
Private Label Right also known by its initials as PLR can be a valuable resource.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of garbage PLR out there.

I have had success using PLR material and encourage you to consider it as a tool for your own projects. But keep in mind, that it is raw material that needs to be refined and applied to your purpose.

Here are 4 places where you can get quality private label rights (PLR) content: Quality Material with a wide variety of new topics on a regular basis. This one offers PLR Video’s a hot area with limited supply.

Some better PLR publishers I like such as Doug Champigny, Joel Osborne, Edmond Loh  and others only publish periodically, and usually with a very limited distribution.

In general, it’s a good idea to seek out material that has a limited distribution.

[tags]PLR, Private label rights, information marketing, product creation,[/tags]

Yearling Interview of Fred Lotgering

Today I had the opportunity to interview Fred Lotgering. Fred was born in Amsterdam, but has lived around the world in a lot of different countries. For the past ten years he has been experimenting with various home based business, Multi-level and internet marketing businesses.

The next Yearlings Interview will be next Tuesday at Noon EDT on Blog Talk Radio. Search for Yearlings or for Earl Netwal to find us. When you do, be sure to Favorite us, and plan on listening to future shows.

[tags]Blog Talk Radio, Fred Lotgering, Earl Netwal, Micro Business Specialist, Yearling, [/tags]

What’s it all about, Alfie?

For Baby Boomers of my age, the title will resonate a little.  I wanted to take a little diversion and discuss just what the economic act was we are engaged in as internet marketers.   We are gatherers and distributors of information to a needy public. We deliver what we do, just when the public needs it, which is defined as when they are looking for it.

We gather information in various niches and reshape it, edit it, convert it to ebooks, videos and podcasts and more.  Then when someone who is looking for information buys our ebook, we are fulfilling and economic need and engaging in an economic act.

How we assemble the raw materials of the content, is less important than the act of actually getting it to them.

I take this diversion and make this little fuss, because there are still some who somehow find private label material to be somehow less perfect way of doing things.  Instead, PLR or any other content source you use is fair game if your objective is to satisfy the end users need for information. And that it the economic function you play.

Now this doesn’t mean you disregard the intellectual property and copyrights of others. But it does mean you can feel extremely ethical when you are acquiring research and other content and using them as you see fit – when you use them according to the specific rights you obtain for them.

[tags]Internet Marketing,Economics,Internet marketing economics,PLR,Private Label Rights,internet marketing intensive,micro business specialist,Earl Netwal,information product creation,product creation[/tags]

Yearling Interview with Michael O’Reilly

The second in my series of “Yearling” interviews ran into a technical snafu at the end, but was quite interesting, and worth listening to, if I say so myself.

I had the pleasure to Interview Michael O’Reilly of Streamwood, Il.

Michael has a list of 1600 unique members that he built in the last 6 months. We discuss his background and how he built his list, and many other related topics. He is proud of his review site at, and has been developing multiple approaches to marketing online. He has had success with a You-Tube strategy and talks about some mentors of his.

He got cut off at the end, so it ends a bit prematurely. I will get better at this.

Be my Guest!

I would love to interview you during a future show. If you have a list of at least 1500 and under 10K or so, email me for additional info. Put “Yearlings” in the Subject Line.

[tags]Yearlings, Michael O’Reilly, Earl Netwal, Micro Business Specialist, Blog Talk Radio, Jeff Dedrick, You-Tube Strategy, [/tags]

Roy Fielding’s Blog Talk Radio Yearlings Interview

Well, I finally got the bugs worked out and the Premier of my new series called Yearlings is up and recorded on Blog Talk Radio.  You can click on the player below and hear my half hour with Roy Fielding or Tyngsboro, Mass.

The player is down below if want to pause it while you are reading.

Roy has been online since 2001 and is making a living with a list of just 7300 unique people.  During the conversation, we discussed Squeeze pages, followup emails,where Roy generates the majority of his sales and a variety of other aspects of internet marketing.

The next blog talk radio broadcast will be next Tuesday at Noon EDT. Go to and search for “Yearlings.”

