you can BET there’s a whole lot of something going on in the background. And probably quite a bit more than they let on about.

5. The PPC model

My friends Joel Peterson and Kirt Christensen totally rock at this.

PPC is good if you can watch your numbers very closely.
You’re spending money so you have to really stay on top of it.

The risks are similar to organic seo. Google likes to change the rules as soon as most people figure out WHAT those rules are!

Which isn’t all bad. It weeds out the competition.

You should know that a LOT of the gigantic numbers printed in sales letters for products about ppc are from selling things that are very broad market like ringtones.

If the product being promoted isn’t revealed in the ad, this should be a clue.

You’ll ALSO find out that a lot of the big success stories involve products that are either recurring billing or very large ticket like $3,000. If you can get people on a webinar and sell something for $3,000, by all means DO IT!

I’ve never concentrated on verbal selling enough to do that. I don’t like doing it. It’s not my cup of tea. Just understand that anytime you see really large numbers tossed around, what is actually DONE to make those numbers usually isn’t revealed.

Which is my beef with some of the products sold on the topic.  If you don’t show me HOW to do what YOU do but CLAIM you do, then you didn’t play fair.

Is the method fully disclosed? From what I see, a lot of the ppc stuff never reveals HOW the numbers in the sales letter were actually generated.

PPC is a pretty complex Game.  Still, if you focus on it, you can do well.

I don’t like having my future depend on the whims of Google.  Yuk!
I also don’t like watching numbers that closely.

But if you’re willing to spend 25 g’s in a month to bring in 100 g’s, you CAN do it via ppc.

If you DO PPC, you’ll probably need automation tools like the one Joel Peterson showed on the webinar I did with him the other day.

Very cool tool.  I also like buying banner ads as Joel does because there’s a lot less risk of a Google slap than with search.

I’m EXPLORING doing ppc with this software.  I need to see if I can get a process worked up that my oursourcer can use.  I don’t do this kind of thing myself but don’t mind outsourcing it.

6.  The Writer’s Secret model

The Writer’s Secret is about producing and promoting your OWN products.

And it’s about getting traffic via your OWN affiliate program, which is hands down the best source of traffic in many niches.

Here are a few advantages of the model:

a.  Full disclosure

There isn’t some deep dark secret you have to join a high-end coaching program to discover.

b.  It’s simple, logical and practical

I’m NOT saying anyone can do it.  I AM saying it’s pretty darned logical and practical.  And it’s reasonable to think someone who works at it can do it.

c.  It’s evergreen

Nothing about it that’s going to “stop working” or “get slapped” tomorrow.

How To Choose Your Model

1.  Know what you ARE and are NOT good at

If you’re good at spreadsheets and detailed work, ppc is a great choice  for you.

If you’re good at routine, sustained effort over an extended period of time and you’re analytical, organic seo may be your cup of tea.

If you’re good at writing, creating or talking on video or screen capture video, the Writer’s Secret approach may be for you.

2.  Choose a method with full disclosure

Do NOT start using a method where all the secrets aren’t revealed (or available at a cost you can afford) and where you have to spend $250, $500 or $1,000 a month for coaching to get the REAL scoop.

A lot of systems sound good. But the info product on it is really a glorified teaser for the coaching program.  So the method isn’t actionable to you.

You MUST have an actionable, doable method that does NOT have these deep dark secrets you don’t know that are required for success.

3.  Ask yourself if your model matches your abilities

Right now, the idea of video sales pitches is making the rounds.
It’s a great method.

Really works.

BUT — if you can’t talk, don’t like to talk, aren’t verbal or articulate, then save your money.

If you like to write, follow a writer’s path.

If you like to talk, then do video products and teleseminars, webinars or video sales letters to sell your products.

4.  See through the fad pitches

When your inbox gets POUNDED with people endorsing a new product or method, it has LITTLE to do with how great the product or method is and a LOT to do with how skilled the person was in doing reciprocal mailings, networking and pulling off a major launch.

It has VERY little to do with the actual value of the product FOR YOU.

Keep your head screwed on.

5.  Once you know your model, focus on your model.

Cut out the noise.

You can’t know everything nor do everything.

