Making Money on Amazon: Jim Cockrum’s Proven Amazon Course

If you got anything out of the Ryan Deiss videos I was promoting here a week or so ago, or are at all aware of how Amazon has soared from wall street joke to Goliath you should appreciate this.  Amazon is one of the partners you want to line up with for the long haul.

I just started a new relationship by moving my newest eBook to the Kindle platform, but there is a lot more to Amazon of course beyond books, CD’s etc.  They sell everything. They do it well, and better yet, they ship for you.

As you may know, I started out as an eBayer. One of the best of the best trainers in that arena was Jim Cockrum. As you will see, he is the guiding light behind this new course, I think you should consider taking.  I promise you, he is solid, knows his stuff and a great mentor.

This could be just the game plan you have been looking for and its a lot simpler than most of this internet stuff.

[tags]Amazon, Making money with Amazon, Jim Cockrum, Proven Amazon Course, Amazon Training, How to Sell On Amazon[/tags]

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