The goal of this show is to discuss the issues facing beginning and intermediate internet marketers about the realities of making money online. Despite  eBook Promotional hype to the contrary, it takes time and effort, particularly if you are taking the boot strap route to success.

By sharing the practical advice of those who have made it to the first step and beyond, I hope to help illuminate some of the realities to those who are following in the footsteps of today’s emerging internet marketing leaders.

I would appreciate you comments and suggestions for future shows. Are there any questions or topics you would like me to ask future guests?

[tags]yearlings, blog talk radio, Micro Business Specialist, Roy Fielding, Earl Netwal, Internet marketing, internet marketing interviews, [/tags]

Reaping the Wealth of the Public Domain

We have inherited the wisdom passed down through the ages.  And much of that knowledge is relevant today.  Within the United States, material published prior to 1923 is generally considered to be in the “public domain.”  Or in essence public knowledge which you may use any way you want.  You may even reuse it word for word and claim authorship. Even though the Bible is certainly in the “Public Domain,”  I wouldn’t suggest that you claim authorship.

There may be veins of gold worth exploring in any number of niches.  Listen to the video I cut for more info including a good free resource you will want to know about.

[tags]product creation, public domain, information product creation, Earl Netwal, Micro Business Specialist, Internet Marketing Intensive, [/tags]

Blog Talk Radio Premier – not so good

Yep it happened.  The first scheduled Yearlings broadcast occurred as scheduled today, but with a few mishaps including the loss of most of the recording.  So we will do a retake Thursday at Noon Minneapolis time.

I fully intend to continue the series for 13 weeks every Tuesday at Noon EDT, even if I have to prerecord and/or rerecord some.

My guest today was and will be Roy Fielding from Tyngsboro, Mass.  We discussed his current list of 7300 unique players and changes he has seen over almost a decade.  It was a shame to have lost the bulk of our conversation today. I think you would have found it interesting. But it will be an even better conversation the second time around so join us if you can.

You are invited to submit your name as a potential future quest, we have spots open.  To be considered, you should have an established list of at least 1500 to 10K .  The first step is to fill out a short survey:

Product Creation Videos  Hiatus

I may need to take a break on the Product Creation Video, my trusty old Dell has a full hard drive after almost 7 years, and several efforts to cull disk space I may be getting down to the nitty gritty. Anyway in an effort to find space I appear to have erased a file I need for my flip camera, but I am now lusting for a KodaK zi8, what I really want is that external mike to improve sound quality. I may need to wait for the tax refund to resume the series as a result.

I haven’t given up on finding a fix for the flip, just haven’t had time to focus on it with Easter and the Blog Talk Radio taking precedence.

Starring Me on Blog Talk Radio

We still have a possible glitch yet to unwrinkle, but the plan is to broadcast the first of my new blog talk radio series called, “Yearlings” Tuesday at 11:00AM CDT, (Minneapolis)

The initial guest will be Roy Fielding of Tyngsboro, Mass. Roy’s gone from construction worker and truck driver to coach. He has a cut above average approach to internet marketing. Currently he has 7300 unique people on his list. He started list building in 2001.

We will discuss how Roy got to where he is and the lessons he has learned in the process. Go to
Or Search for “Yearlings” on Blog Talk Radio. If there is still a double listing, one by Earl Netwal and another by the Micro Business Specialist, it means that we haven’t yet fully resolved a possible conflict. They are both me. If both are still there, please try both and hopefully you will find us.

I’m learning as I go. If we flop we will try again next Tuesday, same time and same place.

Listen to Earl Netwal on Blog Talk Radio[tags]Yearling, Microbusinessspecialist, micro business specialist, internet marketing, interview, Roy Fielding, Yearlings, interview series, [/tags]

Twitter Traffic Results Getting Free Tool

Twitter had become the fastest growing internet venue over the past year, and it has spawned seemingly thousands of tools, and at least as many eBooks on how to use twitter.   With as many as a hundred thousand new users in a day, its important to keep an eye on Twitter.