Marlon Sanders helps people with hopes and dreams figure out how to turn those into reality by selling stuff on the Internet.


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any products I mention

Builiding Your List with Giveaways

The Giveaway is Back.  While I feared it may have died last year in a flood of same old events vanilla events it appears to be alive and kicking due in large part to Rodger Hyatt and friends.

He has put together two very successful events in the past few months and has just announced a third which is now open for Joint Venture partners called EZ-IM Giveaway.

The secret to Rodger’s approach is that he has discovered ways to make it worthwhile for people to promote the events.  And he has built a huge following of large and small marketers to participate in the process.  If you are building a list and have a product you can contribute, you too should join as a JV partner.

In his last effort with Gary Simpson and Stephanie Mulac, called the Self Improvement Giveaway I had 130 people download my gift and join my list.

Now these days, I sometimes get that many and more from some of the ad swaps I do, but if you don’t already have a list in the thousands or tens of thousands, a hundred plus people is pretty good.  Had I upgraded, (and I wish I had) I could have offered three gifts and I probably would have easily double that number.

Now I going to repeat the old saying here. Bear with me. The money is in the list.  There I said it.  It’s actually in the relationship you build with your list, but the saying is a truism.  One I heard but didn’t fully understand and more unfortunately did not take action on as soon as I should have.

Once I did, through giveaways and then ad swaps my income has dramatically improved.  If you are relatively new to internet marketing and haven’t focused on list building yet. Start.

And a good way is via Giveaways. What ever your niche, create a short report you can giveaway. Create a Short Squeeze page, and get your product listed in the EZ-IM Giveaway.  It opens on February 5th at 10:00AM EST.  Join today and get your product ready if you don’t already have one.

So why are these events successful? Well in large part because they have been designed to encourage people with lists to actually promote them.  The upgrade money flows to the people who recruit the JV’s, which encourages participation. This increases the variety of products offered so there is even more reason for members to go to the event and shop for gifts they can actually use.

I don’t know what Rodger and his partners, The Mutrie Boys, Charles and Philip, have in mind for this event, but I am expecting some mid event promotions to encourage promotion by the JV’s. This is good for everybody.

In the past on most giveaways the bulk of the action occurred on the first few days and then next to nothing there after.  In the SI event I was getting sign-ups all through the event, and a big burst toward the end. It was gratifying.

I don’t normally write about Giveaways on this blog.  I have another where I regularly post current and upcoming events.

I do so today, because these guys have made a difference that can be of real value to you.  This event will get a lot of traffic, and if you have an attractive report that highlights your niche, I can promise you will get a nice list of prospects.   If you don’t have a report yet, use this event as the reason to create it.  You have a few days to do so.  Get it done.  You can use it over and over again.  Sign up today and get busy.

EZ-IM Giveaway

Instant Fast Traffic – A Review

When it comes to Internet Marketing, there is a lot of material out there that is little more than rehashed ebooks that go on about the same tiresome things.  I was half expecting Instant Fast Traffic to be the same, because admittedly I’ve become jaded to these products that are churned out on a regular basis. I even had the intention to check it out, and then get a refund before the 60 days guarantee expired. Surprisingly however, I found that Instant Fast Traffic was a diamond in the rough, because the strategies covered within all its three modules were intriguing, to say the least.

Instant Fast Traffic

The brains behind Instant Fast Traffic are Joel Chue and Alvin Huang, guys I haven’t even heard much about, but if Instant Fast Traffic is anything to go by, these guys are the ones to watch. Instant Fast Traffic is a 3 Module guide on traffic generation strategies, and each module is guaranteed to give you a free pass to a massive source of traffic from practically anywhere on the Internet. You’ll find strategies covering link building to article directory submissions, and even social networking. Let’s take a closer look at what these 3 modules cover.

The first module, called Search Domination Traffic, talks about strategies any marketer can use to get their websites optimized for search engines through link building. From email signatures to classifieds to web rings, these elements are often overlooked, but surprisingly effective in getting your links out there for droves of traffic to click through. I personally have never thought of using Wikipedia as a source of free traffic, so it came as a surprise when I discovered that I could indeed funnel traffic from Wikipedia to my website.

