Time Management: Exercise Whirlwinds

In my past articles, I have advocated creating 90 minute work periods to focus on a single topic.

If you were able to do three or four such 90 minute periods every day and really focus during that 90 minutes on the task at hand, you will probably be more productive than 90-95% of people in the workplace.

To get six hours of real productivity in a day is doable, but I fear rare. My purpose today isn’t to dwell on these 90 minute periods, but rather the in between period between these focused efforts.

I like to create what I call whirl winds. I am perpetually fighting a cluttered desk, for alas I don’t always succeed in doing what I preach. So I use my handy timer and give myself 15 minutes to clear as much of the clutter away as possible. This is a great between 90 minute activity. Another great in between effort is to have a set of desk exercises that you can do between sessions.

Finding time to exercise is always difficult. By incorporating it between two 90 minute periods, you can get it in and refresh yourself between periods of concentration. I sometimes stand and do stretches, shoulder rolls etc., other days I take out my set of dumbbells and do some arm exercises or both.

It helps me feel good about myself and builds my energy as I prepare for the next period of concentration.

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