Most of what I have read on Twitter focuses on how to build more followers.  Some is good, some is trash.  But truth is I haven’t been able to read them all as there is just so much.

A few of the products I have seen and or read have some real benefits, including this new free tool I signed up for recently. Why?

It does two things. First it does help build your twitter following. But more important in my mind is the fact that it helps get more of your twitter tweets seen on different platforms.  And that is the real benefit in my mind.  If you follow a lot of people, the rate of new tweets is astounding. There is no way I see even 1% of the tweets sent.

What Tweet Traffic Rush does is provide a reason for people to put your tweets on their web sites and blogs. And what that means to you is that people are more likely to actually see you tweet. And if your tweet is directing them to an offer or web site, it stands a much greater chance of success.

Tweet Traffic Rush is viral. As such, it’s power will grow over time. As this is a new product, you are in the cat bird seat if you join and promote it now.

Create a Viral Stream of FREE Targeted Traffic to Your Website Using the Power of Twitter:   Tweet Traffic Rush

All you do is sign up for a free account. Then you will need to add your twitter username in an appropriate category so as to get a tiny piece of widget code. And once you add this widget code to your websites, blogs or social networking sites, you’ll start getting more targeted visitors to your site.

If you are tired of and feel difficulty in spreading your marketing messages across the net, Tweet Traffic Rush can get you thousands of visitors to your site on autopilot.

[tags]twitter, tweet traffic rush, twitter traffic, twitter results, get results using twitter[/tags]

Using Video for Infromation Product Creation

In the last session on Product Creation we discussed audio, which is nice an easy and quick.  Video requires a bit more to edit, and frankly I just do small shots so I can re-record when I need to.  Eventually, I and you will need to get more professional but for the time being quick and dirty videos can grab and hold attention, communicate yourself as a real person and create a more valuable learning platform combining visual with aural and in the case of powerpoint based videos that power of reading to the learning process.

Out society has grown up watching TV so the video format is clearly a widely accepted way to share information as I try to do in today’s video on video.

[tags]product creation, information product creation, Earl Netwal, Micro Business specialist, video product creation, create a video, [/tags]

Creating Audio Information Products

I like creating audio products, its easy to do, and easy to edit.  I like the free audacity tool for recording.   It took me a while to figure out a few things and I don’t know what I don’t know, but it produces good results. Just Google for Audacity.  You might want to search for a quick start guide, although I figured it out without directions…eventually

There are full featured products in the $200 range that will permit you some additional capabilities, but I see no reason not to start with Audacity.

I record, edit and export as an MP3 that can be downloaded and listened to anywhere.  It’s a great way to reach people who listen to  information while jogging, or driving or relaxing.  As such it’s a podcast that reaches the aural audience.

Audio recording are also a great tool for writing a blog post, report or major book.  Once you create your outline, you speak your copy.  You can edit as needed and even rearrange sections.  Once done, you can get it transcribed. It tends to be much quicker than writing.   This approach may allow more of your personality to show in the work and that is usually a good thing.

Just in passing, I should note that I got some useful direction on audio from Doug Champigny when I took his Powerstart 2010 course.  Doug really did a good job with that one.

[tags]Product creation, audio product, audio product creation, Micro Business Specialist, Internet Marketing Intensive  [/tags]

How to be an “Expert”

One of the biggest obstacles for many people, that keeps them from creating their own information products to give away or sell online is the feeling that they are not “expert” enough to share information.

This is a misunderstanding, but common, so in the video below, I describe how one might go about creating an eBook from scratch in a brand new niche that you know nothing about and then spend a little time clarifying what an expert is.

[tags]Product creation, information product creations, internet marketing, Earl Netwal, Micro Business Specialist, Internet marketing intensive, Expert, what is an expert [/tags]

Boost Seminar – Take Aways

Last weekend I attended Jeff Mills Boost Seminar in St Paul, Mn. which is so close to my home in South Minneapolis, I almost felt obligated to go.