The second module, aptly named Content Traffic Invasion, covers content strategies and viral strategies. In essence, it teaches you how to optimize your sites and links using keywords, how article directory submissions can give you those much needed backlinks, and how forum marketing can be a highly effective tool in your traffic generation efforts. It also covers strategies that can make your links viral, from using quizzes to giving away free content, and even using Resell Rights Products to generate massive traffic to your sites.  Now I use and preach a number of these, but these guy cover stuff I never thought of.

The last module, Underground Traffic Funnels, discusses ways social networking sites can be used to promote your links, and how one can make their links even more viral through these sites. From social bookmarking to using MySpace and Facebook, Joel and Alvin leaves no stone unturned as they discuss practically every aspect there is to know about getting your links out there through social networking, joint ventures, and even offline strategies that you can leverage.

Newbies don’t worry about getting lost in all that information. There are process maps that detail exactly what needs to be done in a easy-to-understand guide for each of the modules, so I don’t see where anyone can’t succeed using the strategies discussed in Instant Fast Traffic. All in all, this is one resource I would recommend if you’re in need of a quick traffic boost.

Instant Fast Traffic

Four Times? He’s Serious About This!

I am impressed with Marlon Sanders.  Now let me be honest, he scared me away with his frentic style the first few times I encountered him. He talks a mile a minute and looks a tad bit crazed, but there is definite method to his madness.

Here’s a short video I created that emphasizes a key point or feature of his current offer for his Marketing Dashboard.

Now Check out his offer:

Marketing Dashboard

Who’s Afraid of Competition?

We have run into a number of competitors during our niche market research process.   Hopefully made some notes about them along the way.

While the initial inclination is to be discouraged by the competitors, the truth is that for the most part, they are a good sign. One you should be grateful for, because their presence in the market indicates that people are willing to spend money in your niche. Thus when you get your product(s) out there you should have a good shot at making money.

If there are a lot of competitors, that means a lot of people are making money.

What you want to do is subscribe to their mailing lists, and analyze their follow-up emails.  You want to go to their web sites and make a copy of their sales pages and analyze them as well.

Make note of the commissions they pay, the % of payout etc.  Figure out how long they have been around. Do they frequently update their web pages? Do they offer bonuses. What types of free offers do they use? And what type of up-sells do they present?  What are their price points?

You want to make a study of the major competitors and then you want to explore what they don’t offer.  What could they do better?

You want to do a SWOT analysis. Swot stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

For each of your top competitors, identify what their strength is, Where are they weak, how can you turn it into an advantage for you, and what will be most difficult to overcome.

Odds are you won’t become the dominant force in your niche overnight. But you can find a toe hold and build from there.  Find an angle of attack keeping in mind everything you have learned during your market research. And then don’t over analyze.

While it’s vitally important to research your niche don’t get stuck in the process.  Get it done, and create a plan and take action.

You have picked a niche, you have researched it and determined that it is vital. You have identified the types of problems people in the niche are looking for solutions on, and have a good idea of who those people are.

Now it’s time to create a product or find one of more products you can represent as an affiliate.

Understanding Niche Demographics

The final free tool we are going to discuss on this series on niche marketing is  The more you know about your niche’s demographics the better and this is where we are going to find the best information quickly and easily.

Go to and once there register for free.

Then pick one of the top web sites you have found in your niche.  Quantcast will provide you with information on their site and their demographics.  You may want to check out three or four or more sites to see how the results are the same of different. If they are different you will want to reason out why.

By examining the demographics of people going to the top competitors in you niche you should be able to pick up some solid insights into the audience you will want to target with your site or product.

Quantcast is a tool that you can use to find the demographics of your audience. This tool allows you to gather traffic statistics and demographics data for any existing sites on the Internet.

For this demonstration, we will continue to discuss the Sleep Apnea niche we have covered in past posts.  One of the top sites in the forums was

When we search on it we discover one of the limitations of Quantcast.  Small and moderate sized sites are not as well documented as are major authority sites. That said in this case they do return data which we will review. We just need to keep in mind that it may not be as accurate as we would prefer, but it’s much better than nothing.

Like Google Trends it provides a graph showing their estimate of the traffic to the site.