The event was three days and on each of the days there were four presenters who shared with the gathered crowd about 90 minutes each. I found several of the presenters more personally useful than others, you may have found others more significant than I, depending on your particular interests and level of experience online.

My intention of to share some of the takeaways I got from the event over the next week or so, intermixed with my ongoing series on Product Creation. Otherwise I risk losing too much of the material.

As it is I will just be hitting some of the key points I learned, it would be too much work to redo all my notes and probably not fair to those who paid to attend the event and the speakers.

On the first day, the presenter who most impressed me with his willingness to share useful information was Greg Cesar.

Greg Cesar and Earl Netwal

His presentation was called, “How to Identify H0t Profitable Markets and Use PPC Advertising Like a Pro.”

Now I dip into and out of Pay Per Click from time to time, but it is not my main focus.

In today’s post I just want to focus on one key point that Greg hit home, that applies in many ways to many markets, media and circumstances, and that is what he called “Mind Set Questions.”

He is of course talking about prospects who might be clicking on a Pay Per Click ad, be it Google or some other.  The question is where is that person, about to do the search in terms of their mindset. Are they just beginning a search for information, or are they about to make a buying decision.

I discuss this concept in another way on my blog on Top Public Speaking Tips as well.  Whenever, you are selling or promoting an idea you need to not only know your product, but your audience.

You want to know who they are, what they are looking for, where they are going to get it, why they want it and when do they need it.

This of course is easier to say than to do. But in terms of Pay Per Click advertising a person searching for the keyword, “Digital Camera’s” is far more likely to be in the early information gathering stage than the person who is searching for: “Nikon Colorpix 4600”

Thus it makes sense to be creating keywords that are aimed at the prospect who is about to make that buying decision, doesn’t it?

Well let’s add one more for today:  some keywords can get pretty expensive for pay per click advertising. But if you are willing to be creative you can come up with alternative words by thinking out of the box.

Here’s two ideas to get you started.

Rather than searching for keywords to substitute for Golf or Golfing, consider setting up local searches for the names of local golf courses to find your local niche interested in golf.  Many will have few if any competitors and you should be able to find lots of local traffic that will be open to your golf related offer.

Another idea, I have implemented was to search on Amazon for book titles that were relevant to a particular topic. By looking for the top two or three book titles I choose one in one of my niches that was being searched for by word of mouth, and found that the only other advertiser for the title was amazon itself. My alternative product is now being seen and getting clicked on for much less than many of the long tail keywords I had previously been using.

[tags]pay per click, Greg Cesar, Keyword, keywords, Jeff Mills, Boost Seminar, long tail keywords [/tags]

Write Your Own Information Product

Of the seven approaches the creating an information product the first and most obvious is to write your own, the old fashioned way.  As I mention in the video below, you do not need to be an English major to write a good and useful information product.

In fact, you may be better off with fewer big words and literary allusions, and stick to the facts with simple clear sentences.

Once created you want to protect your intellectual property by converting your file to a PDF document.  Personally, I use the free Open Office Word Program which allows me to export the file as a PDF with a simple click of a button.

[tags]Product creation, information product creations, internet marketing, Earl Netwal, Micro Business Specialist, Internet marketing intensive, Expert, what is an expert [/tags]

7 Ways to Create Information Product Content

I’ve identified seven different basic approaches to information product content creation.  These I group into three categories as explained in the brief video below.  The next series of posts will discuss each of these information product content creation strategies in more detail, one by one.

[tags]product creation, information product creation, internet marketing intensive, internet marketing, Micro Business Specialist, Earl Netwal, [/tags]

Product Creation Criteria Part 2 of 2

In the last post in this series on product creation I share the first three of six product creation criteria. They were Demand, Price and Title. In today’s video I discuss the remaining three criteria, content, format and affiliate links.

In out next video we will begin discussing 7 different ways to create content. As you will see, you won’t necessarily need to be an accomplished writer nor do you need to be an expert in your niche – at least not yet. And you will still be able to generate a quality product that will make you customers happy.

[tags]product creation, internet marketing, internet marketing intensive, product creation criteria[/tags]