The Quantcast statistics suggest average traffic of about 14.8K per month.

The above 6 month chart shows a drop off in traffic in the months of November and December of 2009.  In this case the data is from just the US.

On larger sites, you can get world wide distribution as well.

Below the traffic chart is the nitty gritty and why we want to use Quantcast, the Demographics.

With this data we see that the searchers for information on the topic are somewhat more likely to be women, typically 35 or older with the largest group 50+.   Most are Caucasian with no children at home.  They tend to have had a college education with more than an average amount having graduate education, but their incomes tend to be slightly below than average which may indicate a significant portion of retired people.

With this background information, you now have a better idea of who your prospect may be.  To do this right you should as I mentioned check on several other related sights to see what variations in the data you can find.

This will allow you to brainstorm ideas to make your site more user friendly, which in turn should help the success of your venture.  It may also give you ideas on the type of additional products you could offer your prospect.

This finishes my tour of free research tools you can use to identify and develop profitable niche markets.  In my next post in this series we will discuss competition.

Puzzle Piece Pi

Pi is a printers term for when a job case full of individual letters used for setting up a page to be printed is spilled and all the a, e, i, o, u’s together with all the consonants both lower case and capital are mixed together. A frightful mess.

Internet marketing can be like that as well.  There are a lot of ways to do internet marketing and a lot of individual pieces.   Because internet marketing is not a single thing, but rather a system of multiple pieces put together in an ordered sequence.

What makes it most confusing for people is that there are a lot of different models you could follow.  And many of the different models use some of the same parts, but none require that you use everything.

This causes confusion for people when they are trying to learn the business. They are often tempted to buy a product for a part that they don’t really need, or maybe will need, but not until they have mastered another part of the puzzle they may not even be aware of yet.

My family likes puzzles and we got three new ones for Christmas, all of which were 500 piece puzzles from the same maker and very similar in the way the pieces were cut.

Unfortunately, while everyone was busy visiting my grand daughter dumped the contents of all three puzzles on the floor creating puzzle piece pi.  If putting one of the puzzles together was challenging, imagine how challenging it was to do three at once.

We tried to create borders to frame the puzzle, but pieces from puzzle A seemed to fit with pieces from Puzzle B and C. It was a real nightmare.

Eventually over a week, the dinning room table, the kitchen table and a dresser top, we were able to get it done, but it took much longer than it should have.

My guess is that same thing is happening with your internet marketing education. You are spending time leaning stuff you don’t need right now, trying to get it pieced together with a different strategy you think will work for you in the long run.

Why do I think that, because that’s what happened to me. I bought a ton of stuff, and found myself going in a half dozen different directions. It wasn’t until I accidentally ran into Doug Champigny at the right time. He was putting together a mentoring group he called Team Champigny. That was a little over 15 months ago.

It’s made all the difference in the world to me.  Before I was spending more than I was making online. I lost a small fortune trying to make pay per click work for me.  My only understanding of one time offers, was that I hated them because I kept buying them. I had no idea how to connect the dots.

I’ve broken through many barriers since then, learned to create my own products, learned how to promote other peoples products, built a list and much more.

Now I’m not where I want to be yet, this is an ongoing journey and always will be for me, and for you if you are going to be truly successful. After all success is in the journey.  But if you are going to step up and start that journey, you really and truly need to have a solid coherent game plan.

Next month, my mentor and friend Doug Champigny is starting a new professional internet coaching sequence, a 4 week high intensity power-start.

Now Doug is definitely a high intensity fellow, so be aware that you will need to be prepared to take action. But if you are, if you really want to break through and make this internet thing a source of wealth for you and your family, then you owe it to yourself to grab this opportunity.  If on the other hand, you are looking for someone to molly coddle you forward, and hand you wealth on a silver platter, save your money.

When Doug say high intensity he means it. And if you are up to the challenge, you will succeed a lot faster and go a lot further if only because you will be putting together one puzzle, and better yet a puzzle that has all the pieces you need, if you know what I mean.

Doug has made a real difference in my life and he will yours as well.

Get your decade off on a solid footing with Professional Internet Marketing Coaching

PS: The next post in my niche marketing – market research series will be posted on Sunday.